The most sensational thing about the Washington Post is that it exposed the Watergate incident and forced President Richard Nixon to resign, which made it gain great international prestige. If you ask a newspaper that even the president of the United States can pull down the horse, you will not be polite to Lin Feng, a Chinese.

——God, one night, Spielberg, the Hollywood gold medal director, was going to make a TV play, and Jessica Alba, the sexy girl who just became popular, was going to make a TV play. Is the world crazy? Is Hollywood crazy? But when I saw the name of the investor in the end, I finally understood all this.

Lin Feng, the Chinese, is the culprit who just knocked down the statue of liberty and finally brought the White House to an end. By virtue of the most painful terrorist attack in American history, the Chinese earned US $750 million, a total of $750 million. This vampire, now back in the United States, also set foot in Hollywood, does he want to destroy Hollywood?

——"Washington Post" reporter gertzmann showed his worries about Hollywood and the future of the United States.

Lin Feng was silent again. Two influential newspapers in a row have criticized themselves in this way. We can imagine how popular they are in the United States.

Fortunately, to Lin Feng's slight relief, the New York Times, the most influential newspaper in the United States, made a slightly objective evaluation of Spielberg's TV series.

——Hollywood gold medal directors go to make TV dramas, American people, what you see is not April Fool's day news, but facts. The person behind the Bermuda incident is the Chinese who destroyed the statue of liberty last month and led to the collapse of the White House for no reason. Regardless of whether he is a murderer or not, is it a wise decision for Spielberg to shoot TV series this time? Or is it just because of Chinese money? Let's wait and see if this TV series Prison Break, which brings together Hollywood's top directors and sexy Jessica, is worth everyone's expectation.


The rest of the newspapers are similar reviews. They are worried about Spielberg's shooting of TV, and strongly attack Lin Feng's money offensive, which has harmed their Hollywood gold medal directors.

Although Lin Feng had expected these reports for a long time, he was still a little indignant when he was described as Satan's coming and the reincarnation of demons. Fortunately, such a fierce and crazy report at least made prison break popular before it was shot.

Abby, here's a piece of the Los Angeles Times about the American audience's expectation of prison break, which is invested by Chinese Lin Feng, directed by Spielberg and starred by Jessica. Almost 98% of the interviewees chose to watch it as soon as it was broadcast.

In this regard, Lin Feng can only say - pain and happiness!

"Lin, if you're really interested in getting involved in the film and television industry, I think you've made half the success and have a perfect start." Abby said congratulations.

"Ha ha, it's hard to be scolded like this!" Lin Feng sighed.

"In the United States, as a public figure, there are few people who are not criticized by the media. Especially if your identity is so special, just get used to it. " Abby doesn't care.

Lin Feng reluctantly shakes his head, thinks about it, calls Spielberg, and apologizes for making him the focus of the incident. But Spielberg didn't care. When he decided to shoot prison break, he expected today's situation. Therefore, he is not angry with the present situation, but very happy. In the past, when making a movie, sometimes they had to spend money to publicize it. Now there is no need to publicize it at all. The media has repeatedly tracked and reported that prison break was popular before it was made. This is a matter that many directors are envious.

As for pressure, Spielberg is never afraid of pressure, not to mention news media reports. He lives in Hollywood and deals with reporters all day. Sometimes he sees more reporters than his wife. He is used to the pressure.

Lin Feng thought about it and didn't care any more. Anyway, let it be attacked by the media. I've been blowing the hills like the moon shining on the river.

"By the way, Lin, what can I do for you this time?" Abby asked.

"Oh, by the way, Abby, I have two things to do this time. First, I want to entrust Goldman Sachs to take over the acquisition of what you call "avenue-a" Lin Feng said.

Abby nodded. Lin Feng made the right decision. With Goldman's position and strength in the U.S. financial sector, the acquisition plan can't be simpler. Of course, Abby is very happy that Lin Feng follows her advice and buys avenue-a.

"Lin," avenue-a "issued 100 million shares. But you're lucky that before 9.11, the market price per share was $7.8, and now it's only $3.20. There are 32.15 million shares in circulation on the market, with eight shareholders, the largest shareholder holding 18.5% and the smallest shareholder holding 4.3% " Abby turns on the computer and calls up the stock price chart of avenue-a.

