Looking around, Li Zhiyou's face turned red again, but after sipping his mouth, he recovered.

"Brother Lin, I think it's possible for players to choose multiple stars to play the game, increase the difficulty of manipulation, let players choose several stars to play at the same time, and add such things as" combined dance steps. " Li Zhiyou thought about it and straightened out his thoughts.

Lin Feng nodded, this is really a feasible way. Of course, whether it can be implemented or not can not be guaranteed. There are also many problems involved. However, Lin Feng will not attack the enthusiasm of Li Zhiyou and several girls.

"Yes, yes, Zhiyou is right, and it's better to have a special combination of dance steps between different stars." Lin Zhihui also cried out.

Lin Feng nodded again.

"Brother Lin can also increase the degree of tacit understanding and cooperation between different stars, so that players can be induced to buy many stars and try various" combination dance steps. " Huang Meixi also suggested.

Lin Feng nodded.

"You can also add certain attributes to clothes, such as Charm Value and tacit understanding, so that players can buy clothes." Yuanshayangli also joined in.

Lin Feng still nodded.

"Brother Lin, I think we can join a certain cultivation system. We have many star nurturing games in Taiwan. I think we can also add nurturing elements to the all star lineup of dance group. In this way, players will have to spend more money, and big brother Lin can make more money. " Lin Yichen thought about it and said.

Lin Feng is dumb, these girls' opinions are good. It seems that "second world" can add a player complaints and suggestions department, which can not only let players complain about unfair treatment in the game, but also let players put forward their own opinions on the game.

benefit by mutual discussion! Lin Feng and others start from the company's point of view, but the players' opinions are often from the players' own interests. Although there are certain contradictions in their interests, they are not irreconcilable. On the contrary, as long as the communication is good, there should be a lot of common interests between the two. After all, they are all for the good of the game. The better the game is, the more happiness the players get in the game, the happier they will play, the more money they will invest, and the more money the company can earn.

"Elder brother Lin, I also have opinions..."

Lin Feng nodded and motioned to the six girls to speak slowly. He took out his notebook and began to record the opinions of several girls.

All the women have their own opinions on the game. Of course, there are many absurd ones, but Lin Feng recorded them one by one. Many great ideas come from absurdity!

Imperceptibly, the night passed like this, Oriental fish belly has been slightly white.

"Well, six beautiful ladies, would you like to accompany me to a delicious breakfast?" Lin Feng bent down and stretched out his right hand.

At this time, the girls realized that it was already daybreak, and they knew that the night had passed unconsciously. They stretched themselves, and the six girls were tired one after another.

"Brother Lin, I'll make breakfast." Li Zhiyou yawned slightly.

"No, it's hard for you every day. Let's eat out today." Lin Feng gently gave Li Zhiyou a hug and said.

"Well, six princesses, go and change your clothes." Lin Feng opened the door of the entertainment room and urged.

The six girls nodded and went back to change at once. How to say, the six girls are all famous stars now. No matter what, you can't go out too shabby. You have to be decent and show your most beautiful side.

Lin Feng went to wash when the six girls changed their clothes. When passing by Allegra's room, Lin Feng knocks on the door and wants to ask Allegra to have breakfast together. Unexpectedly, the door opened. Looking around, Allegra fell asleep on the design board. Hearing the sound of Lin Feng pushing the door in, she opened her eyes drowsily.

"Brother Lin..." Allegra rubbed her eyes and fell asleep on the design board. You don't have to guess, Allegra worked almost all night last night.

"Allegra!" Lin Feng went over and patted Allegra's face.

"What's the matter?" Allegra murmured.

"Get up, let's go for breakfast." Lin Feng said.

"No, let me sleep a little longer. I'll go to the store later." Allegra muttered.

Alegra's Versace Shanghai "alegra" brand store, although she doesn't need alegra to keep the store, but this time she is out of frustration, although her mother no longer pursue, also let her develop alone in Shanghai, but this does not mean that alegra's mother has forgiven alegra. On the contrary, it is a punishment in disguise. If Allegra can't make a name for herself within a year, she won't be allowed to fool around until she reaches adulthood at the age of 18. In order to prove her strength and not let her mother underestimate her, Allegra had to do her best.

Lin Feng shook his head lovingly, a very strong girl. But recently, she has really lost a lot of weight. Alegra, who had begun to slowly return to normal body shape, is now obviously losing weight again. Thinking of the skinny Allegra in history, Lin Feng shakes his head.

"Get up, you can't do without breakfast." Lin Feng pulls the reluctant alege up.

"I hate it. People want to sleep!" Allegra struggled impatiently.

"All right, get up!" Lin Feng forced alegra to the bathroom. After wetting her face with cold water, alegra finally woke up.

"Brother Lin, I'm sorry just now." Said Allegra, sticking out her tongue.

"Ha ha, you changed your clothes and we went to have breakfast. Remember, the body matters. I don't think you need to think about anything if you step over Lin Feng reminded.

