The establishment of the game R & D department marks that the management of "second world" is more standardized“ Second world will also have a special department to analyze the market prospects and technical standards of a game, and will select the department most suitable for the development and operation of its game.

Cui Ming and others agree with this "game R & D department". In this way, as a game development department, they will be able to devote all their energy to making games instead of racking their brains to analyze whether a game is worth developing and whether its market prospect is bright. They only need to submit a game development report, and then the "game development department" will analyze it, This can also put an end to personal feelings and other factors and the wrong judgment of the success or failure of a game.

For Lin Feng, the establishment of the "game R & D department" is also to further grasp the control of the company firmly in mind. In this way, the "game R & D department", "game development department" and "game customer service department" will form a tripartite confrontation, and Lin Feng's control will be more stable. Of course, this "game R & D department" is also a lock that Lin Feng added to himself. There are many ideas about the game in Lin Feng's mind, but not every idea is executable, not every idea is executable.

But in the past, Lin Feng's personal prestige was too big, which directly led to no one in the company to refute Lin Feng's will. Even if refuted, it can be passed by an absolute majority after the final vote. Some good and avant-garde ideas can be realized in this way, but some bad ideas lack a supervision department. This "game R & D department" is a "level" set by Lin Feng.

At that time, Lin Feng only needs to submit his ideas to the "game R & D department". It is natural for professionals to analyze whether it can be turned into a game and give Lin Feng an objective analysis report. This will also allow Lin Feng to reexamine whether it is worth promoting the plan.

Subsequently, with the full promotion of Lin Feng, the "game R & D department" was quickly established. In order to meet the strategic vision of the "second world" global strategy, the "game R & D department" set up a minister, two vice ministers, and three senior advisers.

However, it is a headache about these six main management candidates. In such a big "second world", multinational companies with assets of nearly 100 billion US dollars can not find six talents, which is really ridiculous. But if you want to meet Lin Feng's conditions, it's really hard to find.

As for the candidate of this minister, it doesn't need him to have much talent in game design. The important thing is that he has a good command of the game. He can clearly analyze whether a game is popular, whether it has the prospect of design and R & D, and what part of the players he is targeting. As for the two vice ministers, they can provide technical support to explore the design difficulties of a game. As for the senior consultant, it is necessary to evaluate the popularity of the game from the perspective of the players, as well as some constructive opinions on the game.

Lin Feng can't find any suitable person for the time being. Although the qualification of the director of the eight game development departments is enough, this department is separated from the game development department. Therefore, the director of the eight game development departments can't be appointed. Wu Zhaopu also has to be responsible for the administration of the company and has no time. Therefore, Lin Feng can only take the post of minister himself for the time being and wait until he finds a suitable person in the future.

As for the two vice ministers, Lin Feng decided to adopt open selection to tap potential from within the company. In this way, we can select the right talents and stimulate the enthusiasm of the company's employees. After all, always parachuting leaders is not a good thing for the company's employees. The so-called people go high, water flows low, no one does not want to be able to sit high. But if Lin Feng always digs talents from the outside and doesn't promote talents from the inside, it's not a good thing for the company.

When Lin Feng announced that Jiang, two vice ministers of the "game R & D department", openly applied for talents for the whole company, the whole "second world" was a sensation. For most employees in the universe, this is a shortcut. You know, once you can become the deputy director of the "game R & D department", you can directly enter the "second world" middle-level managers. Although you are not qualified to enter the company's daily meetings, you are also one of the important managers of the company.

At present, there is an endless stream of applicants. All the employees who meet a little bit of conditions have signed up. No matter whether they can apply or not, they have at least one chance, don't they. All of a sudden, the first words of "second world" employees were - did you sign up?

As for the three senior consultants, Lin Feng once again showed his unique style. Instead of poaching talent from other companies or from within, we are recruiting three senior consultants for all the "second world" gamers.

Any player who has been playing for more than 10 years, has fluent expression and writing ability, is registered as a "second world" player, and can stay up late for the game can apply for a "senior consultant". There are no restrictions on educational background, youth (over 18 years old), gender and salary. They enjoy the treatment of "second world" middle-level managers.

