The 19th century was an era of industrial revolution. Everyone was obsessed with invention and creation. Generators, motors, lights, telegrams and radio communications made the whole world smaller.

The 20th century is a century of war and politics. The outbreak of two world wars and the "nuclear crisis" shrouded in the hearts of human beings all over the world during the cold war have left a sword of Damocles hanging in the hearts of human beings all over the world.

In the 21st century, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the United States has become the only superpower in the world. The process of global economic integration has made the whole world smaller and smaller. At this time, in the hearts of global human beings, more attention should be paid to economy than war. The rapid economic development makes people more and more rich, but also makes people feel more and more empty. All kinds of entertainment facilities are unprecedented, just like the industrial revolution in the 19th century, almost every day new entertainment facilities are completed, new entertainment projects come out.

After a long period of human accumulation, the 21st century is a century of enjoyment. According to an authoritative statistics, in the 21st century, the proportion of human expenditure on entertainment will be higher than that on housing, food and clothing for the first time, and spiritual enjoyment will become more important.

Video game is an important entertainment project to satisfy people's spiritual enjoyment. Whether it is a single game, online games, or a variety of handheld game machines, can bring people endless joy, will also become the biggest profit point.

Lin Feng's "second entertainment" has become a leading player in the field of online games, but it is still very weak in the stand-alone market. In addition to "half life" of his "valve" development team and "invincible heroes of magic gate" of the original "3Do" game development team, although two Games (half life 2 and "invincible Heroes 4") have sold very well since they came into the market, Half life 2 sold 6.5 million copies in total, and hero invincible 4 (only sold for three months) sold more than 3 million copies in total. The results are extremely gratifying. However, in the stand-alone game market, it can be said that "second world" still has a long way to go to compete with global super game companies such as "EA" and "Ubisoft", and it will not be able to catch up in a short time.

However, in the 21st century, there is another industry with the fastest development, that is mobile phone. Today's mobile phones have just changed from "black and white" to "color" phones, and photo phones have just come out, and the ring tones are only "chord" rings. Although some of them have begun to support MP3 playback, there is still a long way to go from "mp3 ring tones". At present, the mobile phone is only a communication tool in the eyes of most people or businesses. It may have certain entertainment and office functions.

However, in Lin Feng's memory after rebirth, mobile phone will be another take-off point of his career: office mobile phone, photo mobile phone, multimedia mobile phone, elderly mobile phone, game mobile phone, etc. Lin Feng has too many classic models in his heart, as well as a grasp of the development direction of mobile phone. If you don't set foot in the mobile phone industry, it's a bit unreasonable.

What's more, the mobile phone can also become another new game platform. As long as it is well outlined, the mobile phone will become another huge game group. This is what Lin Feng pursues. In terms of online games, I've been ahead of the world. In terms of stand-alone games, I need to catch up. In terms of mobile games, I want to be the first crab eater and become the overlord of the industry just like online games.

Through online games, stand-alone games, mobile games, to create a real game empire—— This is Lin Feng's blueprint for the future. And, of course, there's the handheld game market. This is also a project that Lin fengtuo Fengjian is stepping up.

At a time when the major European media were arguing about which football club Lin Feng would buy, Lin Fengfei went to Paris, France, to complete the final step of acquiring the French mobile phone brand.

"Boss, you're here at last, waiting for you to sign the contract." Tang Jun is in charge of picking up the plane at the airport. Seeing Lin Feng and his party, he looks excited.

"Yes, at last. Finally, the acquisition was successful. " Lin Feng said with emotion.

The acquisition has been in contact since last summer. Until now, all the details of the negotiation have been completed by the end of February and almost March. The hardships during this period are beyond outsiders' ability. And the success of this acquisition to a large extent also lies in Tang Jun's trust in the future mobile phone market. Therefore, he spared no effort in this acquisition and finally moved the French to agree to sell the full ownership of his mobile phone brand Alcatel.

Alcatel, founded in 1898 and headquartered in Paris, France, is a century old famous French enterprise. It is a world leader in the field of telecommunication systems and equipment as well as related cables and components. Alcatel's mobile phone brand is just a branch of Alcatel. In itself, Alcatel does not focus on the profits of Alcatel's mobile phones. Its real profits lie in the ipatm switching system, sdhsonet transmission system, mobile communication system, wireless local loop system, satellite communication system, ADSL access system, internet terminal equipment, etc. Alcatel has an absolute advantage in the world.

However, due to the "blowout" of mobile phone manufacturers in China's domestic market last year, the rise of mobile phones in South Korea, as well as the strength of Nokia and motonora, Alcatel's market share is declining. When Tang Jun came into contact with him and decided to sell the ownership of Alcatel's mobile phones, The market share of its mobile phone brands in Asia is less than 1%, while in Europe, including France, it is about 3%. Coupled with the avalanche of mobile phone prices, Alcatel's mobile phone market is losing money month by month, with a total loss of 95 million euros in 2002. Alcatel had the intention to sell its mobile phone. At this time, it happened that Tang Jun contacted him. It is only because of the French people's consistent arrogance that they are full of hardships in this acquisition process.

