strong soldiers and sturdy horses!

Lin Feng sits in his president's seat and looks at the people attending the meeting. For the first time, he feels that his company is no longer as weak as before. Although there are not many talents now, he has gathered many elites in the industry, which is enough to do a great job.

The five major game development departments, technology research and development department, and CG production department are all the core departments of "second world". The leaders of each department are not the once influential figures, but also the current popular fried chicken. So many talents work under their own hands and strive to build the first game company in the game industry. Lin Feng can't think of the reasons for his failure.

"Let's officially start the meeting!" Lin Feng glanced around and said briefly.

"Mr. Lin, due to the launch of" ten thousand people war "in the third quarter, legend has successively launched measures such as merging servers to ensure that the number of online players on each server is at least more than ten thousand. In addition to the" world's first martial arts contest "held every month, the popularity continues to rise, and the net profit of legend in the third quarter is 41 million US dollars“ For example, Cui Ming from the first game development department made a speech.

Hey! Just joined the company's vice president Gabriel and fourth game development director Minh Le took a breath, shocked by Legend's amazing profits.

Lin Feng looks at Gabriel and Minh le. He is proud of himself. This time, Cui Ming deliberately reported in US dollars, beating Gabriel and minwu Lee. Although the two companies merged, in these two days of contact, both gable and minwu Lee, as well as his former "valve" technicians, have a kind of arrogance and Prejudice in their bones. They think that although the merger is "valve" merged into "second world", it is because "second world" has money. Technically speaking, the original "valve" looked down upon and even despised the technicians of Linfeng company. As for Cohen, who has developed "cloud computing", it's really beyond their reach. However, most of the "valve" employees believe that Cohen is also from "valve" and does not count him in Lin Feng's company.

For the employees of "second world", the arrogance of "valve" from the bottom of their bones is extremely discontented, but after all, the other party has the strength of arrogance, so they can only hide their discontent in their hearts, so as not to be called sour grapes. But if this continues, sooner or later, there will be irreconcilable contradictions. This is not what Lin Feng wants to see.

Danger must be strangled in the cradle!

Lin Feng can understand the psychology of gable and others. After all, they have made brilliant achievements, especially now that "anti terrorism elite" is red all over the world, they have the proud capital. However, although Lin Feng understood it, it did not mean that Lin Feng could accept it.

Lin Feng's goal is to make "the second world" a giant company like "EA", and even surpass "EA" to become the world's first game software development company. Therefore, Lin Feng needs his employees to maintain harmony. Competition is essential, but it must be benign competition, not the so-called arrogance and prejudice that may bring turmoil to the company.

This time, let Cui Ming speak, but also tell gable that although his company can't develop classics like "half life" and "anti terrorist elite", his own games can make more money than their classics.

Yes, "half life" and "anti terrorist elite" have brought hundreds of millions of dollars to "valve" before, but from 1998 to October 2001, "valve" has also brought "one-time" income. But "the second world" closely relies on "legend" a game, can also have hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue every year, and as long as the game does not collapse, it will be able to continue to bring huge profits to the company. On the contrary, gable's game, once sold, will not have a second income. That's the gap.

Gabriel and minwu Lee look at each other and marvel.

There was a net profit of $41 million in a quarter and a revenue of $160 million in that year. It's just a game. At this point, Gabriel and minwu Lee both put away their arrogance.

For a game software development company, it doesn't matter whether the game is classic or not. What matters is the profits it generates. In this regard, there is no doubt that gable's half life and anti terrorist elite are not as good as Lin Feng's legend. In the face of absolute data, that arrogance will naturally be forgotten. Although this has dealt a blow to gable and others, it has made gable and others more optimistic about the prospects of the "second world".

Seeing Gabriel and minwu Lee's shocked expression, Cui Ming was also very proud《 Legend was developed by him, although both the picture and content are second rate or even close to third rate in today's online game market. But just as Carmichael, President of quake, said, the background of the game is like the plot in a porn. Although it has to be, it's not the most important.

As long as a game can attract players to continue to play, it is a successful game.

"Legend" to the "second world" has brought absolutely huge profits, which is beyond all doubt. Maybe I can't develop a more popular game than legend in my life, but legend is enough—— Cui Mingze's voice.

"Dance group brought in a net profit of $1.2 million in the third quarter." Cui Ming finished and looked at Qiu Xin, director of the second game development department.

"Mr. Lin, since the merger of the company and 'valve', we have solved the problem of 3D engine technology, and we have a new idea for 3D online games. The 3D engine we are using now is developed by the original "valve" company based on the engine of "quake2". It is not too much for gorgeous pictures, but mainly for crisp and smooth pictures. Since most of the previous map scenes have been completed, swordsman online will be available for public beta within one year. " Qiu Xin said confidently.

During this period of time, due to the impact of 3D engine, his second game development department was seriously behind schedule, which made Qiu Xin feel a little embarrassed every time he held a meeting. After the annexation of "valve", Qiu Xin's second game development department has benefited the most. With the mature 3D engine of "anti terrorist elite", their development progress is far more than expected. Moreover, the 3D engine concept of "valve" also avoids Qiu Xin's logical thinking errors caused by his excessive pursuit of gorgeous pictures.

Martial arts online games, the pursuit is the fight between the hearty pleasure, gorgeous screen is good, but in the game pleasure and screen, Qiu Xin listened to minwu. Li's suggestion, choose the picture of refreshing and fluent, let players fully enjoy the fun of fighting.

Lin Feng nodded. This time, the second game development department has made some achievements. It's not in vain to invest so much money.

