Avril's personal global tour concert started smoothly under the attention of millions of people. Toronto, Canada, can accommodate 80000 people in the stadium full, 80000 fans followed Avril crazy one night, enjoy a music feast.

New York, the United States, continues to be crazy. Avril's strong personal color and explosive rendering power of music make all the fans present crazy. Avril became the youngest person to hold a global concert tour. The popularity of the first two world tour concerts is not only expected, but also unexpected. All the media and music critics have expected the popularity of Avril's concert, but they didn't expect it to be so crazy that tens of thousands of fans followed her crazy all night.

The popularity of the first two concerts makes everyone confident that Avril is so young to hold a global tour concert. However, all music critics still think it is unwise for Avril to choose Shanghai, China as the third stop of her global tour concert. I think Avril should hold a few concerts in some developed countries in Europe, where Avril fans are more, and then go to Asia.

The third stop is to go to Asia, or Shanghai, China, which is not rational enough. Once the box office of China's Shanghai concert is dismal, it will also have a negative impact on the subsequent World Tour concerts.

Of course, this is just the opinion of music critics, but the media are trembling with excitement. Avril's idea of Shanghai, China as the third stop of the global concert is of special significance.

The first stop is Canada, which is Avril's motherland; The second stop is New York, where Avril's music originated; The third stop, Shanghai, China, is the location of Avril's rumored boyfriend. Avril's choice of the location of the global concert is carefully selected. How can those old-fashioned music critics understand.

Of course, whether the box office of the third stop in Shanghai is good or not is naturally beyond the consideration of the media. What they are looking forward to is just the meeting between Avril and Lin Feng, and the hot scene when Lin Feng's current girlfriend Li Zhiyou meets Avril. This is what all the gossip people around the world are most concerned about.

At 9:00 a.m. on May 23, 2002, Boeing 767, a direct flight from New York to Shanghai, arrived in Shanghai.

Lin Feng is in Shanghai villa.

Li Zhiyou was sitting in the living room with a nervous face. Although I knew that Avril would come, and I was prepared, and I was determined to compete with Avril. But when Avril's flight really arrived in Shanghai, there was an unspeakable tension and fear. I held Lin Feng's hand tightly for fear that I would lose Lin Feng in the next second.

Li Zhiyou is naturally angry about the relationship between Lin Feng and Avril. She doesn't understand why she is good to Lin Feng wholeheartedly, but Lin Feng can't be good to her wholeheartedly. Although there are countless women behind every successful man, Li Zhiyou hopes that Lin Feng can be different from other men. Are men always so playful?

Before Lin Feng and Liu Yingying had such an ambiguous relationship, which made Li Zhiyou secretly jealous. Finally, with Liu Yingying's attention to "Dingdang net", it was over, which made Li Zhiyou feel relieved.

Unexpectedly, the sweet day didn't last long. When he went back to Chu city to see his parents, Huang Shuqi got engaged again. Later, the "Aphrodisiac incident" broke out, which made Li Zhiyou feel aggrieved and want to beat Lin Feng hard. He beat the man who made him miserable and made him cry silently.

It's not that Li Zhiyou didn't want to give up. Maybe she won't have so many troubles, and she won't open newspapers and magazines every day for fear of seeing Lin Feng's affair with so and so again. Although Lin Feng's status and wealth make her a little bit of a gossip. Apart from Jessica Alba, she has created Avril, but both of them are earth shaking.

Avril, in particular, confessed her feelings to Lin Feng in front of more than 75 million American audiences, which made Li Zhiyou jealous and a little happy to find the best man in the world. Just did not expect that this scandal is a fact, Lin Feng fell in love with Avril. He told himself that he loved Avril as well as himself. After hearing Lin Feng's words, Li Zhiyou was worried and felt that he was bitten by thousands of ants.

I wanted to give up at that time, but it's not easy to give up. Li Zhiyou is not an avant-garde and open-minded person. He is even a little conservative in men and women's affairs. He gives Lin Feng his innocence and his feelings. How can he give up? Besides, give up Lin Feng such an excellent man, where can she find a better man?

But she can't accept Avril and Lin Feng. Besides, Avril would never accept sharing the same man with her. In desperation, Li Zhiyou chose to fight in his own way, to influence Lin Feng with his tenderness and meticulous care, hoping that Lin Feng could "turn around and be safe.". Unfortunately, although in exchange for Lin Feng more love, but the man's "flower heart" has no influence.

Now that Avril is in Shanghai, they will meet soon. What should she do—— No, I can't lose. I can't lose to Avril. I can't lose to anybody—— Li Zhiyou gritted his teeth to cheer himself up.

Lin Feng feels the slight tremor from Li Zhiyou's hand. He wants to comfort him, but he doesn't know what to say. He can only hold Li Zhiyou's hand tightly.

