No matter how many words can be used to describe the "cyber war" that broke out on the "elite server" of "the strongest on earth" at 19 p.m. on January 9, 2003. This is the first time in the history of online games in the outbreak of the most intense, the most exciting, the most concerned war. Since the beginning of the war, the two sides have tried their best according to their own abilities. There are different stratagems, many of which are even listed as classic examples for military academy students by military experts of various countries.

Although these are only happened in the game, but it is still sad, fascinating. As Lin Feng said, although it's just a game, it's not just a game.

One side is the "Chinese Camp" which launched the first "city war" and won a complete victory, and has the most players (180000) of "elite server". On the other side are the European and American camps, the Japanese camp, and the Korean camp, which were beaten by European and American players and did not dare to go online, and finally defected.

Both sides are not at the same level in terms of numbers, equipment and skills. One side's military strength is only 180000 (in the face of Europe, America, Japan and South Korea's provocation, the extremely arrogant declaration of war, China's 180000 players are all on the line), while the other side's military strength is 310000, 130000 more, nearly double the number. At the same time, it is well-equipped and highly skilled. Moreover, it has been planning for this campaign for a long time, so it can be said that it is ready to go. As soon as the time comes, it will launch a general attack.

This war has been an unequal duel from the very beginning, but since ancient times, wars have always been unequal. This time it's just another bullying.

The sun goes down in the west, the lights begin to shine, and 19 o'clock finally arrives.

Chinese players look at the watch, look at the characters in the game, adjust all the voice communication tools, open QQ group, suppress the deep tension in their hearts, and let out a whisper - it's started. No matter how strong the opponent is in this war, as a Chinese player, he will fight to the end.

European and American players, make a cup of coffee, activity under the body, excited shout - war. They have been preparing for this war for a long time. Their only purpose is to let European and American players rise up. Just like the real world, they should also become the strongest presence in the game world.

Japanese game player, computer in front of the computer, put aside all AV movies, * * *, eyes tightly staring at the screen, showing a disdainful tone between the corners of the mouth - the China people, ready to die! This time, it will be the best time for Japanese players to prove themselves.

Korean players, put a glass of water on the table, open the most popular music, log in to the game, look at the dense people in the game, smile - here we are, Chinese—— For South Korean players, it is extremely humiliating to be beaten by European and American players and dare not go online. This shame, they can not revenge, can only be passed on to Chinese players.

Chinese game media and folk news media almost all log on to the online live video specially opened by the official "second world" on "tomato net", and watch the live broadcast of the network war under the voice of beautiful Li Youmei Tiantian.

European and American media log on to "YouTube" or turn on TV to watch the game channel of Lin Feng's "fsn-houston" TV station, ready to see how Americans and Europeans teach these Oriental people who used to rely on their power.

Japanese media landed in "tomato net" Japan station and stood in front of the computer, ready to see how Japanese players brag in the game and trample the Chinese. It is said that Japan is an economic giant, a political dwarf and a military dwarf. Today, let the world see that Japan is still the Yamato people who once dominated the whole Asia.

South Korean media doesn't matter. After all, this campaign is dominated by European and American players and Japanese players. South Korean players are just playing autumn games, not the main force. Just write a few reports after the event.

"Here we go!" Wu Zhaopu clenched his fist and said.

"Well, here we go." Lin Feng nodded. I don't know what the final outcome of this "elite server" will be. Before the start of the game, "second world" officially announced that as long as all players in the "elite server" abide by the rules of the game and do not use plug-ins, Trojans or other tools, the company will not intervene in anything that happens in the game, and all will be decided by the players.

Now this declaration is released, but in the face of 310000 troops in the game, I don't know whether Chinese players can resist it. After all, we are all Chinese. No one wants Chinese players to be beaten in the middle of the game.

Different from the concerns of the outside world, Chinese players have been preparing for this battle for a long time. Here, first of all, all Chinese players are very grateful to Lin Feng for launching the "rank system". If Lin Feng didn't launch the "rank system" three days before the war, I'm afraid that Chinese players are still fighting among themselves to fight for the position of "acting city leader" in the "city war". In that case, I'm afraid there will be no joint siege by European, American, Japanese and Korean players at that time, and Chinese players will be in chaos without fighting. At that time, it was the real joke!

