Lin Feng and others are naturally at the back of the big army. For this "game", people are not as enthusiastic as the 808 players. After all, we are all elites from all walks of life. We have experienced countless big scenes, and we have already reached a calm state. The so-called flatter or disgrace without fear, idle to see the flowers bloom and fall in front of the court; I have no intention of leaving or staying, but I will follow the clouds outside.

However, people are still surprised and even shocked by all this. Originally, people didn't care to see the "poisonous snake Valley" covered by forests from a distance. Although the "forests" were a little too luxuriant, which was a bit unreasonable, Chu city was originally a plain landform, and "forests" were also transplanted, so Li Zekai and others didn't go to heart.

Unexpectedly, after entering the "snake Valley", with the "sky" suddenly becoming dark, I realized that the whole "forest" was a large-scale scenery, which separated the "snake Valley" from the outside world, forming a unique closed space, so it also made people feel more immersive. Otherwise, the "sizzling" snake sound in people's ears would not be so lifelike. Only in such a closed space can there be such a frightening audio-visual effect.

After a sigh, Li Zekai and others are more curious. What is the "Viper" of the "Viper Valley" made of? It's impossible to be a real "poisonous snake". What can be used instead? And how does the "health scale" worn by 808 players score? There are also "small body strength drugs" and "serum". How to use them?

Li Zekai and others have one problem after another in their mind. Some problems can be guessed, but some problems can't be guessed at all. However, Li Zekai and others are full of curiosity and expectation, and they can't help thinking about playing together. Fortunately, Li Zekai and others are also very human. They soon control their emotions, and still accompany Samaranch with Lin Feng. They slowly walk behind the crowd, waiting for the moment when the answer is revealed.

Compared with Li Zekai and others' curiosity and insipid mood, the front 808 players are full of tension and excitement. Although I know that the poisonous snake will be a fake, I can still hear the realistic "hissing" sound, and the "poisonous snake Valley" where I can't see my fingers. Although I have a "Torch" in my hand (it's just like a torch, but it's actually an electronic product with a similar appearance.) Light up, but only about three meters away, is not completely reassuring. On the contrary, this kind of hazy feeling is more frightening, even frightening.

Lin Feng had expected the reaction of 808 players. This "snake Valley" is also to create a tense and exciting atmosphere for players after entering the game, so "second world" has specially built a valley at a high price and covered it with artificial forest, and the top of the artificial forest is covered with a giant "sky curtain" that can be closed and closed.

When the "sky curtain" is opened, sunlight can penetrate through the gaps between the leaves of the forest. Although it is not too bright, it can also see the surrounding scene. This is the day of "poisonous snake Valley"“ When the "sky curtain" is closed, the whole worker forest will become extremely dark. If you don't light the "Torch", you will be out of sight. This is the night of the "snake Valley".

And this huge "sky curtain" opens once every hour, and then closes once every hour, continuously cycling, which is the cycle of day and night of "snake Valley"( Originally, Lin Feng also wanted to have day and night in "beech province" and "alliance heavy province", but it is obviously too difficult to say at the current level of science and technology. There is not enough "giant screen" to accommodate 5.1 square kilometers. Even if there is one, I'm afraid Lin Feng can't afford it.)

As for these "vipers", they are all high-tech electronic products. They are made of the most advanced "electronic Viper" in Japan. They are made of nanotechnology and are equipped with high-tech sensors and ancient Chinese mechanisms. Once people enter the scope of "electronic Viper", the "electronic Viper" will automatically enter the attack state.

The so-called attack state is to reach out the "snake head" and touch the player. If you touch the player, it is considered that the snake has successfully attacked once, and the player's "health scale" will automatically sense and search the corresponding information, and then deduct the corresponding health. Of course, players still have a certain chance to produce "poisoning" reaction. After "poisoning", the "blood volume score table" worn by players will continuously deduct points until players find "serum".

It can be said that these are today's high-tech products. At present, only Japan can make such high-tech gadgets in the world. Other countries have no technology or leisure.

Just as the crowd was nervous and moving forward slowly, suddenly there was a riot among the 808 players in front of them.

"Damn, something touched me!" Someone screamed in horror. People are very nervous when they are suddenly touched by something unknown in this dark place.

"Damn, who touched me again." Others felt as if they had been touched by something, but they didn't see anything after lighting with a torch for a long time. It's more hairy in my heart.

"What's the matter? My" blood volume score table is constantly deducting points? " Another exclaimed.

"Mine too. What's the matter?" Other people also fit in, accompanied by bursts of screaming after being touched by something.

There was a great disorder at the scene, and people kept shouting to turn on the lights. Although most of the people on the scene were men, they were still afraid of the touch of something in the face of the black paint.

People's fear of the unknown is always overwhelming.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please don't panic. This is the" Viper Valley ". The Viper that touches you is the viper of the" Viper Valley ". If you look around the ground carefully, you will find it. As for the data of many players' health scale has declined, it is because they have been attacked by "poisonous snakes." Li Zhiyou raised his voice.

After hearing Li Zhiyou's words, they quickly lowered their heads and lit "torches" to look for them. As expected, they found many "poisonous snakes".

"You can attack the Viper with your weapons, and the Viper will die." Lin added.

After listening to Lin Zhihui's words, many players use various weapons in their hands to attack the "Viper". Sure enough, the "Viper" falls to the ground one after another (due to nanotechnology, the "Viper" material is extremely soft and has excellent toughness, which can withstand huge strike power and is not easy to damage). They also figure out the danger, and then move forward smoothly. However, some people's "blood volume" continues to decline after they get the "snake venom". Thinking that others will still be playing, they want to quit the game. Several players who have won the "snake venom" keep mumbling and clamoring to find the "serum".

Hearing that people are looking for "serum", Lin Feng smiles. Looking for "serum" is also one of the branch tasks of this "live game", and it is also related to the setting of the whole "live game", and it is also one of the sources of money for "legend movie city"( To be continued, if you want to know the future, please log in , more chapters, support authors, support legitimate reading!)