Under Tang Jun's unremitting lobbying and Lin Feng's appropriate throwing to Tang Jun an ultimate chip -- the fixed asset investment scale of China's communications operation will reach 210 billion yuan (RMB) in 2003, and it will still be 210 billion yuan next year. Through Tang Jun's mouth, he told Alcatel that he could get about 10% - 15% of the market share, or even more.

After getting this amazing news, Alcatel's hesitant attitude changed completely. After all, businessmen pursue profits. If Alcatel, a century old shop, wants to continue to operate in the 21st century, it must judge the situation and not stick to conventions. Finally, after discussion, Alcatel decided to sell its Alcatel mobile phone brand and cooperate with Lin Feng's "phantom technology" to develop China's booming communication market.

"Boss, this is the final contract. If you are not satisfied, we can negotiate with Alcatel again." Tang Jun hands the final contract model to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng knows nothing about French, but fortunately there are three models of the contract: Chinese, French and English. When Lin Feng goes to Porto to enjoy the duel between Porto and AC Milan, Lin Zhiling, Lin Feng's sexy secretary, who knows French, goes to Paris to assist Tang Jun and Alcatel in the final negotiation on behalf of Lin Feng.

"By the way, Youyou, Avril and Allegra, I have something important to do. I can't accompany you. Go and play by yourself. Don't you always want to visit Paris. Moreover, there is the largest "Disneyland" overseas in the United States on the outskirts of Paris. " Lin Feng turned and said.

"Yes." The three girls nodded. Paris, the romantic capital, has a fatal attraction for all girls. Here is not only a strong French culture and art, but also a variety of fashionable clothes, perfume and red wine. Each of them seems to feel romantic. After hearing Lin Feng's words, Li Zhiyou, Avril and Allegra immediately ran away under the "invisible" protection of several bodyguards.

After the girls left, Lin Feng and Tang Jun returned to the hotel, just as Lin Zhiling had just returned from Alcatel. Under Lin Zhiling's explanation, they read the final contract carefully.

The contract to acquire Alcatel's mobile phone department is not complicated. Lin Feng's "phantom technology" acquired the ownership of Alcatel's mobile phone company at a price of 250 million euros. In the first three years, Alcatel will guarantee that the employees of the former "Alcatel" will still work under the new "Alcatel". Three years later, Lin Feng's "phantom technology" will acquire the ownership of Alcatel's mobile phone company, Whether employees want to return to Alcatel headquarters or continue to work in phantom technology.

This does not exist originally. According to Alcatel, once sold, these technicians will be recycled. However, with Lin Feng's super bait that the fixed asset investment scale of China's communications operation will reach 210 billion yuan in 2003, Alcatel has to give Lin Feng a little sweet. In China, a very special "red" country, you can't do business without any contacts.

In particular, such a huge cake worth tens of billions (RMB) is very difficult to achieve only by normal means of competition. After all, although Alcatel has the most advanced technology in the communication industry, it does not mean that other companies are inferior to Alcatel. The difference is really limited. So Alcatel must rely on Lin Feng's relationship to get the contract.

Apart from the purchase price and staff arrangement, the rest are all micro details, which Tang Jun and Lin Zhiling have discussed one by one for a long time. There is no possibility that the company will suffer losses. After all, Alcatel doesn't have to play tricks on a subsidiary that loses money every year.

As for the cooperation between the two sides, the contract to jointly develop the communication market in the mainland of China is a little troublesome. The profits involved are too large. Any percentage point is a profit of hundreds of millions. This is also an important reason why Tang Jun and Alcatel have been entangled. Fortunately, when Tang Jun was the president of Microsoft China, he handled many similar cases and had experience. With the assistance of Lin Zhiling, the contract was finally finalized.

"Phantom technology" and "Alcatel" invested a total of 500 million euros to establish Shanghai phantom Alcatel Co., Ltd., of which "phantom technology" invested 250 million euros and Alcatel invested 250 million euros. Meanwhile, "phantom technology" took shares with market share and Alcatel took shares with technology, holding 50% of the shares together. The administrative aspect is in the charge of "phantom technology", In terms of technology, "Alcatel" is responsible, and each side performs its own duties.

After reading the contract, Lin Feng nodded, everything is waiting for tomorrow's signing. Lin Feng believes that after signing the contract tomorrow, a huge wave will be set off in the industry. The mobile phone market, which is already in fierce competition, will usher in a bigger "giant"( To be continued, if you want to know the future, please log in , more chapters, support authors, support legitimate reading!)