Thinking of SARS, Lin Feng has a headache. At that time, there was no peace in China and the world. Although Lin Feng was in Chu City at that time, there were only a few cases of epidemic, after isolation, all recovered, no casualties, so he had no personal experience. However, I clearly felt the horror of SARS on TV.

In 2003, except Hainan, Guizhou, Yunnan, Tibet, Qinghai, Heilongjiang and Xinjiang, clinical diagnosis cases of SARS were reported in the other 24 provinces in the mainland of China. Beijing, as the capital of China, was under martial law. At that time, the situation was precarious. Although the death rate of "SARS" is only 11%, due to its direct spread through saliva cross infection and China's huge population, if it is not controlled in time, I am afraid the whole country will be destroyed by a small "SARS virus".

According to an unconfirmed grapevine, karesinkov, academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, asserted at the beginning of the large-scale outbreak of SARS that SARS is a kind of biological weapon, most likely flowing out of the laboratory. His basis is: SARS is a mixture of measles virus and mumps virus, and this kind of mixed virus can only be cultivated in the laboratory, and it is impossible to occur in the natural environment. After the idea that SARS came from biological and chemical weapons was put forward, the US government twice denied that SARS was a biological and chemical weapon of the US. If SARS is a biological and chemical weapon, it will invade regardless of national boundaries and race. However, the reality is that SARS mainly affects Chinese communities in China and other countries.

Therefore, SARS may be a more advanced genetic weapon than biological and chemical weapons. SARS virus has this characteristic. It is very difficult for white people to be infected with SARS virus. Even if they are infected, they will recover quickly. There are few cases of SARS in Japan, because the geographical relationship between the Japanese and the Chinese at the same latitude is very different, and the genetic virus can easily "identify" the Japanese and the Chinese. There were no deaths in the United States. As of April 25, 2003, 139 cases were infected and 15 cases died in Canada, among which 13 cases were Chinese.

Of course, these are just hearsay news, without any official certification. However, it is worth noting that people who eat wild animals may be infected with various viruses. For example, SARS broke out in Guangzhou.

According to Lin Feng's memory, the first two cases of unexplained pneumonia were discovered in Heyuan and Zhongshan cities of Guangdong Province. Then, due to improper treatment in the middle, many small clinics without medical treatment accepted SARS patients, leading to cross infection. Finally, the outbreak broke out completely in March. At this time, Beijing was declared as an SARS epidemic area by the World Health Organization.

Lin Feng looks at his watch. It's only January 13 now. It should be the time when "SARS" has just appeared. If it is controlled at this time, the impact on China will be negligible. But the trouble is, although Lin Feng knew SARS was coming, he didn't know how to prevent it? Although I am rich now and have great influence in all walks of life, I can do nothing about this.

Now China is in the process of general election and everything needs to be stable. I am afraid that I will be arrested as a "reactionary" if I suddenly publicize the horror of SARS. Would Mr. Zhu and Mr. Wen believe it if they went to heaven directly through their own relationship? Even if they believe that SARS has been solved, I'm afraid they will doubt how they know about it? How to explain?

In case of accidentally divulging his identity as a reborn person, I'm afraid that he will really be arrested by the state as a mouse for experiment. Perhaps the state will think that it can be reborn, so if it can be reborn, can the state send someone to be reborn to the end of the Qing Dynasty to change modern Chinese history? Thinking of these possibilities, Lin Feng had a headache.

"Boss, what are you worrying about?" Wu Zhaopu looks at Lin Feng's Distressed face and asks curiously. He had never seen Lin Feng so distressed. Even though the newly launched "player's newlywed welfare" may have some unpredictable risks, Lin Feng is full of confidence and has formulated four rules to restrict players from drilling the loophole of "player's newlywed welfare" and turn a good thing into a bad one. But now it's rare to be so distressed.

For Wu Zhaopu's concern, Lin Feng has suffered but can't say. No one can tell such a thing, because one's own secret can never be disclosed. Hesitating, Lin Feng accidentally sees the newspaper in Wu Zhaopu's hand.

"Mr. Wu, show me the newspaper in your hand!" Lin Feng took over the newspaper from Wu Zhaopu, which reported that after a family gathering in Heyuan City, Guangdong Province, the whole family was infected with pneumonia of unknown origin.

