"Legend of swordsman" to be adapted into a film, has made many fans of the game excited about fainting. After all, "Legend of swordsman" brings all players too much fun, too many memories, too many regrets.

Especially at the end of the game, Zhao ling'er and the master of moon worship die together for the sake of the common people, looking at the snake battle standing alone there, but the master turns into nothing, all the players are stunned. While Li Xiaoyao is walking in the snow in the distance, in the melodious and sad flute sound of Anu, who can't express his deep feelings. Lin Feng believes that at that moment, all players' hearts are broken. Perhaps there will also be players for Li Xiaoyao and Zhao ling'er fate and regret, tears.

Unexpectedly, in the last scene, snowflakes are flying. A beautiful woman stands with an umbrella. She hears the sound of footsteps and looks back. Lin Yueru is holding Li Xiaoyao and Zhao linger's daughter in the wind and snow. When she sees Li Xiaoyao coming, she smiles.

Seeing this scene, Lin Feng believes that all fans of "Xianjian" are happy that Li Xiaoyao will finally have a happy ending. I'm afraid that most people will feel warm when they see this scene. At the same time, they will applaud the plot design of the game development team of "Xianjian Qixia Zhuan". So rich in content and depth of the game, finally adapted into a movie, how not exciting.

However, in the hearts of all "sword fans", there is a big question about the adaptation of "sword legend" into a movie《 The plot of "Legend of swordsman" is very rich. How can a 2-hour movie express its plot perfectly, so that all "swordsman fans" can relive this classic again. When many "sword fans" were puzzled, and even discussed on the Internet to analyze the plot and how to make the original "sword legend" as much as possible, Lin Feng actually announced that the "sword legend" would be adapted into a trilogy, and the total movie time would be more than 8 hours, which undoubtedly ignited the passion of all "sword fans".

"Legend of swordsman" has three films, and the film time is more than 8 hours, which is equivalent to the normal game time. It is enough to fully show the game classics of "Legend of swordsman" and offer a film festival for all "fans of swordsman". Think about the 8-hour movie feast, many "sword fans" have been excited and can't sleep. I hope "sword legend" will be released as soon as possible to satisfy their hunger.

Of course, some netizens have questioned whether the original well funded $100 million will be enough for the production of computer special effects? After all, there are too many classic moves in Xianjian Qixia Zhuan, such as "wanjianjue", "wind sweeping Canyun" and so on. They are all beautiful in the game, and there is the most powerful "Dionysian". If you can't show these special effects, it will be a great failure. It's sad, at least.

Although many netizens are a little resentful about the query of the player named "water VV in the ice", they know that what he said is true. If the funds are really insufficient, I'm afraid the final effect will be disappointing. Of course, the investment of US $100 million in three films is also sky high in China. I believe the final effect will not be too bad. At least it should be better than all domestic films. However, at least 50 million "sword fans" across the country are looking forward to "swordsman" too much. Since Lin Feng wants to shoot, they naturally hope to shoot it perfectly, comparable to Hollywood blockbusters.

However, some netizens pointed out that the domestic film market environment is not good, piracy is too rampant, investment of $100 million may not be able to recover the ticket price, increase investment, I'm afraid the loss is more severe.

For this point, many "sword fans" also know, but their hearts are full of thoughts. After all, Lin Feng now has a fortune of more than $30 billion. Although most of his assets are stocks, it should not be a problem to invest more money in the production of the legend of the swordsman, as long as he takes out a little more money.

For a moment, there was an appeal on the Internet.

Lin Dong, invest a little more, for "Xianjian", for "Xianjian" in the hearts of all our players—— The player "wuzienhua" shouts.

Lin Shoufu, you are the richest man in the country. You don't care about such a little money. Invest a little more. For the sake of "Xianjian" in the hearts of all "Xianjian fans", if you shoot it well, I believe you will go to the cinema to support it“ "Xianjian fan" said Zhan Yan.


All over the country, there is a call for Lin Feng to invest more money. In particular, many radical "Xianjian fans" have even flocked to the online games of "second world". They don't play games either. They just sit in the place with the largest number of players and play Chinese boy!

After all, many online game players have never played "Legend of swordsman". Seeing so many "swordsman fans" chasing "Legend of swordsman", they also want to play. However, after downloading from the Internet, most people vomit when they see the picture just as it is too old.

