When these 27 videos appeared on "YouTube", they immediately caused a big stir. Just a few hours later, more than one million users browsed the 27 videos, and tens of thousands of websites reprinted them.

Overnight, the world knows that Sony records blocked Avril's news.

Although the 27 videos are not very clear, the appearance of the characters is faintly visible, and the voice is absolutely clear. All the netizens who click on the video can clearly hear the voice of the boss of the record shop, and immediately understand why they can't buy Avril's records in the record shop.

In addition, there are good friends. Through Google search, we found that the owners of the 27 record companies were real people, and the scenes were also searched out. Some good friends listed one of them on the Internet. All these evidences prove that these 27 videos are not fabricated,

At present, the whole United States is shocked, and with the development of the network, these 27 videos will soon be broadcast to the world. Fans all over the world were in an uproar. I didn't expect that Sony records would be so overbearing and ruthless in blocking a pop diva. For a while, there were rumors all over the place, all wondering why Sony records wanted to ban Avril.

For this unexpected 27 videos, all the record companies are confused. They don't know why it suddenly broke out. In particular, Motorola, the president of Sony records, is even more stupid.

How... How could this be—— The motorcycle is speechless, especially what makes Sony records embarrassed at present is that all the videos are directed at Sony records, and there is no mention of any other record company, which makes Sony records extremely passive.

It's not so easy to feel what thousands of people have pointed out.

Damn it, it must be the Chinese, it must be him—— After all, Motorola is the president of Sony records, and soon recovered. After a little deliberation, he knew that it was Lin Feng who was playing tricks“ "YouTube" belongs to Lin Feng. It's a coincidence that 27 videos can appear instantly on "YouTube". Someone must be playing tricks behind his back. This person doesn't have to guess. He knows it must be Lin Feng.

Of course, it's normal for Motorola to work with Avril records and Lin Feng to work with him. It's just reciprocity. What really makes motorcycle angry is why Lin Feng is targeting Sony records. This time, it was the decision jointly made by the global record companies that issued the order of blocking. Otherwise, Sony records alone would not be able to carry out the global blockade.

But Lin Feng is aiming at Sony records. The 27 videos are all aimed at Sony records, which makes the motorcycle vomit blood. If there are other record companies, Motorola believes that Sony records will never be so passive now, and Lin Feng will target all the record companies, and the retaliation action will definitely make Lin Feng feel helpless.

But Lin Feng is just targeting Sony records. So cunning, so cunning—— The motorcycle swears to itself.

For the curse of motorcycle, Lin Feng smiles.

It's a shot in the head—— Sony records is the world's largest record company and the initiator of this "ban" incident. Naturally, Lin Feng will take revenge action against Sony records. Besides, although Lin Feng wants revenge, he is not crazy yet. If we aim at the whole recording industry, it will definitely set the record companies on fire. Lin Feng has no ability to compete with them, whether it's a lawsuit or a subsequent verbal battle. We have to find one company and warn other record companies.

Of course, this is Sony records. It was Sony records that initiated the "ban" incident, and it was Sony records that disagreed with Michael Jackson. And 50% of the copyright in Michael Jackson's hands was also owned by Sony records. For many reasons, Lin Feng could not choose Sony records.

As for the video on "YouTube", many reporters are extremely excited and even hyped. For the news media, they don't care who is involved, as long as there is news and readers care.

In the end, under the hype of physical media and Internet media, this incident rose to a scandal, known as "Sony gate".

"Motorcycle, this" Sony gate "incident not only affected Sony records, but also affected the parent company. You have to clarify as soon as possible, or you should know the consequences. " Motorcycle receives a call from its parent company in the office.

"Boss, I..." the motorcycle wanted to explain, but the other party had hung up.

Son of a bitch! Son of a bitch—— Motorcycle pull angrily hung up the phone, but it is a burst of distress, do not know how to deal with it.

By the way, we can let other influential record companies come forward to clarify—— With a flash of inspiration in his mind, motorcycle immediately called several of the largest record companies in the United States, such as "Amoy records" and other record companies.

"Don't worry, Mr. motora. We know what to do." The owners of some of the largest record companies in the United States agreed.

Subsequently, "Taoer" record company and "bay area" record company issued statements one after another, claiming that the record company had never received any instruction from any record company to ban Avril records. The reason why they did not sell Avril records was that their audit standards had been changed and Avril's records could not pass.

However, it is obvious that this remark can not convince the public. It is said that the audit standard has been changed. Isn't that a bluff! But many large record companies say that, and ordinary people can't refute it. People have the freedom to set such auditing standards.

Hum, you want to use the record industry to fight back against me, dream—— Lin Feng gave a cold smile.

Then Lin Feng held a press conference and Avril stood up.

"My records are by no means vulgar records. All my songs are just a true portrayal of my heart. Although occasionally mixed with one or two indecent words, my previous two albums are the same. I don't understand why the current standard has suddenly changed, and it seems that other albums can be sold only for me. " Avril told all reporters at the news conference.

