As for Lin Feng, although Mr. Wen's words have already instructed Lin Feng to stop making waves on this issue, he should not "stir up trouble" and destroy national unity, etiquette and diplomatic relations. But since Lin Feng has seen the huge business opportunities and profits, he will not let it go. This is a great opportunity to consolidate the dominance of "second world" in the game industry.

The above is not to say no more and express more opinions, so I will not express any opinions. Anyway, many times, do not rely on mouth!

Lin Feng made a call to Ding Lei of Netease.

"Ding Dong, I have a little suggestion..." Lin Feng tells Ding Lei the idea in his heart. Ding Lei after listening, slap thigh.

"Mr. Lin, this method is wonderful. It's wonderful." Ding Lei happily hung up the phone, and then rushed to the "dream journey to the west" development team.

After many members of the development team of "dream journey to the west" heard it, you look at me, I look at you, and there is a strange look in each other's eyes.

"What's the matter?" Ding Lei sees that people's expressions are not very natural, and is puzzled to ask.

"Ding Dong, we... We... Ah..." Xu Chang, the chief planner of dream journey to the west, sighed, "Ding Dong, we used to be very unconvinced with Lin Feng. We thought that he was absolutely not as powerful as the rumor and had so many fantastic ideas about the game, but now it seems that we are really wrong. Lin Feng really has a keen inspiration for the game that ordinary people can't match. "

The rest of the game developers echoed and sighed.

Lin Feng's proposal is to add a small game of "little turtle race" to "dream journey to the west". Players can guess which little turtle won the final victory by pressing various tickets. Then the winning player can exchange money through the ticket. Of course, in the process of the game, players can throw stones at any turtle, throw stool and so on.

Of course, if there is only such a little idea, it is not enough for Lao Xu and others to admire and admire. What really surprised Lao Xu and others was the name of the three little turtles: big turtle called Junichiro Koizumi, second turtle called Junichiro Koizumi, third turtle called Junichiro Koizumi.

Originally, the homonym of this name is enough to attract people's attention. In addition, at this sensitive moment, there is a voice of "hatred of Japan" all over the country. The launch of this "little turtle race" at this time can not only satisfy everyone's hatred of Japan, but also increase the popularity of "dream journey to the west" and completely crack down on "Magic Baby".

Sure enough, after "dream journey to the west" launched the "little turtle race", the popularity of "dream journey to the west" rose again, and "Magic Baby" itself is a Japanese game, and its gameplay is not as good as "dream journey to the west". Without waiting for Chen Xiaowei's reaction, the popularity of "Magic Baby" has dropped sharply, with an average daily online rate of only about 30000 people, This is in sharp contrast to the once nearly one million online rates, which are almost unacceptable.

What should I do? What to do—— Chen Xiaowei is anxious for a while, and now the situation of "90%" is more and more difficult. If she can't figure out a solution to the present predicament, she will be leaving the company.

However, Lin Feng's methods are not finished yet. A new map has been added to legend. Will the new NPC characters plunder and attack the city in legend? The leader is called "San (Shan) Ben 56", and his staff is an NPC named "Ge called beast".

Its "strongest on the ground" also launched a new map, there will be a man named "frozen English machine" to attack the player's city.


Lin Feng used this "Anti Japanese" event to add various "devil elements" to the games of "second world" so that players can kill Japanese devils to earn game experience and gold coins. At the same time, the evaluation is also carried out. The player who kills the most devils every week will get the title of "Anti Japanese hero".

Lin Feng's series of activities have made "second world" the most favorite game company for domestic players and the first choice for online games. When the bosses of other companies eagerly watch the "second world" leave more and more deep marks in the minds of the players, many game company bosses can only look and sigh, looking at their own company's game miserable online data, want to cry without tears.

Damn it, you'll be in trouble sooner or later—— Many game company boss heart secretly curse Lin Feng. Although Lin Feng's "hatred of Japan" incident has not been investigated by the state, the Japanese government may not be able to investigate it. At least we can embarrass the Japanese branch of "second world". At that time, they will have to see if Lin Feng can still laugh.