Lin Feng of "avenue-a" company has also analyzed before that the stocks in circulation on the market are not enough for Lin Feng to take full control of it, so he needs to entrust a company such as Goldman Sachs to help him with the acquisition.

Spend some money and do big things.

"The second thing is that I am going to set up the 9.11 charity fund. But as you know, my career is mainly in China, and I don't have much time to fund. I'd like to invite you to be the supervisor of this charity. " Lin Feng said.

Abby was stunned. She didn't expect Lin Feng to invite herself to be the supervisor of the fund. But then he agreed. After all, she also recommended Lin Feng to set up this fund. Besides, it is a good thing. She is also willing to do something for the families who died on September 11. In the United States, most people of insight hold charity parties every year to help those in need. Abby also attended this kind of party, but it was the first time to manage the fund. It also aroused Abby's interest.

After the two discussed some related issues, Lin Feng and Goldman Sachs signed an agreement to hire Goldman Sachs as the investment consultant for the acquisition of avenue-a, and signed an entrustment agreement with Abby on the "9.11" charity fund.

"Lin, I have a personal question. Is it because of your family's mysterious divination that you invested in prison break and invited Spielberg to be the director this time?" Abby asked with great interest.

Abby is a rational investment expert who believes in science and data. But Lin Feng had lied to her before, saying that he was the 134th generation grandson of prime minister Bigan. Abby believed the lie that his family was proficient in divination. Abby is very interested and curious about such mysterious oriental divination.

Before today, if someone said that Spielberg would make TV series, Abby must think that person is crazy, or that today is April Fool's day. But almost all the newspapers in the United States reported the news, which made her have to believe it. Lin Feng invited a famous Hollywood director to make a TV play, which was a bit off the mark. Hollywood's famous directors are very famous for their personalities and temperaments. In Hollywood, they usually shoot TV when they can't get along. Spielberg doesn't seem to be able to get along, but Lin Feng has succeeded. In this regard, Abby can only believe that Lin Feng's divination played a role.

Lin Feng is very sad. But now we can only continue to stick to it. A lie needs more lies to make up for. It seems that I have to remember that I am the 134 generation grandson of prime minister Bi Gan in the future, and my family is proficient in divination.

Lin Feng nodded his head. It's good to have such a prominent ancestor. At least everything can be put on the divination handed down by the ancestors in the future.

Then Abby invited Lin Feng to lunch.

"Lin, now you invest in TV series. Even I am curious about prison break, and I want to watch it. But which TV station are you going to play it on? Or... "Abby asked.

Lin Feng has invested 60 million yuan in this TV play. It is certain that the production cost can not be earned by selling the copyright of the TV play alone. So Abby speculated that Lin Feng might buy the TV station, but he was not sure.

"Well, I'm going to buy a local TV station and expand it into a national TV station." Lin Feng said confidently.

Abby nodded. That's logical. But eating, suddenly came to realize.

"Brilliant!" Abby gave Linfeng a thumbs up. It's no wonder that Spielberg and Jessica were invited to prison break at a huge expense. For this purpose, Lin Feng's plan is undoubtedly perfect. These media, which are still criticizing Lin Feng, have undoubtedly become free publicity tools for Lin Feng. Abby is very sad to mourn for those media. After Lin Feng's final success, I'm afraid these media will really complain and ask Lin Feng to collect publicity fees. But Abby guessed that if these reporters and media knew that they were being used by Lin Feng, they would be crazy.

"By the way, which local station are you going to buy? New York or Los Angeles? " Abby asked curiously. Although there are many TV stations in these two places, and the competition is fierce, as long as Lin Feng is willing to buy, he will definitely stand out. Lin Feng's TV station is hard to be famous under the coverage of American media.

"No, Houston! I'm going to buy the fsnhouston local TV station in Houston. " Lin fengxiao said.

"Houston!" Abby was stunned. Although Houston is the third largest city in the United States, it is famous for space city rather than entertainment. Abby really can't understand why Lin Feng chose to be in Houston. Although the competition is small, Lin Feng is not afraid of competition at all.

Lin Feng smiles but does not answer. When Lin Feng mentioned Houston, he believed that almost all the 1.3 billion Chinese people in China knew the name of Houston rocket( To be continued, if you want to know the future, please log in , more chapters, support authors, support legitimate reading!)