Wu Gang, the third game development department, once developed the first real-time strategy game in China - "blood lion". However, since he became the director of the third game development department, "Plants vs. Zombies" has been restricted by the life cycle of the game and has gone from bad to worse. Since it was completely free, it has made no achievements except for hundreds of thousands of advertising expenses every month.

"Mr. Lin, our third game development department has developed a sports leisure online game named" fierce football ", which will be listed in the public beta in the near future." Wu Gang light, but with a long tone of relief said.

Lin Feng was slightly stunned.

"Lin Dong, this is a kind of leisure and entertainment football. Each player controls one player to pursue his dream on the field. However, considering the computer hardware configuration and the feasibility of the game, we adopt the street football mode, which can be 1vs1, 2vs2, 3vs3 or 4vs4 in the game. " Wu Gang said excitedly.

In 2001, in addition to the popular online games in China and the success of Beijing's bid for the Olympic Games, what really excited all Chinese men was that the Chinese men's football team might realize its dream of the world cup this year. Now the Chinese men's football team only needs to win one more game to qualify in advance. Under the leadership of magic coach Milutinovic, it is absolutely possible for all Chinese men to realize their dreams. Of course, we should not forget Zhang Jilong's amazing lucky draw.

Under the background of the popularity of football, Wu Gang, who has been making no achievements in the leisure online game market, suddenly brightened his eyes when watching the game, thought of sports online games, and developed this street football game.

Lin Feng nodded. Sports online games is also a direction of development. Our company really needs diversified development of games. Even if a certain type of game loses money, it doesn't matter, as long as it can attract popularity.

There is popularity and market. There's a market, there's money!

But as for the national football team, Lin Feng is very ashamed. It took me a lifetime to get a chance to go to the world cup. As a result, he swallowed 9 eggs and was sent home in zero. Of course, this is not bad. Since then, Lin Feng has completely ignored the national football team. No matter how much money you earn, I'm afraid you can't save the national football team.

"OK, Minister Wu, I remember that sports online games are not only about football, but also basketball, tennis, table tennis, golf and so on. You can consider them, and you can consider the endorsement of relevant sports stars." Lin Feng suggested.

After listening to Wu Gang, his eyes glowed red and he nodded heavily. Obviously, Lin Feng gave Wu Gang a great inspiration. In the future, the third development department will never be the most vulnerable game development department in the "second world".

Minwu Li, the Minister of the fourth development department, and Gabriel gable, the Minister of the Fifth Development Department, have just taken office, and they have not generated any interests, so they naturally do not need to report the preliminary profits.

"Well, now let's discuss the direction of the company next year and the key points of the game development departments." Lin Feng said.

"Mr. Lin, I propose to hold an annual" world's first martial arts competition "of legend at the end of this year to determine the strongest player and team of legend this year. And this "world's first martial arts contest", I suggest that all game players should come to Shanghai and let them appear in front of the camera, so that all players can witness the real style of the wind and cloud players in these games Cui Ming is quite excited to suggest that.

Lin Feng heard that this proposal is good, and it is also very helpful to promote the popularity of legend. After discussion at the meeting, the proposal was unanimously adopted. However, Lin Feng, who was reminded by Cui Mingze, suddenly brightened his eyes and decided to carry forward Cui Mingze's plan and make it an annual event in the Chinese game industry.

At the end of each year, "second world" will hold a gathering of all its game players. Lin Feng hopes to build it into a grand gathering similar to "E3 game show". However, "E3 game show" is a grand gathering for manufacturers to show their games. Lin Feng's grand gathering is a grand gathering for players to enjoy entertainment and exchange.

As for the cost, compared with the annual profit made by the "second world" on the players, it's just a small profit, and Lin Feng thinks it's time to give back to the players. What's more, Lin Feng also believes that this grand event will definitely make players have a greater sense of belonging and identity to the "second world". Moreover, if it reaches a certain scale, Lin Feng believes that smart advertisers will see business opportunities.

Everyone agrees with Lin Feng's sudden idea. If it can really be held as a grand gathering in China's game industry, it will undoubtedly be of great benefit to the status of "the second world" in the domestic game industry. Although the "second world" technology is superior to others, it is only leading, not authoritative, not supreme. People hope that "the second world" can become the authority of China's game industry, the supreme existence, and even the authority of the world's game industry.

As for the name of the event, Lin Feng tentatively named it "the second world players' annual meeting" and decided to hold it once a year, making it the biggest festival for Chinese players.

Gabriel and minwu Li have a look of admiration. They are all in admiration for Lin Feng. Now they know why "second world", a company that has only been established for two years, can create miracles repeatedly and become the most powerful existence in the online game industry. Obviously, the key lies in Lin Feng and his "fantastic ideas", but these "fantastic ideas" can bring huge returns and countless benefits to the company.

"Mr. Lin, I think it's possible to invite some well-known stars to speak for the characters in the dance group." Cui Ming continued.

During this period of time, the characters in the game are modeled after the 3D models of Li Zhiyou, Lin Zhihui, Huang Meixi and others. Many players are interested in dressing the stars at the same time. They spend money to buy the beautiful clothes for Li Zhiyou and other characters, and even compare with each other. This is also the reason why the company has a revenue of $1.2 million in the third quarter.

However, there are only Li Zhiyou, Lin Zhihui and Huang Meixi girls in jinwutuan, and they are Korean after all. Many players have a slight lack of identity. In addition, most of the players who play jinwutuan are girls. They have posted an appeal on the official website that "the second world" can invite some male stars to make them addicted to designing clothes and styles for stars. Of course, many male players also call for more female stars, and it's better to have some more sexy clothes.

Man, man( To be continued, if you want to know the future, please log in , more chapters, support authors, support legitimate reading!)