Looking at the blue sky, Li Zekai sighed a long time later.

"Lin Feng, I plan to return the shares of Changjiang industry to my father." At this point, Li looked at Lin Feng and said with a smile, "I want to take a stake in Lin Dong's" second world. "

In the first sentence, Lin Feng talked with Lin Feng as a friend on behalf of Li Zekai. In the second sentence, Lin Feng said that it was a formal business negotiation.

In front of the words, Lin Feng can only sigh about Li Zekai's feelings for his family. At present, the market value of Cheung Kong industrial group is more than 400 billion Hong Kong dollars, and Li Ka Shing holds 40.24% of the shares, with assets of more than 160 billion Hong Kong dollars. Li Zekai's move is to make it clear that he has given up this asset which makes most people astonished. However, the assets of Li Ka Shing's overseas holding company add up to tens of billions of Hong Kong dollars. If Li Zekai abandons Changjiang industrial group, the overseas assets naturally belong to Li Zekai.

This is also Li Ka Shing's reasonable arrangement for the successor of the company. Changjiang industrial will be taken care of by his eldest son, and all overseas assets will be taken care of by his second son.

Although the tens of billions of property inherited in the future will still be out of the reach of most people, it's very impressive for Li Zekai to have such boldness. At least Lin Feng can't guarantee whether he will have the boldness of Li Zekai in the face of hundreds of billions of Hong Kong dollars.

But later, when Li Zekai said he wanted to take a stake in "the second world", he surprised Lin Feng and instinctively showed his vigilance“ "Second world" is Lin Feng's most profitable industry now, and it is also the foundation for Lin Feng to build a game empire in the future. It is absolutely impossible for other people to intervene. Lin Feng must take absolute control.

When Li Zekai saw that Lin Feng was on guard, he didn't care. If he heard that the company he founded was going to be taken over by others, he would have a stronger reaction.

"Mr. Lin, why don't you listen to my terms and refuse?" When Li Zekai saw that Lin Feng opened his mouth, he would refuse and block it first.

"Then I'm all ears." Lin Feng thought about it. It's OK to listen. The initiative is on his side.

"First of all, I want to make it clear that whether Mr. Lin agrees with my financing plan or not, you and I are still friends." Li first made a friendly gesture, indicating that this financing is only a cooperation intention, not a vicious acquisition.

Lin Feng nodded. People like Li Zekai, especially Li Jiacheng, are better friends than enemies.

"I plan to buy 20% of the second world shares held by Mr. Lin for HK $4 billion." Li Zekai's words are not surprising.

4 billion yuan to buy 20% of the "second world" shares in Lin Feng's hands, a price that Lin Feng could not have imagined before“ The market value of "second world" has been evaluated by experts. If it is listed, the market value will be about 8 billion Hong Kong dollars, and 20% of the shares will be about 1.6 billion Hong Kong dollars. Li Zekai's acquisition at more than double the price is enough to show his sincerity.

But businessmen can't get up early without profit. Although Lin Feng is very optimistic about the prospect of "the second world" and the future value is not only HK $8 billion, how can Li Zekai be so confident and dare to buy it at a price more than twice the market value. What is his intention?

Lin Feng's suspicion is naturally clear to Li Zekai. If his father or elder brother took out 4 billion Hong Kong dollars to buy 20% of Lin Feng's money, they would definitely say that he was crazy, but Li Zekai would. In high-tech industry, don't hesitate if you are sure. If you waver, you will lose the chance to pick fruits.

"Four billion Hong Kong dollars is really attractive, but why do I have to sell it?" After pondering, Lin Feng asked. It means to let Li Zekai give Lin Feng a reason to sell.

Li Zekai smiles, he can say this financing plan, naturally has let Lin Feng cannot refuse the reason.

"I have three reasons and one suggestion." Li said confidently.

Lin Feng is noncommittal, waiting for Li Zekai to follow.

