Avril's declaration is like a nuclear bomb, detonating the entire American entertainment industry. In the American entertainment circle, there have been many eccentric and deviant stars for a long time, such as the problem characters Robert Downey Jr. (starring in iron man) and "bad boy" Charlie Sheehan (starring in two and a half men). They are all eccentric stars who have done obscure things, but in the face of the camera and thousands of fans, They will apologize to the public for their "muddleheaded" past and confess their stupidity.

However, Avril is different. In the face of more than 75 million American audiences (prison break is playing to Episode 18, which is the most tense moment, and the audience rating is also rising), Avril not only does not admit her crime of beating people in the street, but also frankly says that if the fans don't like her, she can leave. It's the first time for all Americans to see such a star of character.

For a moment, the world was in an uproar.

With the exaggerated title of fallen superstar, USA Today comments on Avril's Manifesto in a tone of extreme surprise, and laments the fall of a rising music superstar in a tone of extreme sadness. In the end, he pointed the spearhead at Lin Feng and denounced Lin Feng for deceiving 17-year-old Avril. He also called on the U.S. Department of justice to severely punish Lin Feng, so as not to teach more young people bad.

The Washington times took Avril's manifesto as the handle, denounced Lin Feng, attacked Lin Feng's ugly behavior in newspapers and magazines, described Lin Feng as a Satan, and called on the US government to expel Lin Feng and discipline Avril, so as not to mislead others.

In addition to Lin Feng's own "fsn-houston" TV station, the media in the United States continued to broadcast Avril's MTV and related stories to "vindicate" Avril, while the rest of the media cursed.

Although bill geets is a very bad reporter, he makes up false news to earn readers' attention, which is very disgusting. But after all, he is a journalist. Everyone is a colleague. Even if Lin Feng and Avril beat Bill Gates, they still openly clamour in front of 75 million Americans on TV, which makes all journalists have a common hatred. It's not polite to report.

However, to the dismay of all news media, although Avril openly staged such a big play on TV, her fans not only did not decrease, but increased, and became more fanatical. For the criticism of the media, Avril's fans refuted one after another, denouncing the criticism of the media as making trouble out of nothing and deliberately vilifying Avril. Of course, most of them are young people between the ages of 14 and 26. As for American parents over 40 who have children, they are extremely disgusted with Avril.

But this is the United States, not China. Their children's enthusiasm for Avril can not be interfered by their parents, otherwise it will involve human rights, abuse and other complex issues.

However, because of the controversy caused by Avril, there is a heated debate in most American families. For Avril, parents naturally don't like her very much, and even hope that their children can no longer worship Avril, but most young people worship Avril to the extreme, and even don't hesitate to launch a family debate contest with their parents on this matter. In particular, Avril's middle finger pointing behavior towards Bill Gates is learned by the majority of young people.

Avril's vertical middle finger is a new interpretation of this insulting gesture, which is meant to be "fuck you bitch", and becomes a declaration against oppression and authority. This unexpected consequence surprised all social research experts.

The wave triggered by Avril also naturally spread to the world through the Internet. For a moment, all the major media around the world discussed the matter and commented on whether Avril's behavior was right or wrong, whether her influence set a bad example for young people, and whether the public figures such as stars should be restrained.

The sun, as another "Lin Hei", was the first to stand up for the Washington times, refuting Lin Feng's and Avril's "barbaric and rude" behavior, believing that Avril had taught all young people around the world bad and made them learn rude gestures, and calling on the global media to ban Avril. As for Lin Feng, the sun has spared no effort to describe him as the source of the world's evil and the "Godfather" of young people's bad examples, imploring the US Department of justice to severely punish such sources of evil forces.

The times, on the other hand, made a more cautious and objective analysis of the incident, believing that although bill geetz's report was biased, Lin Feng and Avril should not hit people in the street. Lin Fengshen, the richest man in the Chinese mainland and the world's richest man, is like a local hooligan who is really ineffective and unreasonable. At the same time, she accused Avril, as a global pop queen, of not only beating people, but also not repenting, and the bad impact is unparalleled. It is suggested that teenagers should not worship stars too much and influence their outlook on life and values.