Lin Feng didn't care at all about the public's worries. Protest in Japan? How to protest? What I said is true, and I can't protest if I want to. If you want to blackmail your company, you are not afraid. The evidence in Fengjian's hand is not vegetarian. It's a big deal to withdraw money from Japan. Anyway, Japan's online game profits are so meager that it has never been seen by the "second world". At that time, he will publish the information in Fengjian's hand. Lin Feng will have to see how the Japanese government explains these dirty transactions and how to explain the dark side of government officials to Japanese citizens.

What's more, April is just around the corner, when many Japanese companies released their financial statements last year. Hum, there will be chaos in the Japanese stock market at that time. It's a question whether we can manage this kind of business.

Of course, if the Japanese government is willing to file a lawsuit with Lin Feng and make trouble, Lin Feng is still eager. It's just to use this to attract the attention of the Japanese government, let Abby Cohen and others stir up the wind and rain in the Japanese stock market, make a lot of money for themselves, and let Japan pay back the crime of invading China a little.

It is not known how the Japanese government will deal with Lin Feng's "Anti Japanese" incident. After all, these things happened too fast, the state's reaction was too fast, and the financial statements will be published soon. Although Lin Feng's "hatred of Japan" incident has been submitted to the Japanese cabinet, how to deal with it will be delayed.

However, when Lin Feng was amused, there was no movement in Japan, but there was movement in the mainland.

With the advent of the slogan of "harmonious society", the voice of building a harmonious society has been heard all over the country. We must resolutely put an end to all acts of destroying a harmonious society and a harmonious home—— Undoubtedly, this is the central government once again sending a signal to the people of the whole country - harmony!

Lin Feng shook his head helplessly. Originally, this slogan of "harmonious society" would have been put forward for some time, but I didn't expect that my own words and actions of "hatred of Japan" made this slogan come out ahead of time.

Interesting, really interesting!

It seems that I really should be restrained—— Lin Feng is not a three-year-old. Although no government official has opened the phone to let him know, Lin Feng has understood the meaning of the state from the action of the state. It's time to be restrained. Of course, if the state does not give notice, it is also looking at whether Lin Feng understands the advance and retreat. If we go our own way, I'm afraid the state will have to reconsider its attitude towards Lin Feng.

This world, in fact, is so wonderful! If you can understand, you can succeed. If you can't understand, you can only accept failure.

At this time, Linfeng villa.

Li Zhiyou has been worried about GE Hongbing's lawsuit against Lin Feng since it came out yesterday. He is afraid that Lin Feng will get into any lawsuit. Fortunately, today the court announced that it would not accept the case, and Lin Feng won without a fight. However, for Li Zhiyou, he still felt a sense of fear. So, today I specially made a lot of rich food to "shock" Lin Feng.

"Brother Lin, cheers, to celebrate your safe return." Li Zhiyou thought about it for a long time, but he didn't know how to describe it. He held it for a long time. He was embarrassed to be seen by Lin Feng and others, but he could not help saying "come back safely". After that, he also felt funny and even put out his tongue.

Lin Feng pinches Li Zhiyou's nose helplessly. In fact, I will not have any trouble at all. If you're in trouble, it won't be the lawyer who can help you. Lin Feng wants to explain, but he doesn't know how. After all, in today's South Korea, the law is relatively fair, but at home

However, Lin Feng did not like Li Zhiyou to explain these words. After all, this is China's national condition, which is a bit difficult to explain.

"By the way, brother Lin, tomorrow is April Fool's day, be careful to be cheated!" Li Zhiyou has a bad smile on his face.

Lin Feng smiles. The girl wanted to make a fool's Day joke for herself last year, but she cheated herself that Martians were coming. How could Lin Feng believe that. As a result, Lin Feng said casually that he would meet at 3 am on the Bund of Shanghai. Originally, it was just a joke, but Li Zhiyou was really ready to go out in the evening. Fortunately, the bodyguard who is responsible for protecting Li Zhiyou feels that this is too suspicious. Lin Feng doesn't ask Li Zhiyou to meet outside so late, so he makes a temporary call to Lin Feng who is in a meeting. Otherwise, I'm afraid Li Zhiyou will stand up all night in the cold wind.

Thinking of last year's scandal, Li Zhiyou blushed and pulled Lin Feng's sleeve, which made Lin Feng laugh.

"Well, tomorrow I will cheat you!" Li Zhiyou's threats.

Lin Feng shrugged and laughed.