Avril's words undoubtedly embarrassed the "Taoer" record company, the "bay area" record company and other record companies, because many of the records they sell are standard vulgar records, which makes many consumers not understand why those songs full of "fuck" can sell, but Avril's can't.

What's more embarrassing for these record companies is that Wal Mart has come forward at this time.

"Our Wal Mart audit system has always been very strict. For Avril's two new singles, we think that she fully conforms to our audit system and is definitely not a vulgar record. " A Wal Mart spokesman said in a statement.

"Wal Mart" can stand out, not only because Lin Feng owns 2% of the shares of "Wal Mart", but also because of the transfer of the "online MP3 sales system" that gives back to Lin Feng's company "phantom technology". Lin Feng sincerely transferred it to "Wal Mart", without any concealment, "Wal Mart" naturally wants to reciprocate. Moreover, in the future, Avril records will be sold in "Wal Mart", and "Wal Mart" does not want the rumors of these record companies to affect the sales of Avril records in the future.

What's more, "Wal Mart" began to sell records on a large scale. Naturally, it will become a competitor with these traditional record companies. If it can damage the reputation of competitors, it will naturally cooperate with them.

"Wal Mart" this statement, no doubt give "Amoy records" and other large record companies a fatal blow, let it immediately silent. After all, "Wal Mart" is always fussy about records. Many fans often complain that the audit system of "Wal Mart" is a bit abnormal, but now "Wal Mart" can sell, and record companies can't sell, which is absolutely impossible to convince the public.

The explanation of "Taoer records" and other large record companies is absolutely impossible.

For a moment, all the heroes were indignant and aimed at these large record stores. Why don't they sell Avril's records if they say they haven't received any sign from any record companies?

Of course, you can have the right not to sell Avril's records, but you must give the public an explanation.

In the face of doubts from all walks of life, large record companies such as "Amoy records" are in a mess. In order to get close to the record companies, they decided to support the motorcycle at the critical moment. After all, this is a time of "sending charcoal in the snow". Besides, they don't think it's a big thing. Who knows, they will provoke a "Wal Mart". If they had known that Wal Mart would jump out, they would never have supported motorcycles.

Of course, in order to maintain the relationship with the record companies, they can keep silent at most, and will never be the target of public criticism. Now, many record companies can only be ninja turtles! Just wait for the storm to pass. After all, there are so many news in the United States a year, which is just one of the more eye-catching news. After this period of publicity, the public may have long forgotten this.

Hum, it's not so easy to pretend to be a ninja turtle—— But Lin Feng will never let them go.

Under the arrangement of Lin Feng, Michael Jackson, the real cause of this incident, came forward.

"All the fans and all the artists, if the record companies use this method to" ban "the artists' records, it will not only hurt the artists, but also all the fans. This is even more harmful to the whole music industry. I hope all the artists can stand up against this kind of brutal ban by the record industry. " Michael Jackson called out.

If Avril's record is banned, it can only arouse people's sympathy, then Michael Jackson's high voice will undoubtedly really explode the bomb.

Michael Jackson, the king of pop, has too many friends in the American entertainment circle. There are so many singers who have been favored or supported by him. Many singers have come forward when he stands up like this. And they're all superstars.

Pop diva Maria Kelly was the first to stand up - the record companies united to ban singers. It's shameful. What right do they have to decide the fate of a singer? Is it not enough for us as singers to concentrate on singing our own songs and dedicate our best songs to everyone?

Jay-Z, the hip-hop superstar of the king of New York, also came forward - Oh, my God, it's terrible that record companies join hands to ban singers. Maybe I should have a good relationship with these record companies before I release records in the future. Maybe I should invite them to dinner first.


The appearance of a superstar has undoubtedly brought the storm to a climax. The outside world is increasingly questioning the large-scale record companies such as "Taoer records". Especially now, many people have spontaneously resisted these large-scale record companies. Instead of buying records from them, they prefer to buy from small record companies or "Wal Mart".

And this, for these record companies, is undoubtedly fatal. If all the fans don't come here to buy records, there's only one ending waiting for them - closing the door.

Closing the door, of course, is absolutely not allowed.

"Mr. motorcycle, if you don't find a way to solve this problem, we can only reveal the truth for our survival." Taoer records and several other large record companies jointly put pressure on the motorcycle. After all, they are taking the blame for others. There is no reason to let them bear all the blame. In particular, these superstars are actually targeting their most innocent record line, which makes them feel very wronged.

Of course, what big record companies like Taoer record company don't know is that it's all in Lin Feng's plan. Lin Feng is to put pressure on them, and finally force the behind the scenes motorcycle. As long as the pressure is big enough, these record companies can't stand it. In the end, they will reveal the truth.

Compared with the record companies, the strength of these record companies is too weak.

I really can't move these companies, but it doesn't mean I can't move these record lines—— This is not a plan made by Lin Feng. Starting from the weak, especially the weakness is so obvious, so vulnerable.