Japan's Asahi Shimbun also reprimanded Lin Feng and Avril for their bad influence. It also insinuated that the Chinese did not understand etiquette and did not know what etiquette was. They not only lost the face of the Chinese, but also lost the face of the Asians. They even felt ashamed as Japanese.

As for the Asahi Shimbun report, Lin Feng has only one sentence: I'll tell you what etiquette is after I kill you in Tokyo.

Faced with the "star influence storm" that swept across the globe, a lot of media in China, after a silence, issued a declaration by Xinhua. The action of Frank Lin Feng was a bit off the point of thinking, not mature enough, and not as the richest and most energetic person in the Chinese mainland. He hoped that the US government could treat the matter fairly and fairly. And call on Chinese teenagers not to worship stars too much, so as not to get into bad habits.

The Manifesto of Xinhua News Agency obviously dissatisfied all netizens in China. All netizens read the report of bill geetz through Baidu's translation. After reading it, they were furious and thought that Lin Feng's behavior was very correct, and he was very relieved《 It's not the first day for the Washington times to slander deforestation. Although Lin Feng is the richest man in the country and should have the style of the richest man, he is always abused like this. It's cowardly not to fight back. In the face of this group of reporters who are not afraid to be shameless and even more afraid to fight a lawsuit, we can only teach them how to respect people with our fists.

A word to describe the mood of netizens - this beat the happy!

As for Avril's declaration, all netizens have a look of worship.

Netizen "Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao" threatened that such a star with personality is the star we like. No affectation, no hypocrisy, far more popular than the other surface set, behind a set of stars.

Netizen "tears of no desire" looks excited - Avril, you are my goddess! awesome!

Not only domestic netizens, but also most young netizens all over the world praise Avril. They think that Avril is too personal and straightforward. Although it is a bit reckless, and there is no compromise in the face of fans, it is more popular. Avril's personality is like this, and it is because of her straightforward personality that people like her.

In particular, after a video of Lin Feng and Avril beating Bill Gates spread on the Internet, it attracted praise from all netizens. Avril is a woman in the new era.

With the support of netizens, all the media and stars waiting to see Avril's jokes are speechless. I didn't expect that beating people is so powerful and popular. In particular, Avril's record sales soared again, the first album "let go" sold again, and the record sales exceeded 15 million, creating an astonishing sales record.

Although most of the buyers are young people, there is no doubt that Avril's influence on young people is increasing, and her fame as a pop queen is stronger. This is what everyone, including music critics and other record singers, did not expect. After all, there have always been scandals, and the value of its stars will fall sharply, but this time it is just the opposite.

Because of this, there is a new term "Avril phenomenon" in the Oxford Dictionary, which generally refers to all kinds of scandals or scandals of celebrities or stars. Instead of expecting bad effects, there are unexpected positive trends, which is called "Avril phenomenon".

However, the only one who is worried and sad about this is Li Zhiyou. She also read Avril's manifesto, in which the straightforward confession made Li Zhiyou anxious. Naturally, she doesn't want to be robbed of her elder brother Lin with her. She hopes that her elder brother Lin belongs to her. She finally solved the "Aphrodisiac incident" in Chu City last time, and Allegra gradually forgets it. But now there is another Avril, and she is a pop queen, which makes Li Zhiyou a little ashamed.

And with Avril's straightforward personality, she will never give up as easily as Allegra. If Avril competes with her, Li Zhiyou is not sure. Lin Feng's feelings for Avril, she also felt, especially Avril's right hand and a similar bracelet on Lin Feng's left hand, let Li Zhiyou worry. She didn't know what to do.

Li Zhiyou is confused, confused, uneasy and complicated, but now he is more worried. Lin Feng is now in the Washington police department, facing charges of "malicious wounding". He can be sentenced to a maximum of seven years in prison, and once sentenced, he will be sent to the felon prison where dangerous prisoners are held. Where is Lin Feng suffering, just think about it, Li Zhiyou will feel distressed.

Helpless, Li Zhiyou can only pray to God, hoping that God can stand on Lin Feng's side again this time. As for the relationship between Lin Feng and Avril, she doesn't think much about it any more now. Everything will wait until Lin Feng returns safely( To be continued, if you want to know the future, please log in www.qidian.com , more chapters, support authors, support legitimate reading!)