Oh, no—— Lin Feng suddenly felt that something was wrong. It seemed that he had forgotten something, but he couldn't remember what he had forgotten for a moment. But in a word, this thing is very important and can't be forgotten.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng frowned tightly, sat on the sofa and thought hard about what he had forgotten.

In the living room, Li Zhiyou, Lin Zhihui and others are very careful. They don't know what happened to Lin Feng. Why does his face suddenly turn gloomy? What's the matter? What happened to Lin Feng?

"Elder brother Lin..." Li Zhiyou looks at Lin Feng timidly. He wants to help Lin Feng share his worries, but he doesn't know how to do it well. After all, she has never expressed any opinions about Lin Feng, and she doesn't know what to say. Looking at Lin Feng's frowning, Li Zhiyou felt very guilty and didn't know what to do. Thinking that he is so useless, he can't help Lin Feng at all, and Avril at least helps Lin Feng "manage" the "second entertainment". Huang Meixi takes care of Xiao Youxi for Lin Feng in Chu City, but he is so incompetent. Thinking of this, Li Zhiyou wants to cry.

At this time, Lin Fengmeng patted his thigh.

It's him—— Lin Feng exclaimed and stood up.

"Why, you, what's the matter with you? Who's bullying you? Tell you brother Lin, I'll bully him! " When Lin Feng sees Li Zhiyou with tears in his eyes, he feels guilty and hugs him.

"It's OK, elder brother Lin. I just feel that I'm too useless to help elder brother Lin share his worries." Li Zhiyou hugged Lin Feng tightly and said to himself, "by the way, brother Lin, what happened to you just now? What makes you so sad? "

"Yes, you you, I'm leaving. If I don't, it's too late!" Li Zhiyou reminds Lin Feng of this. Look at his watch. It's already 9 p.m. and he has to leave. Otherwise, I'm afraid it's too late. "Youyou, I won't come back tonight. Take care of yourself."

Lin Feng said and ran out.

"Brother Lin, where are you going?" Li Zhiyou asked anxiously. She seldom saw Lin Feng so anxious.

"Hong Kong!" The sound of Lin Feng gradually disappeared into the air.

Hong Kong—— Li Zhiyou is stunned, but she doesn't care much about Lin Feng's business. However, looking at Lin Feng's look, I'm afraid that something big will happen in Hong Kong.

At this time, Lin Feng and Li Rui have gone straight to Shanghai International Airport, the hangar where their "wind wing" is parked.

"What's the matter, boss? What happened? " Li Rui and others are surprised to see Lin Feng's nervous face. They've seen a few things that make Lin Feng so nervous, and every time there's something important happening. Is there really something big going on in Hong Kong?

For the questions of Li Rui and others, Lin Feng has no choice but to shake his head. Some words are difficult for him to explain, because he can't explain them either. Because it hasn't happened yet, how can I explain it if I say it in advance? Can we really use "Bigan 134 generations of grandchildren" to explain it? Who believes it?

Lin Feng closed his lips and said nothing. Naturally, Li Rui and others would not ask any more questions. They were very depressed all the way. They were only slightly relieved when they got on their special plane and flew into the sky. Look at your watch. It's 22:30. It's still early. From Shanghai to Hong Kong, it's only about 2 hours at most, and it can arrive in the early morning. However, Lin Feng is worried about how to contact that person and how to persuade him when he comes to Hong Kong.

Trouble! Lin Feng found it very troublesome. This man used to be Lin Feng's idol and the idol of hundreds of millions of Chinese. Lin Feng would never want anything to happen to him“ Before his rebirth, Lin Feng felt very sorry when he heard that he had passed away. He joked that if he had the chance, he would not let this tragedy happen. Now, let Lin Feng really encounter "rebirth", and he has the ability, Lin Feng absolutely does not want this thing to happen again.

He must be saved! Just how to save, Lin Feng is a hesitation. After all, Lin Feng couldn't run past and said to others, "don't jump off a building. It will hurt your fans if you waste your life like this."

If Lin Feng said that, he would be regarded as a fool. What's more, it's impossible to dissuade a person who wants to commit suicide.

Ah, how can I persuade you, brother—— Lin Feng looks at Zhang Guorong's photo and has a headache( To be continued, if you want to know the future, please log in , more chapters, support authors, support legitimate reading!)