"Electronic tobacco". For this new term, many reporters are slightly stunned, waiting for Lin Feng to follow.

"Ladies and gentlemen, before I comment on what is Internet addiction, I would like to refute Professor Tao's previous statement that" according to the statistics of local juvenile detention centers, courts and public security bureaus, about 70% of juvenile delinquents degenerate into prisoners because of Internet addiction. ". Here, I consulted a person in charge of the Ministry of public security, who gave us a more objective and accurate data fact. " Lin Feng reaches for his hand and presses the remote control. A video appears on the screen, in which a man is Mr. Wu Heping, official spokesman of the Ministry of public security.

"According to statistics in the past year, the number of juvenile delinquents aged 14 to 25 accounted for 44.7% of the total number of crimes, an increase of 1.6% over the same period last year. 85.1% of them were 16-17 years old, 92% were 14-15 years old and 92.5% were under 14 years old. The key to prevent juvenile delinquency lies in family education. We found that children whose parents were divorced or who suffered domestic violence were more likely to commit crimes. And there is no evidence to directly prove that juvenile delinquency originates from violence in online games. " Wu Heping said very seriously.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the ancients said that it was the father's fault to raise or not to teach. Teachers are lazy if they don't teach well. Online games lead to the increase of juvenile crime rate, which is a typical behavior of the middle-aged and old people shifting their responsibilities to others, and the older generation bullying the younger generation and the generation without resistance. " Lin Feng was very careful to repeat.

This remark has been praised by all the managers of online game companies. The society always pushes juvenile delinquency and students' neglect of their studies to the game, which really makes all the employees in the game industry unjustly. Lin Feng's words are the voice of all game practitioners.

The teachers, parents and students in front of the screen thought deeply after listening to Lin Feng's words. Whose responsibility is it for students to evade learning and indulge in games? What is the root of this?

However, it is an indisputable fact that online games make students addicted. Without games, students will not escape learning—— All the teachers and parents said.

Tao "call beast" in front of the screen, an old face of iron blue, he did not expect that Lin Feng would hit him with the tone he once said, but Lin Feng can come up with the exact evidence. Although these arguments can not change the attitude of parents and teachers towards the game, they will change the attitude of parents towards him. Once he is questioned, then his concentration camp for Internet addiction control will be open to the public, which Tao "Shoushou" would never like to see.

"Well, now let's talk about Internet addiction. Professor Tao compares online games to drugs, which is too sensational. When it comes to drugs, it's natural for everyone to think of such words as "destroy themselves, harm their families, and endanger society." but after playing online games for a while, they suddenly become public enemies of society. This is too exaggerated. What's more, doesn't Tao think it's inappropriate to use the word "drug" on these minors. If you play online games, even if you take drugs, most countries in the world are taking drugs. Japan and the United States are the most, but their economies are the top two in the world. It's ironic that drugs can suck out the world's two strongest economies. " Lin Feng sneers.

All the netizens applauded.

"Therefore, I think that online games are at best a kind of" electronic tobacco ", which will make people form a certain dependence, but will not make people do anything that" destroys themselves, harms families and harms society. ". Also, if you say addicted, watching football game will make people addicted? Is the movie addictive? Is the concert not addictive? All of these can be addictive. According to Tao's "calling animals", all games that make minors addicted should be banned. Can these things also make minors addicted? " Lin Feng hit Tao's heart with every word.

"Of course, maybe Tao Jiaohu will say that a football match is only 90 minutes, a movie is only two or three hours, but online games are endless, which will make minors unable to control their behavior. So here, I still want to say, where are the guardians of these minors? All the games of our company indicate that they are suitable for players of different ages when they log in. In addition, players will be reminded to have a proper rest and not indulge in the game in more than three hours. At this time, where is the guardian? What's more, there are more than one football match and more than one movie produced every day in the world. Of course, it also involves the responsibility of the minors who are addicted to the game. I will not say more, but the game itself is innocent! It's not wrong for minors to play games properly Lin Feng said firmly.

All netizens cheered, and they were waiting for Lin Feng's words. Usually playing a game is like being a thief, which makes all minors extremely dissatisfied and adult players dissatisfied. Playing a game is always nagged by parents. People are rebellious, especially teenagers. They are in a rebellious period. The more you don't let me play, the more I want to play. And this is a vicious circle.

"In addition, I would like to ask Professor Tao, who has always boasted that his starting point is for the sake of parents and children. But why does he charge 4800 yuan per student in his concentration camp for Internet addiction. I think that for most of the parents of students in China, the 4800 yuan is by no means a small number. Why can't Professor Tao continue to eliminate the 4800 yuan based on the "great" ideal of thinking about the future of the motherland? " Lin Feng sneered, "of course, maybe Professor Tao will say that he also needs to eat, and all kinds of equipment need to spend money, so it's not unreasonable to collect money."

