"Ladies and gentlemen, about the relationship between me and Li Zhiyou, Avril and Huang Meixi, I think we all saw it clearly at the ribbon cutting ceremony. You can guess what our relationship is. As journalists, you naturally have the right and freedom to report the news. But I must remind you that if there are exaggerations, inaccuracies, even slanders and insults in your reports, I can guarantee that I will pursue them to the end. " Lin fengleng hum.

Many journalists were awed by the news. Lin Feng's words are warning them, warning them not to scribble. Although the relationship between Lin Feng and Li Zhiyou, Avril and Huang Meixi is well known. But Lin Feng didn't admit the relationship between the three people's time at that time. He just said that he loved them. The meaning of love is really too wide. If their reports are not true, or a little bit inconsistent with Lin Feng's meaning, Lin Feng has something to do with it.

Of course, there are also foreign journalists who don't believe in evil. They are not afraid of Lin Feng's investigation. They are not afraid of a lawsuit. They just help him become famous.

Oh, you are so tender—— Many domestic journalists feel funny about the same attitude of foreign countries. They are too naive, since Lin Feng threatened to investigate, it is absolutely not just a lawsuit so boring.

"Maybe many journalists think that I am exaggerating, exaggerating, or even disapproving. Yes, if I go to fight a lawsuit with a newspaper, I believe this newspaper will be very happy to help it fight a lawsuit for free. But I can tell you again that I will pursue journalists as well as newspapers. I'll go to whoever reports it first! " Lin Feng said fiercely.

Many reporters were speechless. This Lin Feng can be regarded as strangling their lifeblood. If Lin Feng didn't go to the newspaper office or the reporter, it would be too easy. If Lin Feng gets into trouble with a newspaper, the newspaper, as a news media organization, has countless connections in all walks of life. It takes too much energy to bring down a newspaper. But it's too easy to deal with just one reporter. As long as Lin Feng takes out a sum of money, he can "invite" this reporter out of the newspaper office, and then he will not allow any newspaper office to take him in. This reporter is unemployed.

This is a naked threat!

Terrible! Also very shameless—— Many reporters secretly scolded, but also helpless. Lin Feng also said that if you don't make random reports, he will not deal with you.

Lin Feng also understood that his move just now must have made many reporters dissatisfied, with a smile on his face.

”I believe that most journalists are sensible, professional ethics and integrity of senior reporters, rather than like the sun reporter, who is good at making up, slandering others, and three editions of famous newspapers. I believe that we can still be friendly and peaceful. I also hope that we can all live in peace, you help me, I help you, You want news, I want reputation, everyone help each other“ Lin fengxiao said.

After listening to this, many reporters finally settled down. It seems that Lin Feng's action just now is specially aimed at the sun. In that case, they don't have to worry about being beaten. What's more, Lin Feng also said that it's good for you to help me and I'll help you. As for news, Lin Feng never lacks news here. This kind of news is too private and too short. It's just not reported. It's not cost-effective to offend Lin Feng for a "superfluous" news.

Many reporters also laughed, the scene to restore harmony. Only the sun reporter, who was lying on the ground, witnessed the tension here just now.

"Also, I believe you have just witnessed a news event. A reporter from abroad lost his professional integrity in public. He insulted two beautiful ladies and two kind-hearted old people. His words were vicious Lin Feng suddenly sighed.

Many reporters didn't understand it at first, but after a little recovery, they suddenly realized that Lin Feng was going to take the reporter from the sun and nodded.

As for the foreign journalists, although they did not echo, they did not disagree. Indeed, the reporter of the sun just now was too unorthodox, and the swearing words came out, which insulted the reporter. What's more, the wind review of the sun has always been bad, and the colleagues in the press have never had a good impression on it.

"Then, a young man - that is, I acted bravely for a just cause, and prevented the reporter who had no professional ethics from abusing the two women and the elderly. Do you think so?" Lin Feng smiles and shows the fox's tail.

Many reporters heard the speech, a Leng, and then suddenly realized, a look of surprise. Later, he looked at the sun reporter who was still unconscious on the ground. Now, you are not only beaten by Lin Fengbai, but also have a good reputation of being brave for a just cause. This is really!

However, many reporters don't need to offend Lin Feng on this matter. Whatever you say, they will tell the police what they see. As for what happened after that, it's easy for Lin Feng to toss about.

"Well, everyone, I just ordered a abalone dinner in the Shangri La Hotel opposite. If you don't like it, you'd like to have dinner together." Lin Feng said with a smile, pointing to the Shangri La Hotel.