Lin Feng had an idea in his mind at the moment. I'm afraid it would be inappropriate for us to expose the harm of SARS by ourselves. But if it is exposed by the media, it will not involve itself. It's up to the media to make a big report on this matter, so as to attract the attention of the state. Of course, in this case, if you can get some "political capital" by the way, it would be better. After all, Mr. Wen will be on the stage soon. Although Mr. Zhu has introduced him, Lin Feng doesn't know the relationship between Zhu and Wen. Lin Feng doesn't know whether Mr. Wen will buy Mr. Zhu.

As for Mr. Wen, Lin Feng had no idea what he thought of himself. Every leader who comes to power will have personal love and preference. Lin Feng is not sure whether he will like and support himself as much as Mr. Zhu. Therefore, this "SARS" is undoubtedly a merit and an opportunity to please and get to know Mr. Wen.

However, for the news media to report, the main resources Lin Feng can grasp at present are network media. However, in order to attract attention to this issue, the current network media is not enough. It needs the key reports of major TV stations, otherwise it can not cause absolute attention. But at present, Lin Feng does not have much influence on the major TV media. If he intervenes forcibly, he will expose himself.

After thinking for a moment, Lin Feng decided to use the Internet media as a guide to attract the attention of the television media through a large number of publicity by the Internet media, and then try to get the "political capital" he wanted.

After thinking for a moment, Lin Feng finds Li Rui and hands him the newspaper.

"Li Rui, please send someone to find out about the situation of unexplained pneumonia in the whole family after the family gathering, and see what similar cases there are in the country." Lin Feng said.

Nowadays, Li Rui, Zhou Bo and others, as Lin Feng's bodyguards, know Lin Feng's personal secrets very well. For them, whether for their own safety or to keep their secrets, Lin Feng can only choose to trust them completely. Because people live in a group society. There is a good saying - if you want people to know, unless you don't do it.

If Lin Feng wants to do something, he can't bypass Li Rui and others. Therefore, Lin Feng treats Li Rui and others as friends, not as his own bodyguards and servants, in addition to material rewards (helping Li Rui and others to settle their families, arranging their children to study, etc.).

It's the same with everyone. If you are sincere to others, they will be sincere to you.

"I see, boss." Li Rui nodded. As Lin Feng's bodyguard, he naturally knows that Lin Feng has many secrets. Although Lin Feng didn't regard him as just a bodyguard or servant, as a bodyguard, Li Rui just did things without asking the reason (of course, he didn't do anything harmful). This is the tacit understanding between him and Lin Feng.

Then, two days later, Li Rui used the power of "Langya security company" in China (security personnel in large and medium-sized cities all over the country, responsible for property and supermarket security), and soon found out the similar cases. At present, there are 19 cases in China, mainly in Guangdong. According to the investigation, most of the reasons were unknown to friends, and there was no result in the hospital examination. It was preliminarily judged that food poisoning or other unknown reasons.

"Boss, what's the rest to do?" Li Rui hands the evidence to Lin Feng.

"Well, if you have any friends you know, let them go to local newspapers all over the world and let them report in secret." Lin Feng said.

"I see." Li Rui turned to contact 19 local newspapers. Lin Feng then passed it on to Ma Huateng and asked him to help publish it on the local news websites.

The next day, netizens all over the country found that there were similar cases of unexplained pneumonia in the whole family, but at this time, people didn't care. I thought it was just some ordinary cases with no connection.

Later, Lin Feng ordered people to call the Ministry of health anonymously to remind them of this, hoping to attract attention. Unexpectedly, a few days later, it is a mud ox into the sea.

Damn it—— Lin Feng patted the table angrily.

In the face of disaster, but powerless, of course, people helpless. But clearly have the ability to solve, but can not solve, this feeling is more helpless—— Lin Feng has a talent now, but he can't use it. Although he didn't want to see the country suffer from SARS, Lin Feng asked himself that he couldn't do it if he wanted to stop it at all costs.

I am not a saint, but a Chinese with a little conscience. He is willing to do what he can for the Chinese people, but he is not the kind of "just man" who is noble enough to cast his head and blood. Although these people are worthy of respect and models, Lin Feng can't.

Grandma, what should I do now—— Lin Feng is a little anxious, especially there is a big problem in front of him. The legend movie city is about to be completed. Before that, Wu Zhaopu has widely issued "hero posts" to invite the most famous players in the legend to come to watch the ceremony and visit the legend movie city. This is another big population flow, and it will be very troublesome at that time.

And more importantly, the year is drawing near( To be continued, if you want to know the future, please log in , more chapters, support authors, support legitimate reading!)