Wang Hai was surprised to see that Cohen agreed. After all, people like Cohen hate to be monitored. However, it's hard to understand that he agreed so readily at the moment. Wang Hai looks at Lin Feng in amazement. I don't know what they just talked about, but Lin Feng makes Cohen so happy to accept the monitoring.

"Wang Hai, they're in your charge. They're in your department." Lin Feng, regardless of Wang Hai's surprise, turned his head and said. Since Wang Hai has a way to make them lifelong employees, Wang Hai is in charge of them.

"Oh, welcome. Don't worry, I will never treat you badly. I think you should be satisfied with the annual salary of 200000. " Lin Feng said.

But Xiaorong and others nodded and blushed. They didn't know what they were excited about. Lin Feng was even more surprised by what Wang Hai had done just now to make this hacker master so happy to become a lifelong employee of the company, and he looked very happy. Weird!

After arranging everything, Lin Feng finds Wang Meng.

"Mengge, can you help me get Kevin Mitnick to China?" Lin Feng looks at Wang Meng.

Wang Meng frowned slightly. It's difficult to get a person away under the supervision of the FBI, but it's not impossible.

"Boss, you have to understand the consequences of getting him. If he invades the network in China and is caught again, it may affect the company." Wang Meng worried that he could help Lin Feng, but one premise was that Lin Feng could not betray his country. If Kevin Mitnick goes to China and divulges domestic information to foreign organizations, Wang Meng will never forgive him.

"Don't worry, all his staff will be Chinese at that time. I don't believe he will do anything harmful to the interests of our country." Lin Feng affirmed.

On the strength of hackers, Chinese hackers are not as good as American hackers for the time being, but Kevin has proposed to ask these Chinese hackers for help, which is to show loyalty and reassure Lin Feng. In this way, no matter how powerful Kevin Mitnick is, no matter what little moves he makes, Xiaorong and others are not vegetarians. After all, they are Chinese and will not turn their elbows out. Moreover, the hacker wars have proved that they have a Chinese heart.

Wang Meng thought about it and agreed with Lin Feng. Besides, I will send someone to protect him and monitor him in disguise. I believe he will not do anything harmful to the national system.

"Don't worry, I'll send for him as soon as possible." Wang Meng nodded his promise.

Lin Feng sighed.

At this time, Wang Hai ran a little helpless.

"Mr. Lin, it's a bit of a problem." Wang Hai is a little bit embarrassed.

"What's the matter?"

"When Cohen hacked the Japanese website just now, he not only deleted all the contents of the website database, but even attacked the hardware. There may be a big storm tomorrow." Wang Hai said.

He did not expect that Cohen would be so crazy, even in Japan website to a "three light" policy, fragmented, although this is very cool, but the trouble is not small.

Lin Feng frowned slightly, but his heart was very cheerful.

"Don't worry, no matter how much they hate, they can bite me!" Lin Feng said.

The three looked at each other and laughed.

"By the way, how did you make Xiaorong so excited?" Lin Feng remembered his surprise just now.

Wang Hai had a strange look on his face. At last, he said, "adopt the style of the political commissar in the army."

On hearing this, Wang Meng shook his head and left with a smile.

"Political commissar in the army?" Lin Feng was stunned, but then he laughed. However, Wang Hai used this method to deal with Xiaorong and others, but it was really the best policy for him, and there was no future trouble.

One night later, the next day is January 17, and there are two days to go before the first "Second World players' annual meeting". However, when Chinese people wake up from a night's deep sleep, the whole Asia has been in uproar.

Yesterday, January 16, 2002, was the darkest night in Japanese Internet history. Overnight, all the websites of major Japanese companies, including government websites, were hacked. Japanese netizens woke up the next morning after a night and suddenly found that except for a few personal websites, all websites in Japan were paralyzed and in a vacuum. It was not until about 9 pm that the major websites resumed landing. However, after landing, Japanese Netizens found that the content of the website was much less than when they landed yesterday. In particular, many websites with account information, login again, all account information disappeared.

On the spot, Japanese netizens are boiling, have denounced the website, asking for a statement.

Facing the reprimand of Japanese netizens, Japanese companies also have a headache. Yesterday was a very hard night for the major Japanese companies. Inexplicably website information disappeared, most of the ordinary company website is OK, just lost the page information of the website, reconstruction is OK. But for some websites that provide online sales, it is a fatal blow. Overnight, all the customer information was lost, and the orders disappeared. In the face of fierce customers, these companies will vent their anger when they have no choice but to explain. Press conferences were held one after another to strongly denounce this kind of hacking and point the spearhead at Chinese hackers.

