Although the launch of the computer system for game and entertainment is still under planning, it has undoubtedly attracted the attention of two giants in the field - "Microsoft" and "Intel".

All along, in the field of personal computer, hardware is controlled by Intel and software is controlled by Microsoft. The two IT giants monopolize these two fields and reach a win Tel alliance to dominate the world. Up to now, "Intel" has always been a leader in the field of personal computer hardware, and its every move can change the future direction of personal it.

As for Microsoft, although it is only a software company, computers are built by hardware and software. If hardware is the trunk of a computer, then software is the soul of the computer. Without Microsoft's operating system, even if players buy a computer, it's useless. It's equivalent to a pile of scrap iron.

It can be said that the two IT giants decide everything about personal computers! They also enjoy the feeling of being in command. But now they are surprised to find out that a company dares to challenge them. Although "Intel" and "Microsoft" have many competitors and powerful competitors all the time, in fact, these competitors have not touched the core of "Intel" and "Microsoft" and are unable to pose a real threat to the two companies.

But now it's different. There are companies that want to move their fundamental interests, touch their core interests, and want to move their cheese. It's unforgivable, unacceptable, and uncompromising!

Is he crazy—— This is the first thing Bill Gates said when he received that "the second world" was going to launch a computer and system dedicated to games and entertainment. Who is he talking about? Who can make Bill Gates react so much? In the past, there was another Ellison, a "madman" Ellison from Oracle, but now, there is another Lin Feng.

All the time, all the time, although "second world" has two major PC core hardware production departments of "amd" and "ATI", as well as a dominant company in the online game industry, coupled with Lin Feng's always publicized character, "second world" has become the focus of world attention.

As a thriving company, "second world" will challenge the "hegemony" in its original field, which is a very normal behavior. This is the world, you do not challenge, do not fight, want a corner, the only result is not ultimately eliminated by the cruel society, or become a floating cloud, scattered with the wind.

It's good to be ambitious, but it's not good to be too radical. In particular, Lin Feng was so stupid that he wanted to challenge "Intel" and "Microsoft" at the same time—— Bill Gates shook his head.

In his view, it is necessary and unavoidable for Lin Feng to challenge Intel. In the field of personal computer hardware, if "second world" wants to play a big role in hardware, "Intel" is an unavoidable enemy and must face and challenge. But Lin Feng shouldn't get into trouble with his "Microsoft" at the same time.

Of course, Bill Gates understands Lin Feng's idea“ "Intel" is too powerful, too powerful. In the field of personal computer hardware, "Intel" is just like the Alps, standing in front of the world's major hardware companies. In those days, the Alps were beyond Hitler's invincible army. Now, the "Alps" of "Intel" is beyond many personal computer hardware companies. Therefore, Lin Feng wants to cross the mountain by bundling games and entertainment computers and systems.

But he made a big mistake, a mistake as big as Pepsi. At that time, Pepsi Cola's market sales were declining, and it was defeated by Coca Cola. Not only the overseas market was lost, but also the domestic market in the United States was completely defeated. Therefore, Pepsi Cola has made the biggest blind move in her life. She wants to use the appeal of KFC to enhance the influence of Pepsi Cola. But unexpectedly, instead of provoking the "McDonald's" this behemoth, in cooperation with Coca Cola, Pepsi Cola's situation is even more precarious. In the end, Pepsi came back from the precipice, abandoning all irrelevant industries and concentrating on making its own drinks at the critical moment, which brought Pepsi back to life.

Now, Lin Feng made the mistake of Pepsi here! Actually want to bundle hardware and systems, while challenging "Intel", undoubtedly also touched the core interests of "Microsoft". For a long time, "Microsoft" has been attacking in various fields. Some of them have gained what they want, and some of them have failed miserably. It doesn't matter to these "Microsoft", because the core profit point of "Microsoft" is the operating system and office software. Among them, the operating system is the core of the "Microsoft" empire, which is the butt of the tiger.

Now Lin Feng wants to touch the core of "Microsoft" in order to fight against the strength of "Intel", which undoubtedly leads to the tiger of "Microsoft"“ Microsoft will never sit idly by and even take the initiative to strike a fatal blow to Lin Feng and the "second world" if necessary.

"Bill, Andy Croft, President of Intel, calls and asks for an online video conference!"“ "Microsoft" President Steve Ballmer said.

Bill Gates nodded, and then connected to the "Intel" network video conference.

"Hi, Mr. clough, how are you doing?" Bill Gates said hello with a smile.

"Mr. Gates, Mr. Ballmer, I won't say any more nonsense. How are you going to deal with Lin Feng's launch of" game and entertainment computers and systems " Andy clough said gravely.

When Bill Gates smiles, he will not easily express his opinions on these matters. Although he is a major shareholder, Bill Gates will leave everything to Ballmer unless he is in a board meeting.

Steve Ballmer pondered for a moment and said seriously.

"Andy, the relationship between our two companies has always been good and the cooperation is very harmonious. I am also very satisfied with the status quo of our two companies. Therefore, I do not want anyone to destroy the current situation. It's just that I don't think we need to be too nervous in the face of some challengers. There are too many companies in the world that want to challenge us. We are not all faced with great enemies. We attach too much importance to them and underestimate us! " Steve Ballmer said.

When Bill Gates heard this, he gave Steve Ballmer a thumbs up. In dealing with interpersonal relations and management, Bill Gates thinks he is far inferior to Steve Ballmer. Like what he said just now, Bill Gates can't say it. It's not that he doesn't understand, it's just a matter of face and can't say it.