When the news was released, the whole network was shocked. All the players are boiling again.

Once! Once upon a time, some game companies launched some similar recruitment activities in order to attract attention and attract players' attention. However, most of those so-called recruitment are low-level jobs, such as being a "GM" of the game, being a customer service staff and so on. They not only have low wages and poor treatment, but also work long hours. To use an online comment, they get up earlier than chickens, sleep later than dogs, and eat worse than pigs!

But now the treatment of "second world" is reversed. Although the working hours are still very long, the treatment of "second world" middle-level managers is the same as that of "second world" technical team leaders. According to the salary inadvertently disclosed by a technical team leader, his annual salary in 2002 is 70000 yuan, We took a full 30000 yuan for various benefits and dividends, 100000 yuan a year.

Annual salary 100000! The career with annual salary of 100000 appears in front of many game players, which is just pie in the sky. It's amazing that you can play games and get a job with an annual salary of 100000 yuan. It's also very exciting. You know, for most players, the age of 10 years is by no means long. As long as men over 20 years old are not nerds, most of them are over 10 years old.

You know, it's been at least 10 years from street fighter on the earliest arcade to boxer 2003, from super Mary on FC to biochemical crisis on PS2. Boxer alone has produced 10 generations so far, 10 generations in total, 10 years. It can be said that most adult players in China are more than 10 years old.

As for the ability of language expression and written expression, a player who will be addicted to the arcade room will not be poor in language expression. As for the ability of written expression, it is not a problem. As long as you can write a composition and pass, the ability of written expression is not a problem.

Sign up! Sign up! Sign up!

Since the official website of "second world" published the application resume, many players have filled in the application resume at the first time. A job with an annual salary of 100000 yuan is absolutely enviable and enviable in China. However, the requirements are so low that it is rare. In just a few days, more than 10 million players signed up to become senior consultants of the "game R & D department". Of course, not only the "second world" game players signed up, many white-collar workers also entered the "registration frenzy". You know, at present, the so-called white-collar workers have a monthly salary of no more than 5000 yuan and a yearly income of no more than 60000-70000 yuan, but they are under great pressure.

The senior consultant of the "game R & D department" is only responsible for playing games, analyzing the prospect of the game market, and analyzing whether a game is feasible based on his experience of the game for many years. This kind of work is very challenging, but it is undoubtedly very attractive. For most adults, the game is very eager. Many people once dreamed of playing games for a lifetime.

Just such a dream in the cruel reality, turned into nothing. Once the dream, can only become a dream, life or to be realistic. Unexpectedly, now Lin Feng offers all men a chance to realize their dreams - playing games until they are old!

As for the registration conditions, which must be "second world" registered players, it's even simpler. It's no big deal to directly register an account.

Looking at the increasing number of resumes, Lin Feng gives a knowing smile.

The recruitment of three senior consultants of "game R & D department" for all players this time is not only to attract attention and reshape the image of "second world" as the No.1 game company in the industry, but also to continue to expand the game market.

Annual salary of 100000 is the biggest gimmick—— In today's China (2003), no more than 1.7% of the people can earn 100000 a year. According to China's 1.3 billion people, it is about 22.1 million. This belongs to the upper class of society.

But the vast majority of people don't have an annual salary of 100000, but they are eager to get an annual salary of 100000 and get into the upper income class. In particular, many white-collar workers, with a monthly salary of four to five thousand yuan, dream of getting an annual salary of 100000 as soon as possible.

It can be said that the "second world" provides them with a way to achieve.

However, if you want to get this annual salary, first of all, you need to register as a member of the "second world". Second, you need to log in to the game and enter the game. Because this assessment will be carried out in the game.

(it's finally 1000 chapters. I once dreamed of 1000 chapters. Unexpectedly, I have 1000 chapters unconsciously. Thank you for your support and encouragement. Thank you!)( To be continued, if you want to know the future, please log in , more chapters, support authors, support legitimate reading!)