Lin Feng had a cold smile on his face.

"Ladies and gentlemen, our" second world "is not a company without social morality. If all parents and teachers insist that students' avoidance of study is caused by games, I don't want to argue much. Our company will hold an "Internet addiction elimination camp" in the summer vacation to help all students who can't control their own games. Of course, I'm here to hire Professor Tao with a monthly salary of 20000 yuan to guide these students in our company. I don't think Professor Tao with noble sentiments will refuse my proposal. " Lin Feng laughed with disdain.

A burst of applause from the reporters on the scene, which was Lin Feng's fierce attack on Tao. Isn't he always advocating starting this concentration camp for money? Lin Feng now gives him a chance to show his love. Tao "Shoushou", do you come or don't you?

In front of the screen, Tao almost fainted. He didn't expect that Lin Feng was so "mean" and used this to attack him. Lin Feng said that, how can he continue to run this "concentration camp for Internet addiction control". What is the reason for his hard work in 24 big cities and 48 towns across the country? For the so-called noble sentiment, isn't that bullshit! With that sentiment, he is not as comfortable as planting flowers and grass at home.

At this moment, Tao "Shoushou" knew that his concentration camp was really dead.

"Of course, as a young man, as far as I'm concerned, I can't ask myself if my student career is learning or learning. Even if there are no games, I will find other ways to escape the heavy academic burden. For example, I think many of you here should have a deep feeling about "taking stickers" and playing "strong hand chess". In my previous experience, I can play these ordinary games for one day, and I won't be tired of playing them every day. " Lin fengxiao said.

Most of the Post-70s have deep feelings about "making stickers" and playing "strong hand chess". They can really have a summer vacation. However, many reporters are curious about what Lin Feng will say next.

"Therefore, in order to enrich the recess life of primary and secondary school students and prevent them from indulging in video games, our company has reached an agreement with Chu municipal government and China Basketball Association to jointly promote the basketball championship of primary and secondary school students, which is exclusively sponsored by our company" second world "and prevented by Chu municipal government to establish the National Basketball Championship of primary and secondary school students." Lin Feng said with a smile.

When Lin Feng finished, the whole court was shocked. He did not expect that Lin Feng would promote the National Basketball Championship for primary and secondary school students. This is a good idea, and it is also a competition that can improve China's basketball level. But do the University Associations agree? What's the benefit to Lin Feng and the "second world"?

Lin Feng smiles confidently. There are many advantages in this primary and secondary school basketball championship!

All the teachers and parents were stunned. After pondering over it, the teacher scorned the basketball tournament and thought it was a complete nonsense. If all the students went to play basketball, what would they do with their studies? What should I do if I delay my studies because of playing basketball? What if I can't graduate?

However, relative to the teacher's opposition, many families agree with Lin Feng's opinion. After all, Lin Feng was right before. Even if there were no games, his children might not be able to concentrate on their study. If there was a basketball championship, at least his children would have a way to vent their energy, and they were also under the jurisdiction of the school. They didn't worry that their children would slip out to play games again, and they could also enhance their physique and kill many birds with one stone. Besides, what if your child is the next Yao Ming? Don't you study for money? Once Yao Ming becomes the number one NBA player, his annual salary will be several million dollars, which is far more than the hard work of studying to find a job after graduating from university.

The different ideas of teachers and parents are one of the results of Lin fengyao. Differentiation, to gradually divide the game industry in China's biggest enemy - teachers and parents. Besides, holding this national basketball championship for primary and secondary school students, Lin Feng is also sincere for the future of Chinese basketball. Of course, Lin Feng also thought about football, but the requirements of football field are too big. Most schools can't have such conditions. Basketball is good and covers a small area. Besides, basketball has a very good example.

"Here, I would like to introduce Mr. Yao Ming, the spokesman of the upcoming Basketball Championship for Chinese primary and secondary school students." Lin Feng stood up and clapped his hands to welcome him.

In the surprise of all the reporters, Yao Ming came out with a smile.

"Ladies and gentlemen, as one of the Chinese basketball players, I hope that all the primary and middle schools in China can support this basketball championship. I will personally support this basketball championship with 1 million yuan every year. I hope that all primary and secondary school students can enjoy the fun of basketball and enrich their after-school life while studying. " Yao said with a smile. For this league, he can't praise it more, which is of great help to the development of China's basketball level. If this basketball championship can be held all the time, in the near future, Chinese basketball will really take off and compete with the world's top teams!

"Our company 'Second World' will also spend 9 million yuan a year to reward all the teams who finally enter the National Stadium. Next, let's ask Mr. Yao Ming to briefly introduce the rules of the primary and secondary school basketball championship Lin Feng said.

