"Bill, I'll tell you directly. It's very simple. I don't ask much for this. In this case, the contract is indeed illegal. Let's take a step back. If you compensate Miss Avril $2.5 billion, it will be done. " Lin Fengjing said.

Bill was angry and laughed. He has given Lin Feng a lot of face and is willing to pay compensation of 20 million US dollars. It turned out that Lin Feng wanted $2.5 billion, which was ridiculous.

"Mr. Lin, with all due respect! If it's not for your face, we can compensate Miss Avril morally at most, but you are too much! You are asking too much! We will never agree to this request. " Cried bill.

Lin Feng hummed.

"In that case, we don't have to talk about it." Lin Feng gets up.

"Avril, let's go!" Lin Feng pulls Avril out.

Bill was stunned! Normally speaking, in this case, Lin Feng would at least say some scene words, such as "see you in court", "you will regret" and so on. As a result, Lin Feng left without saying anything, which was too unexpected.

But the more so, the more bill couldn't understand it, and he was afraid of Lin Feng's future. Only in this way could he be so confident and so indifferent.

"Mr. Lin..." bill called subconsciously.

"Why, is Mr. bill going to pay for it?" Lin Fengtou did not return.

"No, it's just..." bill was also stunned. Naturally, he couldn't compensate, but he didn't know what to say when he stopped Lin Feng. He's just worried! After all, Lin Feng is not an ordinary person. He is a man of miracles. Now that Lin Feng is here, he will not give up. Otherwise, Lin Feng doesn't need to stir up the troops and mobilize the masses to come from Maldives immediately.

"See you next time!" Lin Fengtou will not go away with Avril.

Looking at the back of Lin Feng's leaving, Bill's heart is cool. If Lin Feng draws a path, no matter what path he has, he can still consider it and find a way to deal with it. But now Lin Feng didn't say anything, so he went away. He was not happy and afraid of who he would be.

"Bill, what does Lin Feng offer?" Shanton came and asked.

"He asked us to pay US $2.5 billion, that's all." Bill said.

"What! 2.5 billion dollars, is he crazy! " Shanton heard a cry.

"Yes, I think so, too." Bill nodded.

"What did he say then?" Asked Shanton.

Bill shook his head.

"Nothing?" Shanton had an incredible face.

Bill nodded.

"After I refused, he didn't say anything, and then he got up and left!" Bill looked worried.

"I left without saying anything!" When Shanton heard the words, he also looked worried.

What kind of medicine does this Lin Feng gourd sell—— Shanton can't understand it, bill can't understand it, and the whole William Hill gaming company can't understand it.

Did Lin Feng just admit it and let it go—— The idea went through in people's minds for the first time. But this idea is just a good idea for everyone. We all know that Lin Feng has come all the way here today. How can he just forget it. If Lin Feng is willing to let it go, he will also accept the $20 million compensation they offered. You know, it's 20 million dollars, not 200 dollars. Although Lin Feng is rich and the richest man in the world, he can't be so rich that he turns a blind eye to US $20 million.

In this case, what does Lin Feng mean by leaving so quietly? According to the people's understanding of Lin Feng, Lin Feng came, and the proposed conditions were rejected by the people. Even if Lin Feng didn't tear face with the people on the spot and beat the table, What promise would he make. As a result, Lin Feng left without saying a word. What does that mean—— They couldn't figure it out.

But the more so, the more worried people are. It was as if a heavy stone was pressing on everyone's chest, making them breathless.

"Bill, what do you do now?" Many directors look at Bill.

Now that Lin Feng is gone, it seems to be a threat to everyone. Because no one knows how Lin Feng is going to deal with William Hill company, people feel as if they are being watched by a cobra hidden in the dark. They are all creepy and shivering.

But they don't know where the snake is, or even whether it exists, which makes them have no idea how to deal with it.

"Bill, with all due respect. I think this will be the most threatening moment for our William Hill company The old director who had previously reminded bill not to offend Lin Feng easily said.