Morally speaking, Lin Feng knew that he was inferior to animals. Can be selfish, human nature is cowardly, hypocritical. Li Zhiyou, he does not want to give up, Avril does not want to lose. Although their personalities are two extremes, their inner qualities are the same. They are both women of the new era and will not accept their so-called "fraternity". But I've experienced such a thing as rebirth. Can't the two women manage it by themselves—— Lin Feng's reason is extremely ridiculous, but it is the most real idea in all men's hearts.

In the face of two former dream lovers, Lin Feng doesn't want to give up. What's more, how to solve the relationship between the three is also a very difficult task, but it is undoubtedly a kind of pleasure to walk on the edge of danger.

Originally, when Avril arrived in Shanghai today, Lin Feng should pick up the plane. However, with their current relationship, Lin Feng must be blocked in the airport by many reporters when he goes to pick up the plane. It will definitely be a big trouble at that time. To be on the safe side, Lin Feng sent Li Rui to pick up the plane with several "wolf teeth" security personnel. Let Avril come to his villa to have a rest.

Although Avril to his villa, will certainly make a world shaking. But the two girls will meet sooner or later. Instead of making trouble outside, it's better to make trouble inside the villa, so as not to make many reporters laugh. What's more, they are both public figures. It's bad for their image and future to make trouble in front of outsiders.

When Lin Feng is waiting for Avril to come, Li Rui calls and says that Avril won't come.

Lin Feng frowned.

After more than 20 hours of flying, Avril finally set foot on this mysterious oriental continent, which is her beloved's motherland. The excitement can be seen from Avril's sweet smile. Although there is a Li Zhiyou beside Lin Feng, Avril doesn't care too much. She has great confidence in herself. This time she comes to Shanghai, she wants to recapture Lin Feng.

Originally, Avril thought that Lin Feng would be waiting for him outside the customs. Unexpectedly, just out of the customs, what is waiting for Avril is not the embrace of Lin Feng, but the crazy cry of hundreds of Chinese fans. Watching Chinese fans holding up their portraits and shouting their names, Avril was slightly surprised. Originally, Avril was ready for the dismal box office of the concert in Shanghai, China. Unexpectedly, she saw so many Chinese fans, which surprised Avril. At the same time, she felt a little warm in her heart.

"Hello, everyone! I'm Avril, thank you Avril smiles sweetly and waves to the fans around, causing a shriek.

At this time, many reporters also gathered around. But it was blocked.

"Avril, the boss knows that you are tired all the way. He has prepared your room for you and is waiting for you in the villa." Li Rui and Avril are familiar in the United States, so they are naturally the best candidates to replace Lin Feng.

Unexpectedly, Avril saw that the pick-up was Li Rui, and when she heard that Lin Feng didn't come, she frowned.

"What about Lin? Why didn't he come? " Avril looks at Li Rui unhappily.

"Avril, the boss is afraid that there will be too many reporters, so he entrusted us to pick up the plane." Li Rui explained.

After hearing this, Avril's sunny smile disappeared immediately, and her face became gloomy. She put her suitcase on the ground heavily, sat down on it and said angrily, "call Lin and tell him if he doesn't come to pick up the plane, I won't go."

Avril was angry. Of course, she should be angry. The reason why she chose China as the third stop of her global concert is well known, and Lin Feng is also clear. He came all the way to China, but Lin Feng was worried about these irrelevant people and things, unexpectedly did not come to pick up the plane, which made Avril very angry, and had a kind of feeling that she was not valued. There are so many reporters. What's the matter? As a star, she is not afraid. What is Lin Feng afraid of!

Many reporters see Avril look, they know Avril angry. And sweep around, did not see Lin Fengren, then guess why Avril angry. Many reporters sighed to themselves that Lin Feng didn't show up. Today, it's no use for them to stay here. Just one Avril is not worth their efforts. They fly all the way from the United States and Europe to China. They're journalists, not paparazzi.

Li Rui has no choice but to shake his head and persuade him. Seeing that Avril is not moved at all, he has to call Lin Feng.

I heard that Avril lost his temper at the airport because he didn't go to pick up the plane. Lin Feng also had a headache. He was trying to persuade Li Rui. Unexpectedly, Avril's voice came from the microphone.

"Lin, I always thought you were a person who didn't care about other people's opinions, but you were so timid. You let me down. I tell you, if you don't pick up today, I'll sit here until you come. If you still don't come before 12 a.m., I'll fly directly back to the United States, and we won't meet again. " Avril's cold tone makes people feel cool.

With that, Avril hung up and threw the phone to Li Rui( To be continued, if you want to know the future, please log in www.qidian.com , more chapters, support authors, support legitimate reading!)