Grass, what broken game, but also blowing into the most classic domestic game masterpiece, look at the game screen, I bah! It's not as good as the most rubbish games—— An online game player named "yixiantian" spent several hours curiously downloading "98 tender chapter of legend of Xianjian" and then retired after playing for less than 2 minutes. Then he logged on "Baidu Xianjian Post Bar" and sent a post.

Unexpectedly, just two minutes after the post came out, it was sprayed bloody by the fanatical "sword fans".

Ignorance, have you ever played the legend of swordsman carefully! Have you experienced the feelings between Li Xiaoyao, Zhao linger and Lin Yueru? The picture is bad, I admit it. What else can we do with the game developed in 1994? It was not easy to have such a picture at that time. What's more, the quality of a game depends on the screen? If you think so, you are too superficial. It's only for legend—— Called "heartbreak. Dream wake up" of the "sword fans" cold attack said.

This remark was supported by all the "sword fans". Of course, it also attracted a lot of "legend fans" to attack that they should not abuse "legend" together. Fortunately, "Legend of swordsman" is indeed a game that can hardly be picky. In order to divert the attention of "legend" fans, "legend fans" and "sword fans" can't find the name of "yixiantian" and dare not go online for several days.

"Boss, are you going to increase your investment or not?" Looking at the "sword fans" who have been protesting for three days in the game, Wu Zhaopu shook his head helplessly.

Lin Feng smiles and then picks up the phone.

"Mr. Li, how is the new version of the legend of swordsman prepared?" Asked Lin Feng.

"Boss, it's over. Originally, we have been preparing to launch the "Legend of the new immortal sword". When it was about to be completed, it was acquired by the boss. " Li Yongjin said helplessly.

Originally, for the sequel of the legend of swordsman, not only many players appeal, but Daewoo information is also secretly anxious. It's a pity that several versions have been produced, but I'm not satisfied with them all the time. I'm afraid I'll smash the signboard of the legend of swordsman, and all of them have been cancelled in the end. But later, forced by the company's performance, Li Yongjin was also prepared to launch "the legend of the new swordsman" to earn a little money. As a result, Lin Feng acquired Daewoo information when he was worried.

Later, when Lin Feng learned that Li Yongjin was developing the biography of the new swordsman, he took a look at it. As Lin Feng's impression of it, it was a failure. Although the screen is much more beautiful than the old version of the legend of the swordsman, on the whole, it is suspected of shoddy workmanship. Moreover, after the new role is created, it is not as beautiful as the original role. In the end, Lin Feng ordered to remake it and replace it with the original one.

After Li Yongjin and others rush to work day and night, they have just finished remaking. However, the so-called "Legend of the new swordsman" in addition to the screen in line with today's trend, the content has not changed, that is, it has added a bit of branch plot, and the game has more room to explore.

"Boss, will players pay for this?" Li Yongjin hesitated.

"Ha ha, don't worry. This time it's called" Xianjian Qixia biography collection edition ". The price should not be too high, just 28 yuan." Lin fengxiao said.

"28 yuan?" Li Yongjin said with a frown. The price is too low. Although it's a reprint, it also cost more than 100 programmers of Daewoo information to make it for half a year. Especially in the last month, because of Lin Feng's words, people worked overtime day and night to revise it. It was only 28 yuan. It's too low.

"Ha ha, Mr. Li, take a long line and catch big fish. If the price of a collection version is too high, the player will not buy it. Don't forget, China is a big pirate. If the price is too high, many players prefer to play piracy. Now the price is a little lower, first attract more players to buy, slowly cultivate them into loyal fans, and then launch other games in the future, they can buy the legitimate version. What's more, these players will become loyal players if they launch "Xianjian Qixia Zhuan online" in the future Lin fengxiao said.

Li Yongjin nodded. Lin Feng is really right. In the face of the terrible piracy market, if you want players to buy the legitimate version, I'm afraid you have to lower the price.

Later, Lin Feng announced the launch of the collection of swordsmen. Since the price is only 28 yuan, although the plot of the game has not changed much, it is still sought after by many old "sword fans". In order to stimulate sales, Lin Feng even announced that he would spend an extra $10 on the movie as long as each set of the new swordsman collection is sold.

Originally, many "sword fans" especially favored the collection edition of the legend of swordsmen, which was priced at only 28 yuan. In particular, Li Xiaoyao, Lin Yueru and Zhao linger were included in the package box of the original edition. It can be said that the price was extremely low. In addition to Lin Feng's promise that every additional set will be sold for an additional $10, many "sword fans" are already a little crazy.

Sales are rising!