"Old as I am, I am not confused. Maybe this time our decision is the most wrong one we have ever made in our life. " The old director sighed helplessly, "Lin Feng has always been the object of my study. His success can not be duplicated. I don't know how to describe it. I only know that this man gives me a sense of knowing everything. He seems to know everything in the world like God. Sometimes, I really doubt that he was God. But he often does something very childish and strange. But it is undeniable that this kind of person had better not offend. If you offend him, you'd better get rid of him before he's in trouble. "

When they heard this, their hearts sank. Indeed, the feeling Lin Feng gave them was just like this, with a feeling that they couldn't feel through. And this kind of feeling is undoubtedly fatal to gambling companies. But when it comes to getting rid of him, they have no reason to get rid of him. He is the richest man in the world. There are many bodyguards around him. How can they start. Whatever the reason, they have no reason to attack Lin Feng. However, the old director said that Lin Feng was God's coming, and people thought it was a joke.

"Bill, let me just say one more word, why don't we just pay US $2.5 billion. After all, our company can barely afford $2.5 billion! " Said the old director.

"What! 2.5 billion dollars in compensation, are you old fool! " Cried Shanton.

Other directors also nodded. 2.5 billion dollars. How can it be? They're not crazy!

"Yes, our company can pay US $2.5 billion, but it does too much harm to the company. Besides, I don't think Lin Feng has any way to deal with our company. Don't forget, this is England, this is London, this is our company's territory! " Bill said.

Many directors nodded. Indeed, let them bow to Lin Feng, they may agree. But if they are asked to pay $2.5 billion, they will never agree unless they die.

$2.5 billion, what a huge sum! How is it possible to compensate Lin Feng so lightly!

The old director sighed. He also understood that the compensation of $2.5 billion was a bit of a big deal, but he always felt flustered and worried that something big would happen. Lin Feng's behavior is too abnormal. No, it should be said that it is too normal. It's normal, just like a small citizen meeting a big company like William Hill. He feels powerless. But how can Lin Feng be powerless!

The old director thought about it, but left. With the departure of the old director, people also feel heavy.

"Well, ladies and gentlemen, I think we can stand on both legal and moral grounds in this matter. No matter what method Lin Feng uses, we can be justified. Don't worry too much. After all, we William Hill company have been operating in the UK for more than 100 years. We don't need to worry about a foreigner. " At this time, bill came forward to comfort many directors.

When people think about it, it's true. They really don't have to worry about Lin Feng. No matter how fierce Lin Feng is, once he passes the sea dragon, the so-called strong dragon does not oppress the local snake. What's more, they couldn't figure out how Lin Feng could deal with them.

With the help of the law, the contract is clear in black and white. They win every lawsuit. If there are underground forces, Lin Feng has them, so do they. Moreover, in London, they also have the support of the police. In contrast, Lin Feng should be more afraid to mess around.

After thinking about it in this way, everyone was at ease. Then they left.

It's just that bill is still a little worried. In this contact with Lin Feng, he felt that Lin Feng had changed. He was no longer as blatant as he used to be through all kinds of information. Now Lin Feng is still blatant, but this blatant is more daunting and calm.

Calm publicity, this is the most terrible!

At this time, Lin Feng has returned to Tottenham Hotspur club.

Along the way, no one spoke. Although Lin Feng's face is very calm, everyone knows Lin Feng. Since Lin Feng wants to stand for Avril and comes in person, and the other party doesn't compensate, Lin Feng can't let it go easily. But it happened that Lin Feng left without saying a word. It's incredible. Is it still Lin Feng in the public impression?

Avril just holds Lin Feng's hand tightly. She was afraid, afraid of Lin Feng, really desperate for her. Although the money is a lot, it is far less important for Avril than Lin Feng. If she could, she would rather give up the money and accept the offer from William Hill. However, Lin Feng's self-esteem and paranoia are also well-known. Avril doesn't want to come out at this time and sing against Lin Feng.

"What's the matter? Is that how everyone looks at me? " Finally, Lin Feng spoke. There was a faint smile on his face.

The crowd breathed a sigh of relief.

"Lin, I don't think it's necessary to worry about this. The compensation of 20 million US dollars has been very satisfactory." Avril hesitated for a long time, ready to calm down.

Lin Feng smiles.

"Yes, the $20 million compensation is very satisfactory, but it can't satisfy me. I came to the house in person and only paid $20 million for it. He sent the beggars! " There was a sword in Lin Feng's eyes( To be continued, if you want to know the future, please log in www.qidian.com , more chapters, support authors, support legitimate reading!)