Lin Feng is determined to create a new era of games!

When the mass media released this news, it was extremely amazing news for all game companies in the world. For a long time, "second world" has been the target for major game companies to catch up with or guard against.

In the online game industry, "the second world" is worthy of the king, many companies who want to develop in the online game industry have to catch up. In the field of stand-alone games, "second world" is a new force. After acquiring "valve" company and the new-world-computing game production team of the former "3Do", it has set off a "China frenzy" in the field of stand-alone games, becoming a thorn in the eye of "EA", "Ubisoft" and "Nintendo". Lin Feng later founded "second game", It is even more threatening to unify the home game market, which is becoming the public enemy of the game industry.

All the companies have been determined to develop better games and hosts (referring to the home computer market) to fight against Lin Feng's strong invasion. Unexpectedly, Lin Feng suddenly announced that he would launch a 3D technology revolution to make "IMAX" family and civilian. This is undoubtedly digging the grave of these game companies and trying to kill them all. If Lin Feng can really make the "IMAX" technology family, make its weight and volume pocket, enter thousands of households, make its price civilian, and let most people accept it, then the future game will undoubtedly experience a revolution, and will immediately enter the 3D era from 2D.

Once the real 3D era comes, the "second world" with industry-leading technology will undoubtedly dominate the whole industry. At that time, if other game companies want to make the game 3D, they must obtain the "second world" recognition, or certification. Otherwise, I'm afraid that even if they can make the game 3D, if they can't get the "second world" certification, I'm afraid they won't be able to use the "IMAX" device of "second world", it will undoubtedly be a disaster.

At that time, Lin Feng can easily "kidnap" the global game world with "IMAX" devices. At that time, the whole game world will have only one voice - Lin Feng's voice.

This is absolutely intolerable by companies like EA and Nintendo. In particular, after hearing that "the second world" is preparing for the 3D technology revolution, many players are so excited that they almost go to sing in the "light of the century" downstairs of the headquarters building of "the second world".

If "World War" can achieve 3D, all first person shooting players will really experience what is called a barrage of bullets, what is called a line of life and death, what is called a charge. This feeling is far beyond 2D games. After all, for the vast majority of players, they have no chance to experience a war game on the real battlefield, and no player is willing to risk his life to experience the war game. And if "IMAX" technology can be family oriented and civilian oriented, as a player, it will undoubtedly be able to experience war games at home.

What's more, if infinite terror can be 3D, it will not only let the players experience the scene like World War, but also make the players look forward to and excited. If infinite terror can be 3D, the players will be able to experience the atmosphere of the past horror movies again. After all, the main scenes of infinite terror are in all kinds of horror movies, There are many scenes that many players like to talk about, such as the beehive in biochemical crisis, the omnipresent attack of death in death coming, and so on.

Of course, that's not all. Lin Feng also throws a concept that can make all players excited to death - E-sports may also be 3D.

If the video games will also be 3D, it will undoubtedly be a new experience for the players. And for the audience, it will be able to say goodbye to the past, only E-sports players will be interested in, to pay attention to nothing. If it's really 3D, then the audience will be able to enter the 3D world completely when watching the game, and watch the e-sports player's game from another angle. And in the 3D world, the audience will be able to join in the "real" competition, instead of boring onlookers.

Moreover, if 3D technology is applied to competitive sports games, it will undoubtedly be more exciting. Almost all men have a football star dream or basketball star dream, but limited by various conditions, external, internal, congenital, acquired, the vast majority of people can not become a football star or a basketball star, but in 3D technology, players can actually experience the feeling of playing with many football stars or basketball stars.

For example, playing "nbalive", players can partner with Yao Ming and Jordan to fight against the "F4" of the Lakers, while football can choose Tottenham Hotspur to gallop on the court with David, Kaka and Messi.

It's a great feeling! It is enough to make all game players excited. Even if they are not game players, just to experience the feeling of playing with superstars, it is enough to attract the investment of many non players, which will undoubtedly further broaden the "second world" player group.

Of course, this will also give birth to more novel game modes. After all, with the development of 3D technology, the whole game mode will change. It is no longer just sitting in front of the computer to control the mouse and keyboard. There are more devices to let players enjoy 3D games. At the same time, the perspective of the game will be changed, and even the concept of the game will be changed.