Received United protests, even threats, from several of the largest record companies in the United States, which made motorcycle drivers in chaos. He didn't expect this to happen. It's going to be like this. It's just two stars. Does the world's largest record company want to bow to it?

No, never—— Motorcycle pull unwilling roar. If you bow down, it will not only mean the failure of this "blocking" operation, but also the 50% copyright in Michael Jackson's hands. Sony records will never be able to get it back, and may even end up in the hands of Avril records. At that time, the consequences will be unimaginable. What's more, if he doesn't get back 50% of the copyright in Michael Jackson's hands, he will have to resign automatically.

Of course, to put it mildly, I was fired. Whether it's for face or for power, motorcycle can't accept failure.

But the motorcycle has no idea what to do.

By the way, you need to tie the bell to solve the problem. All you have to do is find the 27 auction house owners. As long as they are willing to testify, that day's words are instigated by Lin Feng, then everything can be solved—— There was a thrill in the motorcycle.

But just as the motorcycle was about to contact the 27 record store owners, an assistant rushed in.

"President, go to Youtube." The assistant said anxiously.

Motora suspiciously landed on "YouTube", and a video - "white paper of 27 record store owners" appeared in the most prominent place of "YouTube", and the number of people who visited it reached an amazing 3.22 million.

Scooter, hurry up.

After clicking on it, it was the "protagonist" of the last 27 videos, the owners of 27 small record companies. Facing the camera, they issued a statement in unison, proving that their record company had indeed been instructed by motola, President of Sony records, to block Avril's records. In addition, three of them also issued a recording certificate from Sony records company to block Avril's records.

Although the three recordings prove that they are not what Motorola said, they can prove that they are inspired by the staff of Sony records, and naturally prove that the record company's blocking of Avril records is true.

"No, it's impossible, it's impossible!" The motorcyclist cried out in dismay.

At this time, "Taoer records" and other large record store owners called, "sorry, Mr. motorcycle, we have to protect ourselves."

"No, you can't! You will regret it Motorcycle heard, screamed.

But the motorcycle brings a blind sound.

Later, "Taoer records" and other major U.S. record companies jointly issued a statement, proving that their ban on Avril records was inspired by motola, President of Sony records, and publicly and sincerely apologized to Avril and the public.

The joint statement of "Taoer records" and other large record companies undoubtedly sounded the "death horn" of motorcycle.

"Come on, find those bosses for me." Motorcycle anxiously ordered bodyguards, hoping to find the 27 bosses as far as possible to "clarify" for themselves.

After some investigation.

"I'm sorry, Mr. motorcycle. After analyzing these videos, 95% of them may not be in the United States. Moreover, according to the survey, the 27 owners' record stores have been transferred at a low price, and their families have gone abroad and their whereabouts are unknown." The bodyguard said helplessly.

What—— Motorcycle is out of his mind. He already feels that his future is not bright.

Hum, no way to find them—— After Lin Feng paid the 27 record store owners to publish the "white paper", he asked the 27 owners' families to move abroad. It's not expensive. It's only $1 million per person. That's only 27 million dollars.

This is the advantage of money! What's more, Lin Feng believes that he will get back the 27 million US dollars.

"Motorcycle, for the benefit of the company, I hope you are prepared." At this time, a phone call from the parent company of Sony records informed that the motorcycle had been sacrificed.

Boom! In the face of this result, the motorcycle is paralyzed in the armchair.

Later, Sony records and other record companies issued a statement, proving that the blocking of Avril records was only a personal act of Motorola. The reason was that Michael Jackson had helped Motorola's ex-wife Maria Kelly divorce. With resentment against Michael Jackson, Motorola carried out this irrational revenge action.

The release of this violent news has undoubtedly made the motorcyclist's voice lose its reputation. In particular, Maria Kelly has also come forward to prove that motorcyclists really have a paranoid personality and a strong desire for control. With Maria Kelly's accusation, the motorcycle will never be able to turn over.

In the voice of people from all walks of life calling for the resignation of motorcycle, motorcycle can only resign in dismay. Fortunately, in the end, Sony records gave him a full amount of compensation as compensation for taking the blame for the company.

Although the "Sony gate" incident seems to have come to an end with motora's resignation, there is a rumor on the Internet that motora is just a scapegoat, and the real behind the scenes are these record companies.

No matter where the rumor comes from, it has won the trust of the people. After all, without the authorization of record companies, motorcycle will never have such great power to carry out a global ban. Without the alliance of global record companies, it is impossible for global record companies to refuse to sell Avril's records.

The spearhead is again aimed at many record companies. This naturally gives many record company bosses a headache. However, these record company bosses can only put down their position and go to Lin Feng, the "behind the scenes" who promotes all this in person.

"What do you want, Mr. Lin?" Many record company executives are a little helpless( To be continued, if you want to know the future, please log in www.qidian.com , more chapters, support authors, support legitimate reading!)