Now, Lin Feng's launch of "games and entertainment computers and systems" touches the core interests of "Intel" and "Microsoft". Lin Feng wants to challenge the two companies at the same time, and it is the kind of challenge that will make the two companies lose their foundation. In principle, "Microsoft" should be as anxious as "Intel" President Andy clough, but Steve Ballmer's tone is so relaxed, as if nothing. This kind of calmness and sophistication is not what Bill Gates is good at.

Andy clough frowned and scolded the sly fox in his heart.

In this case, although Lin Feng's game and entertainment computers and systems touch the interests of "Intel" and "Microsoft" at the same time, the situation of the two companies is different. For Intel, Lin Feng is digging their grave. They must fight and defeat Lin Feng. But for "Microsoft", Lin Feng's so-called game entertainment special system has a fatal defect compatibility.

This compatibility not only refers to the compatibility between hardware and system, but also the compatibility between system and software. At present, for all personal computer users, using a computer, whether it's Internet or games, he uses a lot of software. At least, the software involved includes browser, chat tool, download tool, decompression tool and so on. The kernel of these software is developed based on Microsoft's windows system, which is incompatible with Lin Feng's so-called special game and entertainment system.

Therefore, "Microsoft" has enough confidence to laugh at the situation, "Microsoft" can enjoy watching Lin Feng's "game entertainment special system" how to solve this compatibility problem. If once the system can run these software perfectly, Microsoft will send a large number of engineers to study whether Lin Feng's "game and entertainment special system" is similar to Microsoft's windows operating system. Only if it wants to, Microsoft can claim huge compensation through legal weapons, and even swallow the "second world" is possible.

It can be said that "Microsoft" is more dominant in the market because of its operating system than "Intel" hardware, and because consumers are used to "Microsoft" and "windows", unlike "Intel", its hardware is invisible and invisible to consumers in the process of using, so it is OK to replace "amd" with "Intel", This is the difference between Microsoft and Intel.

"Steve, isn't your company afraid that Lin Fengzhen has developed an operating system that is compatible with all the mainstream software in the market?" Said Andy Grove in a hateful voice.

Once upon a time, "Intel" and "Microsoft" were the alliance, and "Intel" could still occupy a dominant position. However, with the introduction and popularization of Windows operating system, their "win ter" alliance is more and more like an alliance led by "Microsoft", and "Microsoft" is more like an alliance leader, always giving orders. This is also the reason why the "win Tel" Alliance came to an end (only the cold treatment of both sides did not break). However, due to the threat from Lin Feng, Intel intends to start the alliance again.

Steve Ballmer smiles.

"Andy, I'm looking forward to the emergence of Lin Feng's game entertainment system. The so-called crisis is also an opportunity. Maybe it will be another opportunity for Microsoft to take off. " Steve Ballmer said.

Steve Ballmer really wants to see what Lin Feng's "game entertainment special system" will look like. If it is really launched, "Microsoft" does not mind Secretly helping it promote or even occupy the market under certain conditions, as long as the "game entertainment special system" plagiarizes or imitates "Microsoft" system, Steve Ballmer really doesn't mind Lin Feng's "game entertainment system". At that time, Microsoft will be able to seize the opportunity to swallow the "second world" by suing for tens of billions of dollars.

"Cloud computing", "dynamic neglect and compensation technology", online game market share, top 10 game development departments... All these are coveted by "Microsoft", but "Microsoft" has never had the opportunity to enter this field. How high is the profit of online games? Just look at the market value of "second world" now approaching 100 billion US dollars. But because "the second world" holds the most advanced technology in the field of online games, and dominates this field with excellent games and advanced technology, "Microsoft" does not want to rush into this field.

After all, "Microsoft" is now wrestling with "Sony" and "Nintendo" in the home computer market, and does not want to be distracted at the same time, wrestling with "the second world" in the field of online games. It's too irrational and too difficult.

Now, Lin Feng has given "Microsoft" this opportunity. This opportunity is like pie in the sky—— Think of the future, once due to external forces, or other reasons, Lin Feng's "game entertainment" system detects any windows operating system related code, bingo, "Microsoft" will be great!

This is also the reason why "Microsoft" is not worried about Lin Feng's "game entertainment special system".

However, seeing Andy clough's gloomy expression, Steve Ballmer's face was instantly covered with a kind smile. Although "Microsoft" is so powerful that people dare not look up to it, "Intel" as an ally can't be offended. It can be ignored or even ignored, but it can't offend.

"Andy, in this matter, we Microsoft will be in line with your company. But my view is that we should lead this tiger out, then cut off his back, and then "kill" him. " Steve Ballmer said.

Andy clough frowned. Steve Ballmer has always strangled the threat in the cradle. He wants to let the "threat" grow up and then deal with it. Andy clough doesn't quite understand this.

"Andy, you have to understand. Lin Feng, a tiger, is growing up. If we can't get him out of the nest now, it's like we've built a haven for him to concentrate on his career. With all due respect, there is no company in the online game industry that is the rival of "the second world". If we allow it to develop, it will be too late for us to cope with it! This is just a plan, an opportunity to let the tiger out of the cage Steve Ballmer said.

Andy clough sniffs and nods.

Immediately, they had a detailed discussion and decided to wait and see the change for a while and deal with it coldly( To be continued, if you want to know the future, please log in , more chapters, support authors, support legitimate reading!)