Avril floats to the piano, looks at Lin Feng, and sighs in her heart. The reason why she put forward such an almost impossible task is to give herself a reason to make a final decision and make a decision about the feelings between herself and Lin Feng. But I don't know why, when Avril plays the piano, she can't help singing along.

Don't you have the heart? Or fear of losing—— Avril didn't know. She only knew that she wanted to give Lin Feng a hint, even a little.

Lin Feng holding the lyrics, sitting on the side of the sofa, face serious. This gamble is very difficult, but Lin Feng readily agrees, also out of two considerations. First, he saw that she was not sure and hesitant from Avril's eyes. Lin Feng also hoped that Avril could make a final decision; 2、 Most importantly, although Lin Feng's singing is not good, it is undeniable that as a fan of Avril, Lin Feng asks himself that he is familiar with Avril's song. Now Lin Feng is gambling. The song he is holding is the one in his own impression.

If it's really that song, when you can sing it after listening to it, Lin Feng can imagine how moved Avril will be.

When the piano sounds, a sense of sadness envelops people's hearts. Especially when Avril sings with the music, people feel a sense of sadness. Lin Zhiling and others, who especially understand the relationship between Avril and Lin Feng, can't help but look at Lin Feng and sigh that Avril, an independent woman of the new era, will fall in love with Lin Feng, It's really sad.

Lin Feng holding the lyrics, listening to the music played by Avril, and singing softly, was excited. This song is very unfortunate. Lin Feng is really familiar with it, very, very familiar, but he never thought that this song would be related to him before.

When you are gone!

This is a popular Golden Melody of Avril's third album, which is well-known and widely spread. But Lin Feng never thought that Avril would be created because of herself. Listening to the sadness and yearning from the lyrics, Lin Feng felt that something was fermenting in his heart.

At the end of the song, many people who understood the meaning of the lyrics in the audience had tears in their eyes.

After hearing this, Lin Feng stood up with a sigh.

"Lin, I miss you so much!" Although a song ends, but Avril obviously has not recovered from the artistic conception just now. Seeing Lin Feng, he hugs Lin Feng and seems to be deeply afraid that Lin Feng will leave again.

"Don't worry, I won't leave you again." Lin Feng gently patted Avril's shoulder, slightly twitching back, soft voice said.

At this time, the crowd quietly left the space for two people.

"Wait!" When Lin Feng saw that everyone was going to leave, he quickly drank, "I haven't sung yet. Who will prove it to me when you leave?"

People's faces were strange. This song "when you are gone" is really beautiful. It's a light sadness and a strong yearning, but it's not something that can be sung after listening to it once. Lin Feng wants to sing in front of everyone. Isn't that obvious.

"No, Lin. In fact, if you are willing to accept this bet, I will be satisfied. No more Avril quickly took Lin Feng's hand and said. Maybe at the beginning, Avril really wanted to see Lin Feng make a fool of herself and express her "resentment" in her heart, but now she felt that everything was unnecessary. She has been deeply involved, since love him, why care about these.

Avril wants to take Lin Feng upstairs, and everyone wants to leave. After all, Lin Feng is going to make a fool of himself. The scene is embarrassing. No matter what, Lin Feng is also the richest man in China. He is a man with a head and a face. If his servants and subordinates see him make a fool of himself, it's hard to guarantee that he won't be jealous in the future. Safety first, leaving is better.

Lin Feng naturally understood people's thoughts. However, the gamble is so difficult that I happen to meet one of Avril's best songs. I'm sorry for my hard training if I don't show it to everyone. And this is the time that moves Avril completely, Lin Feng can't let it go.

Avril shook her head. After her heart knot is completely opened, she doesn't want to make a fool of her man, absolutely not.

"Don't you want to know if I can really sing? Maybe we are really predestined! Because music should be felt with the heart, and songs should be sung with the heart. If we have a soul in our heart, I can sing this song naturally. " Lin Feng took Avril to the piano and said, bewitching people.

Scared! The crowd in the hall was really a little silly. I don't understand what this super rich man wants. Can he really sing after listening to it? Many people at the scene admit that they still have a little talent for music. Although they are not qualified to make a record, they ask themselves that they can occasionally be coquettish at KTV. But after listening to the song "when you are gone", they ask themselves that they can remember a little melody at most and want to sing it. That's a delusion. But this young super rich, so sure, really so sure?

People are puzzled, Avril is even more puzzled. This song is written by her. She knows the difficulty best. Not to mention other people, even if she asked herself, it was absolutely impossible to just listen to it once and sing it out. But Lin Feng insisted, could she really sing it out? Or are they really so smart?