These will be the changes after 3D. And if this 3D technology is in the hands of a company, it is undoubtedly very terrible. At least for other game companies, it's terrible. Even if this 3D technology is not perfect in the end, the attention and expectation of the global players to the "second world" before this is also frightening.

For the first time, the major game companies held press conferences one after another to respond to the action of "second world" determined to develop 3D technology revolution.

Peter Moore, President of EA, declared in a high profile that although 3D technology is beautiful, it will not be realized in at least ten years, and its price will be beyond the affordability of ordinary consumers. I hope that many players will not expect too much of it. The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. Our company will adhere to the concept of developing boutique games as always, and launch more excellent games for global players. Of course, our company will also invest a huge amount of money in the future to develop 3D technology, in order to let players experience the "real game".

Peter Moore's declaration is also helpless. Now the players are so crazy that they are lured by the 3D technology that they haven't been able to distinguish the southeast from the northwest. 3D technology is not complicated. What's more complicated is how to make it achieve a strong screen effect and make players feel immersive. At present, IMAX is doing the best, but it only refers to the effect unilaterally. In terms of price, IMAX can do nothing. Not only is IMAX powerless, I'm afraid the industry is powerless.

But Lin Feng used the IMAX technical standard to deceive the public, saying that it was family oriented and civilian oriented. How could this be possible! This is definitely a fraud. Therefore, Peter Moore must not let players continue to be cheated by Lin Feng. As for saying that "EA" will also develop 3D technology, it's just a case in point. This kind of words is just to be said, but not to be true. What's more, according to the usual logic of American companies, this kind of technology with huge investment and little effect is better developed by other companies. When there are technological achievements and the market prospect is considerable, it is necessary to use money to acquire it. It's really unnecessary to take huge risks to research and develop.

Compared with the "EA" President Peter Moore's deception, "Nintendo" President Iwata Cong is showing a potential to compete with Lin Feng in 3D technology. At the press conference, Iwata announced that Nintendo will connect Sega, Panasonic and other companies, invest at least US $3 billion to develop a new generation of 3D technology, ensure that its 3D technology has a strong screen effect, and let all players have the feeling of being on the scene.

Nintendo's speech is undoubtedly aimed at Lin Feng. But it's also in line with the Japanese style, to occupy the market leadership, and 3D technology is really the upsurge of the next decade. Now that Lin Feng proposes R & D, they naturally can't lag behind, can't let Lin Feng occupy the leading position in the market, and let Lin Feng decide the direction of the market.

With the response of Sega, Panasonic and other companies one by one, Sony, another giant in the Japanese game industry, also announced that it will participate in the "new 3D" plan, striving to take advantage of the technical and financial advantages of Japanese companies, to take over Lin Feng's brand-new "3D" technology and take over the market.

The media around the world were surprised that Sony was willing to join hands with Nintendo to develop the latest "new 3D" project. The two companies have always been enemies. They have been fighting fiercely in the home computer market. It's unexpected that they will join hands now.

Compared with the surprise of foreign reporters, Lin Feng is not surprised. Japan is a very united nation, although they are usually fierce, but that is normal. Once foreign enemies invade or feel the threat of foreign nationalities, the unity of all walks of life in Japan is unimaginable for other nationalities. Don't say that Sony and Nintendo are just a commercial dispute. Even if Nintendo is going to go bankrupt today, once it is confirmed that there is an invasion of foreign enemies, it will immediately unite to fight against the enemy.

At present, Lin Feng's "second world" and "second game" are the biggest enemies. Lin Feng wants to promote 3D technology. At present, the most advanced 3D technology in the industry - "IMAX" is in Lin Feng's hands. Japanese game companies want to fight against it in case Lin Feng develops "IMAX" home version and civilian version in the future. Then they must unite and unite their own advantages to fight against Lin Feng.

This is Japan! However, although its unity and cooperation can be rated as the first in the world, it is a pity that its national inferiority is still despised.

In the face of the response from the world's major companies, Lin Feng will not be polite. He still has a killer's mace( To be continued, if you want to know the future, please log in , more chapters, support authors, support legitimate reading!)