"This national basketball championship for primary and secondary schools will adopt the elimination competition system at all levels. First of all, the primary and secondary schools in each county and city will hold the elimination competition, then the provincial elimination competition will be held with the winner of the city as the unit, and finally the top two teams in each province will enter the national championship and compete for the final champion in Chu city. " Yao explained, and then called again, "I hope that all schools and parents of students can give their children more spare time. At least playing basketball can enhance their physique, increase their ability to communicate with others, and strengthen their team spirit. These are not learned from books, and they are also very important."

There was a burst of applause.

In front of the screen, many netizens also applauded for the second world's plan to revitalize China's basketball level. Especially for Yao Ming's team spirit, communication skills, etc. Today's education makes children focus on reading. They are all pedantic. If they don't have the ability to communicate with others and the spirit of teamwork, it's useless to study well.

Only those teachers who are worried about the enrollment rate are dissatisfied with this and think to themselves that they should find a way to stop this plan. However, most of the parents agree, and many people are also awakened by Yao Ming. This society is a pluralistic society. It is not a good thing to keep in touch with people no matter what you do.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to announce one more thing here. Yao Ming has become the spokesman of" second world ", and he is also a loyal player of legend," Lin Feng announced in a timely manner.

After all, Lin Feng is the boss of the Houston Rockets, and Yao Ming is very likely to go to the Houston Rockets this year. However, what shocked all reporters was that Yao Ming signed a contract with "second world" for ten years. This contract shows that "second world" has taken a huge advantage. Considering Yao Ming's popularity in the future, it can be said that "second world" has made a lot of money, which makes all competitive companies angry. Yao Ming's popularity is getting higher and higher as the NBA draft is approaching. Lin Feng has signed Yao Ming as the spokesman. Think about how Yao Ming's popularity can be defeated once he enters the NBA and becomes the number one champion in the future!

Damn second world, damn Lin Feng—— Many game company boss secretly curse.

Subsequently, Lin Feng announced the end of the press conference. After the news conference, Tao's "calling beast" was undoubtedly the hardest hit. Lin Feng's invitation was recited by everyone, especially some non-governmental media newspapers and magazines, with the title of "Professor Tao, with a monthly salary of 20000, will you go?" For the title, they asked Tao "call beast" whether he would agree to go to Lin Feng's "Internet addiction elimination summer camp" as a lecturer in the summer. Many netizens have made fun of it.

Netizens "fall into the self" ridicule -- Tao "call beast" has not always boasted that he is a caring person. This time, Tao "call beast" was hired by the "second world" with a monthly salary of 20000 yuan. If he didn't go, his motivation would be problematic.

Netizen "Rulong 1911" also said - Tao "calls beast" ah, Tao "calls beast", your concentration camp for Internet addiction is closed.

Finally, under the pressure of many parties, Tao "Shoushou" publicly announced that he suffered from hypertension and other diseases, and was not easy to overwork. On the ground, he declined Lin Feng's invitation and closed the concentration camp for Internet addiction.

What is really controversial is the "primary and secondary school basketball championship" launched by Lin Feng. This basketball championship has been widely discussed by all walks of life. For a moment, it has overshadowed the remarks about Minors' addiction to online games. Many students, teachers and parents have launched a heated discussion on this "primary and secondary school basketball championship", and the whole society has participated in it.

Students think that this is a very good way to increase their extracurricular activities, so that they don't have to think all day to avoid heavy study.

Parents think that it is necessary to have proper sports activities so that children will not play all day.

Teachers think that this will affect the students' enrollment rate, no way.

Netizens believe that although it is important to enter a higher school, students are not machines and need to rest. Basketball game is a good leisure activity.

The basketball players think that it is good for improving the level of Chinese basketball and should be advocated.

All sectors of the society are in a state of turmoil, and experts from all walks of life have sprung up to express their views on this issue.

And this is what Lin Feng wants. Diverting attention can not only help improve the level of Chinese basketball, help children increase extracurricular activities, but also earn fame, add "political chips" to their company, and take the opportunity to advertise. Why not!

For the government of Chu City, the "Basketball Championship for primary and secondary school students" settled in Chu city will undoubtedly promote the economic development of Chu City, and once it becomes a scale, it can be held every year, which is a face project for the whole government of Chu City, and can become the card of Chu city. Therefore, the government of Chu City has long issued an administrative order to force all primary and secondary schools in Chu city to set up their own basketball teams.

As for the Chinese Basketball Association, this is a great "achievement", and the incumbent leaders also strongly support this plan. If it can really promote the development of China's basketball level, this leader of the Chinese Basketball Association will naturally have a bright face, which is also conducive to their future promotion. Of course, this is another purpose of Lin Feng. He wants to have a good relationship with the Basketball Association. At least he can't have a stalemate with the basketball association between Yao Ming and Houston.

In the national debate about "primary and secondary school basketball championships", Lin Feng launched a new "champion online" Champions League award system( To be continued, if you want to know the future, please log in www.qidian.com , more chapters, support authors, support legitimate reading!)