"Yes." Allegra nodded.

Lin Feng sat in the living room and waited for half an hour before seven girls came down from upstairs. Although let Lin Feng wait a little bit impatient, but see seven girls from upstairs down, all impatient and irritable swept away.

Tianxiangguose, wintersweet and chrysanthemum. The seven girls, like the seven fairies, walk down from the second floor, making Lin Feng feel like being in a fairyland for a moment. Or, at the moment, I become a cowherd, waiting for my weaver girl.

The seven girls were slightly embarrassed by Lin Feng. Thinking that Lin Fenggang had just pinched her nose, Lin Zhihui moved her eyebrows and whispered in the ears of the six girls.

When Lin Feng was curious, the seven girls lined up and gave Lin Feng a little smile. At the same time, they turned around like dancing and asked in unison, "brother Lin, who is the best of us?"

When Lin Feng's forehead was sweating, he thought about it and was about to find an excuse.

"Don't say it's all pretty!" Lin Zhihui snatched words and said with a proud face.

"Er..." Lin Feng frowned, but his eyes turned.

"Don't say Li Zhiyou looks best!" As soon as Liu Yifei sees Lin Feng's eyes turn, he knows that Lin Feng wants to use Li Zhiyou as an excuse. After all, the relationship between Li Zhiyou and Lin Feng is here. There is an old saying that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Lin Feng says Li Zhiyou is the best. The other six girls can't say anything at all.

"Er..." Lin Feng suddenly lost his words. Each of the seven girls has her own beauty. They are all rare beauties. It's really hard to judge which one is beautiful. What's more, no matter who is beautiful, the other five will not follow. It's clear that six girls are playing with themselves. Of course, the culprit is Lin Zhihui.

Looking at Lin Zhihui's proud expression, Lin Feng is speechless. Don't you just pinch your nose and make it so hard for yourself! Thinking of this, Lin Feng stares at Lin Zhihui, but she is not afraid at all, and laughs happily instead.

Liu Yifei and others see Lin Feng's face is ugly. They suddenly burst into laughter, and the flowers flutter and the silver branches tremble. Lin Feng saw it, and for a moment, he was almost lost in it, but suddenly he had an idea.

"The one who laughs the happiest among you is the most beautiful!" Lin Feng smiles cunningly.

The seven girls were stunned and looked at each other.

"Who laughs the most?" Lin Yichen asked.

Although this is just a joke, I'm afraid that among the seven girls, except Li Zhiyou, the other girls still value Lin Feng's "who is the most beautiful".

"Ha ha, what do you think?" Lin Feng said and immediately left.

When the seven girls saw it, they stamped their feet one after another, knowing that Lin Feng had played a trick.

Although Lin Feng went to a box and high-end morning tea restaurant, it still caused a lot of commotion. After all, it's really enviable for seven beautiful women to accompany an ordinary looking young man. But these seven girls are very close to this ordinary boy, which is even more enviable.

Fortunately, this restaurant is a high-end restaurant after all, and no one has ever been envious and provocative. Many of them have recognized the identities of Lin Feng, Li Zhiyou and others. If you don't worry about your identity, I'm afraid you'll go up and say hello. The Chinese mainland is the youngest and richest.

Lin Feng is also a little proud, from the eyes of others, Lin Feng saw only envy and jealousy. What's more, Lin Feng, as the person concerned, was almost charmed by the natural beauty of the seven girls around him. Although Lin Feng has been used to eating with seven girls, after all, at home, the seven girls are all plain, and they will not dress up so carefully and put on all kinds of beautiful clothes. Today's dressing up, compared with the usual, has a great impact on Lin Feng. Fortunately, Lin Feng is not an ordinary person, and can barely bear it.

Finally, in the morning tea restaurant, accompanied by seven beauties, after enjoying a good breakfast, Lin Feng asked the girls to go back to rest and sleep for a day, and then rushed to the company. There will be a press conference at 11 noon today. Before that, we will discuss with Cui Mingze the opinions put forward by all the women yesterday and explore their feasibility.

Although Cui Ming didn't fall asleep until dawn because of the great success of "all star lineup of jinwutuan" yesterday, he was still in high spirits when he woke up early this morning. Thinking of today's press conference, when Lin Fengfeng introduced to the outside world the success of the first day of "all star lineup of jinwutuan", I'm afraid the whole of China will be shocked. No, it should be said that the world will shake! There are hundreds of millions of RMB in one night. There is no faster game to make money.

Even the most popular Hollywood blockbuster "Titanic" in history is far less profitable than "all star lineup of the dance company". Moreover, in terms of cost, "all star lineup of the dance company" is far less profitable than "Titanic".

The pattern of the world game will be changed by "all star lineup of jinwutuan"—— Cui Ming believes that( To be continued, if you want to know the future, please log in www.qidian.com , more chapters, support authors, support legitimate reading!)