Many reporters frowned. This is a naked bribe. The so-called cannibal mouth soft, take short hands. Lin Feng's banquet is not so delicious, but can people not go?

"Please, everyone!" Lin Feng bowed slightly and said.

Come on, let's go! If you don't want to offend this evil star, you can go—— Domestic reporters think about it, anyway, they don't lose anything, and they can have a abalone dinner for nothing, which is a rare feast. Ordinary people may not be able to have a meal in their lifetime.

As for the so-called "bribery", anyway, people just say what they see, and they don't distort the facts. At most, they forget something. After all, we are all journalists. It's normal to run around all day and forget something, isn't it!

As for those foreign journalists, after you look at me and I look at you, most of them choose to leave. They chose not to participate in this kind of thing, and although they were dissatisfied with the sun, Lin Feng's behavior was a bit humiliating to reporters. If Lin Feng finally flaunted himself as "brave for a just cause", it would be a bit of bullying. Born as peers, they have to seek justice for their own people.

Lin Feng is not worried about the departure of these foreign journalists. A few of them are still in trouble. When he went to Shangri La Hotel for dinner with many reporters, Lin Feng winked at Li Rui and ordered him to find out which newspapers and personal data these reporters came from.

As for the sun reporter lying on the ground, he was taken away by 110 who came later. After a simple visit to the hospital, he was taken to the police station for temporary detention. Accusation - abusing others!

Shangri la hotel.

"Xiao Li, you said who they were and why they all had cameras." A waitress said.

"Hey, can't you see that? They're all journalists. Otherwise, how could they all have cameras?" Another waiter said.

"Reporter, how can reporters come to Shangri La for abalone dinner? Do they have so much money?" The waitress said in fright. The price of the abalone banquet in Shangri La is not what these reporters can afford, and it is 10 seats at a time, which is a bit too big. Especially this abalone, also indicated that is the double headed abalone, but also the best.

The waiter showed a Benshan man's face to the waitress who knew the reason.

”Xiao Li, just say it. It's a big deal. Someone will leave you something delicious later“ The waitress couldn't stand the temptation and begged.

"Hey, hey, did you see those people passing by just now?" The waiter looks around and puts his mouth to the waitress's ear.

"Who? There were so many people just now. How can I see clearly? " The waitress pouted.

"Just now, there were only two women in this group. I didn't know one of them with black hair, but I knew the one with golden hair. That's Avril, the pop queen of today!" The waiter exclaimed.

"Avril! How can she be here! " Exclaimed the waitress.

"Do you see the man beside Avril?" The waiter continued to whisper, and continued to enjoy the fragrance of the tip of his nose.

"Who?" Asked the waitress.

The waiter shook his head helplessly.

"Besides Lin Feng, the richest man in the world, who else can the man beside Avril have. The banquet was ordered by Lin Feng, the richest man in the world. It is said that the price of each table is more than 30000! " Said the waiter, holding out his fingers.

3 in case table—— The waitress was startled. Although the price of a single seat is not the most expensive in Shangri La, you should know that this order is for 100 seats. If the price of each seat is more than 30000, that's a total of 3 million. That's a big deal.

In the exclamation of the waitress's face, at this moment in the banquet hall, people are also in high spirits.

"Ladies and gentlemen, let's be honest about tomorrow's police evidence collection, and don't be embarrassed. I believe there is justice in this world! " Lin Feng said this, many reporters are secretly speechless. There was a moment of silence for the miserable reporter of the sun.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is the invitation letter to the press conference for the establishment of the second consortium three days later. I hope you will attend!" Lin Feng received a stack of exquisite invitation letters from Li Rui.

After "second world" moved to "light of the century", it also has its own separate press release hall, which is the best in China in terms of environment, security and other aspects. If you want to attend such a press conference, you must ask for it from the "second world" in advance or give it to the "second world", otherwise you will not be able to enter.

Many reporters took this invitation one by one. It's dinner, it's invitation, they already know what to say.

After dinner, Lin Feng and Avril return to the villa, and Li Rui enter the room. At this time, Li Rui has found the relevant information of the foreign journalists who left.

"Boss, they have reported it to their respective newspapers and it will be published tomorrow." Li Rui said.

Lin Feng nodded. This time, it's another fuse, but maybe we can use it.

Today, five chapters are updated. Thank you for your support( To be continued, if you want to know the future, please log in www.qidian.com , more chapters, support authors, support legitimate reading!)