Since yesterday's announcement of the "anti terrorism elite online" Asian Internet program, Lin Feng's phone has been ringing all the time. It's not a side attack from business partners, or a phone call from major newspapers and TV stations to make an appointment for an interview. Lin Feng is not bothered, and finally he simply shut down.

"Good morning, Mr. Lin!" Wu Zhaopu, with blood on his face and a pair of panda eyes, greets Lin Feng wearily.

"Mr. Wu, what's the matter? Did you stay up late last night?" Lin Feng asked in surprise.

"Alas, it's not..." before Wu Zhaopu finished, the phone rang.

"Hello, it's reporter Yang. I'm sorry, it's confidential. I have no comment for the moment." Wu Zhaopu tired of hanging up the phone, but shook his head.

"Mr. Lin, the phone has been ringing since yesterday. It's been bothering me all night." Wu Zhaopu's eyes are bleary and his face is helpless. He was tormented all night by these reporter calls, but as the CEO of the company, he did not dare to turn off the phone at all. He's going to shut down. If something happens to the company and no one can be found, it's really fatal.

"Ring ~ ~" did not say a few words, the phone rang again.

"Hello, it's reporter Li. I'm sorry, it's a company secret. I have no comment for the moment." Wu Zhaopu mechanical answer, finished with a sigh, heart is tired of these reporters, but feel a bit excited. The reporter's gallant action shows that the "Asian Internet Project" is a sensation. As long as the plan is successful, it will definitely make the company become a multinational company.

"Mr. Lin, I'll set up a branch in Taiwan soon. It will be done as soon as possible." This matter was also discussed between Lin Feng and Wu Zhaopu yesterday. First, open a branch in Taiwan. Once the "cloud computing" experiment is successful and the mainland and Taiwan can connect normally, they will enter the Korean and Rb markets at the same time. After a secret and tacit "bargaining" with many reporters, Lin Fengfeng revealed a little truth to many reporters.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we in second world do have a technology that can connect players from all over the world more quickly, easily and economically. We call this technology" cloud computing ". However, this technology is still in the process of research and development. It is absolutely confidential and is not convenient to disclose for the time being. Once the technology matures in the future, I will inform you as soon as possible. " With that, Lin Feng announced the end of the press conference, and many waiters delivered lunch to reporters.