In doubt, Avril also wanted to see if they were really so smart. If Lin Feng can really sing out, she really does not have any good worries. This is the fate that God gave her.

With three doubts, three worries and four expectations, Avril put her hands on the piano and played it gently.

When the wounded melody of when you are gone starts again, everyone's heart is high. The servants in Neverland hope that their master Avril can have a good belonging. If Lin Feng can sing, they will be happy.

Lin Zhiling is looking forward to Lin Feng, want to see if this man who has created countless miracles can also show his talent in singing.

This man, in business, can come up with innumerable amazing ideas. In the film and television industry, he can write the script of prison break, which is very popular in the United States. He can also write the script of swordsman, which is expected by all game fans. So, in singing, can he really create a miracle and sing Avril's latest single after listening to it once?

Lin Zhiling is looking forward to it, very much.

Under the expectation of all, with the music, Lin Feng began to sing softly.


I never thought Id needed you there when I cry

And the days feel like years when Im alone


With Lin Feng's singing, all the people in the room were stunned and speechless. Looking at Lin Feng's eyes, they seemed to see a monster. Avril this melody is extremely sad new song, Lin Feng actually did not miss a word to sing out, and not only did not imagine the out of tune, but sing very skillfully, although far from being able to compare with Avril, but absolutely can be regarded as beautiful. What's more shocking is that Lin Feng didn't read the lyrics from the beginning to the end. Yes, he didn't read the lyrics from the beginning to the end. It's too exaggerated and terrible!

In the case of listening only once, not only will all the melodies be recorded, but also the lyrics will be remembered. Finally, they can sing skillfully, and they are very beautiful. Is this still human? No, it's not human, it's Superman!

People look at Lin Feng's eyes, full of incredible and shock!

The most shocking is Lin Zhiling. There are so many miracles created by Lin Feng, but Lin Zhiling really didn't expect that Lin Feng had such talent in singing. The wonderful eyes looking at Lin Feng were full of shock and admiration. No, it should be said to be worship. At this moment, looking at Lin Feng, who sang affectionately, Lin Zhiling felt that she was going to be completely occupied. In the face of this man, Lin Zhiling, who has always been proud and conceited, thinks that being his woman will really be very happy, even if she is nameless.

However, Avril was the most excited at the scene. She didn't expect that Lin Feng would really sing it, and the singing was not bad. Although Lin Feng was a little out of tune in the high part of the chorus, on the whole, especially after listening to it only once, she could sing such a "perfect" song. Avril sighed that it was inferior. In this regard, Avril can only believe that, as Lin Feng said just now, the two people have a soul in their hearts, otherwise they can't explain why Lin Feng can only listen to it once and sing it out.

Avril cried without suspense, but the tears of happiness fell.

When the last note was finished, Avril threw herself into Lin Feng's arms and burst into tears. This time, she really has no reason to refuse this love, no matter what the outside world says, she has determined.

At this time, people applauded. That is happy for the lovers to get married, but also for the shock Lin Feng brought to everyone!

Lin Feng embraces Avril and listens to the applause of the crowd. In his heart, it's a fluke, but more of it is cool! Rebirth, the original can not only use the memory of the future to make money, but also cheat beauty. With her broken voice, Avril, a pop diva who can sing, laments that she is not as good as being moved to death. It can be said that her life has come to this point. What can I ask for!

In the applause of blessing, Lin Feng holds Avril upstairs. But this night, although Lin Feng completely won the punk little princess's heart, but did not get the punk little princess's body.

The reason has no it, this night Avril moved to death, crying baptism Hua La, wait for Lin Feng comfort good, already embrace Lin Feng deep sleep. Facing Avril who curls up in his arms like a kitten and hugs him tightly, Lin Feng naturally has no heart to eat punk princess. Anyway, there will be more time in the future. You can eat it anytime.

A warm and silent night.

When she woke up the next day, Avril saw Lin Feng sleeping beside her, her face was full of sweet smile. Last night, I'm afraid, was the sweetest and safest night in her life.

"Good morning, Avril!" Lin Feng slowly wakes up and sees Avril with big eyes staring at him, saying good morning.

"Good morning! Lin Avril warmly sent a good morning kiss.

Lin Feng is very emotional. Unfortunately, he can't do something he likes to do this beautiful morning, because people are going to Houston. Before the unveiling war, Lin Feng still has many things to arrange.

(Chapter 2, updated at 5:00 p.m.) (to be continued, please visit www.qidian.com , more chapters, support authors, support legitimate reading!)