Japanese government websites were all hacked last night. When major domestic companies got into a mess, Japan's foreign ministry sent a letter to China's foreign ministry strongly condemning Chinese hackers for such cyber terrorist activities and asking the Chinese government to hand over the killers.

On that day, China's major newspapers reported the incident. The news that Chinese hackers hacked all Japanese websites spread throughout the country. All domestic netizens, whether they know what hackers are or not, relished the news and praised it as a hero. For a while, a large number of domestic netizens swarmed into hacker websites such as "hacker alliance", eager to learn hacker knowledge.

China's first hacker golden age was born.

In the face of accusations from the Japanese government and abuse from Japanese companies, the Chinese government held an emergency press conference at 9:30 a.m.

"We sympathize with the hacking of major Japanese websites last night. However, 123 websites in China were hacked last night, resulting in heavy losses. Therefore, we strongly declare that China will never support this kind of behavior of network hackers, and call on all countries in the world to crack down on it. " The official spokesman made a full speech, but what he said was the same as what he didn't say.

And to the embarrassment of the official spokesperson, the number of reporters on the scene is extremely rare. Originally, this kind of thing should be enough to cause a sensation. The audience should be full of reporters, but today, there are two or three kittens, which is completely opposite to the usual lively atmosphere. However, the official spokesman announced the end of the meeting after answering a few questions.

Where are the reporters? They all went to Shanghai because Lin Feng is going to hold a press conference today. Compared with the vague, neutral and boring press conference held by the government, there is no doubt that Lin Feng's side is more popular, and there are more "materials". Naturally, many journalists will choose which side to go wisely.

Lin Feng did not know that the official would suddenly announce an emergency press conference today, otherwise Lin Feng would never compete with the government for the "limelight". However, looking at the dark reporters under the stage, Lin Feng had to sigh that at any time everyone hated the kind of "people" who deliberately pretended to be forced.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I think you all know the news that the major websites in Japan were hacked last night. However, as a Chinese, it is necessary for me to clarify and tell you one thing, an unfortunate news, that the Japanese authorities and companies denounced us as Chinese hackers." Lin Feng knocked on the table to make the scene quiet.

Lin Feng raised a faint smile with a trace of irony.

Many reporters have a jump in their hearts. Whenever they see Lin Feng's face with a sarcastic smile, it means that there is a strong and violent news behind him.

"Last night, no, in these three days, all the websites of my companies, including second world and Dingdang, were attacked by hackers. These hackers wanted to break through our company's firewall, invade the internal database, and even want to get our company's core confidential documents. Here I strongly condemn this kind of behavior." Lin Feng ordered people to take out a stack of data sheets.

"And these data prove that the IP addresses of the attacks in these three days are all from Japan. They can clearly prove that Japanese hackers are crazy to attack our company's website in these three days and want to obtain core secrets." Lin Feng slaps a stack of data sheets on the table.

"Here, I appeal to the Japanese government to punish these hackers and ensure the cleanliness of the Internet." Lin Feng said angrily.

There was an uproar at the scene. Many reporters didn't expect that Lin Feng could provide evidence. Compared with the impassioned speeches of the Japanese government and the Chinese government, this has more weight, and they didn't expect that Lin Feng dared to challenge the Japanese government. It's a lot more bloody than the state.

"Mr. Lin, are these evidences true?" A reporter asked.

"Later, I'll have it posted on the Internet. You just need to check the relevant network security to see whether it is true or false. Here, I strongly protest against the brutal accusations made by Japanese companies and the government against hackers in China. I hope they can come up with evidence to prove them. If there is no evidence, I hope Japanese companies can openly apologize to all IT personnel in China. " Lin Feng slaps the table.

Jokes, evidence? Yesterday, when Cohen invaded the Japanese network, all the evidence disappeared, and it was the hell that they could bring it out.

Many reporters were shocked again. They did not expect that Lin Feng would ask Japanese companies and governments to apologize. Although marveling at whether Lin Feng's action is irrational, he is full of admiration for Lin Feng.

"Mr. Lin, you have provided all these data. I'm afraid you will also fabricate them." A Putonghua student with a little strange accent insists on speaking.

Many reporters looked back.

The reporters on the scene booed.

"I strongly protest the vulgar and impolite behavior of your Chinese journalists." The man's face flushed with anger.

Lin Feng looked over his head. The man, who spoke stiff Mandarin, was a reporter from Asahi Shimbun.

"This reporter from Japan, you said our journalists were impolite. How ever have you been polite?" Lin Feng sneered( To be continued, if you want to know the future, please log in , more chapters, support authors, support legitimate reading!)