However, with the launch of this "rank system", there will be a clear strength comparison between each other, and the rank will determine who will lead the "city war". After three days of fighting, the player with the highest merit value, named "Wufa Daidai" (president of the "invincible" guild, one of the five major guilds), became the acting city leader of the "city war", commanding all Chinese players to fight against the strong enemy. At the same time, he also led his own guild members to guard in the center, ready to support everywhere.

The four deputies of "Wufa Daidai" are "nuquan" (the president of "fury world" guild, one of the five major guilds), "Rulong 1911" (the president of "dragon leaping Kyushu" guild, one of the five major guilds), "haosad" (the president of "Eagle attacking the sky" guild, one of the five major guilds), "xiaoha ~ ~ ~ Yangyang" (the president of "Xiaopo heaven" guild, one of the five major guilds). The presidents of the four guilds led their respective members to guard the East, South, West and north gates.

Of course, another reason why the Chinese Camp is facing such a tough battle this time is that no one wavers, or even dejects. The other reason is the alliance of studio players. There was a famous saying that peers are enemies. Originally, the players in these studios were all independent and refused to join hands. However, Lin Feng asked Wu Zhaopu to send someone to contact the person in charge of these studios. With just one word, the person in charge of these studios immediately agreed to join hands.

In fact, this sentence doesn't say anything. It just tells the public that if the city war fails and the Chinese Camp suffers heavy losses, according to the rules of the game, all technologies and equipment in the city will decline. And players can't change camp. Chinese players can only join the Chinese camp, and the system will not launch "independent camp" (players can go out independently and create their own camp).

This means that if the cities of the Chinese camp are hit hard by the enemy this time, the interests of these studios will also be lost. In "elite server", unlike other games, players can enter anywhere they like. In the "elite server", a city's resources include NPC characters, money (responsible for maintaining city defense and other uses), technological power (the level of equipment players can buy and the highest level of equipment they can build), and game copies.

For the studio, NPC characters are needed, but not necessary. Money is even more unnecessary. After all, they can't share it. Technological power is needed, but not the most important. What really matters is the copy. The biggest source of profit for these studio players is the copy. But in the "elite server", there are only 36 copies, of which only 8 copies are the most profitable. Only when the city has these copies, can the city players enter the copy. Otherwise, you cannot log in to the copy game.

So for these benefits, studio players have to unite. Otherwise, the cities of the Chinese camp will be severely damaged and all the copies will be lost, and then they will not be able to make money. When you think about the huge amount of dollars you've earned before, these studio players have to unite.

Interest decides everything!

Although the 5000 studio players are not the best in competitive level, equipment and skills, they are the closest and most skillful in cooperation. Therefore, they are called "commandos" and are ready to attack each other at any time.

Therefore, the temporary integration of these studio players is the last effort and help Lin Feng, as the company's management, makes for Chinese players. The rest is up to the Chinese players themselves.

When the 19 o'clock just struck, the whole game was boiling. The army of 500000 players is like a torrent. Through video broadcasting, they can switch between different camps. The equipment and number of players are dazzling. Some players who love military even suspect that it was before the war between the two armies in ancient times.

As for the "city war" application, European and American players, Japanese players and Korean players submitted it as early as three hours ago, waiting for 19 o'clock to start the "city war". Unexpectedly, without waiting for them to order the attack, Chinese players successively submitted three "city war" applications, declaring war on the European and American camp, the Japanese camp and the Korean camp.

For the declaration of war by Chinese players, the three camps are dismissive. What does that mean? Does it mean not to give in? Bah, you don't dare to go online tonight. Although death in "city war" does not lose experience, it will lose equipment, and each death will cost a certain amount of money to revive. If the money is not enough, it will not revive during "city war".

(it can be said that "city war" is the best chance for the system to confiscate game currency and equipment. Otherwise, too much money and equipment in the game will lead to a sharp rise in the price of the game. When players have too much money and equipment, and their bodies and warehouses are full of money and equipment, they will lose interest in continuing the game.)

(today's birthday, so stay up late outbreak, thank you for your support all the time!)( To be continued, if you want to know the future, please log in , more chapters, support authors, support legitimate reading!)