"First, I have calculated that you own 77% of the shares of second world. Even if I buy 20% of your shares, you still have absolute control of the company." Li Zekai put forward the first reason.

Lin Feng nodded. This is the truth.

"Two, your company needs a lot of money. The cost of your upcoming online game is not what your company can afford now. " Li Zekai gave a mysterious smile.

Lin Feng was surprised. Did he already know his "anti terrorism elite online" Asian Internet plan? Does that mean there are no spies inside the company? Or the legendary spy?

Li Zekai naturally saw Lin Feng's nervousness.

"Don't worry, I had a chance to see the corner of Lushan Mountain, so I speculated. But no matter what your plan is, the cost of this plan is more than your company can afford now. " Li said.

Lin Feng was awe inspiring. In fact, as Li Zekai said, there is a huge funding gap in his "anti terrorism elite online" Asian Internet program. Although there is "cloud computing" developed by Cohen based on BT foundation, all the companies of the whole group can only withdraw 200 million at most, and any more will affect the operation of other companies. If you want to connect Asia, you have to set up branches in various countries. Lin Feng can't afford the funds.

"Third, it's an opportunity for you to store your eggs in separate baskets. Naturally, it is impossible for me to take out 4 billion cash for acquisition. I can provide 800 million cash at most, and I will use Tom's shares and other assets for the rest. " Li's third reason is to make Lin Feng's heart beat.

High tech industry is not only a profiteering industry, but also a high-risk industry. Although the "second world" is now operating well and has an unlimited future, no one is sure what will happen in the future. If we can diversify investment, naturally it will be better.

"Then there's another suggestion?" Asked Lin Feng.

"If you agree to this financing plan, I will put forward a reasonable proposal for the situation of your company. It's not a valuable suggestion, but it can also help your company through a crisis. " Li Zekai's confident eyes make Lin Feng secretly figure out what hidden problems have happened to his company. However, Li Zekai obviously attracted Lin Feng's interest.

However, Lin Feng still hesitates. These three reasons and one suggestion are very good for him. What's Li Zekai's interest?

"There will be no pie in the sky. Excuse me, if this condition is so good, where are your interests?" Lin Feng asked, "you can't answer this question, but if I can't figure out your purpose of risking $4 billion to buy 20% of my shares, or what your interests are, I won't agree to this deal."

Lin Feng knows that even if he says so, Li Zekai may not be able to tell the truth, but Lin Feng still wants to hear Li Zekai's reasons.

Li Zekai had no choice but to shake his head.

"Lin Dong is also very powerful. This is my general. To tell you the truth, I am very optimistic about the prospect of your "second world". Although it's a bit risky to buy 20% of the shares with RMB 4 billion now, I believe that under the leadership of Mr. Lin, the investment of RMB 4 billion will bring me more RMB 4 billion in the future. And I said, I want to give my father and elder brother a clear signal that I will give up Changjiang industry. " Li said with appreciation.

"As for the other reason, I have some personal reasons, which I don't know." Li Zekai's face was a little dignified. "Mr. Lin can think about it for a while, but I hope to get back to me as soon as possible."

With a smile, Lin Feng stood up and stretched out his right hand, "don't think about it. I agree with the financing plan."

Li Zekai was stunned at first. Obviously, he didn't expect Lin Feng to agree so readily, but then he showed a happy smile from his heart.

Lin Feng was also very happy. Lin Feng was extremely satisfied that he could exchange 20% of the "second world" shares for 800 million cash and some assets. It can not only solve the problem of insufficient funds for the development of "anti terrorism elite online" Asian Internet program, but also diversify investment and make friends with such a friend as Li Zekai.

As for Li Zekai's acquisition of 20% of the shares, is he really optimistic about the prospect of "the second world", or is there something else to use? Lin Feng is lazy to manage so much. No matter what Li's idea is, he still owns 57% of the absolute control of the "second world", and what he wants to do is useless.

"What about your suggestion?" Lin Feng thought of the suggestion made by Li Zekai just now.

"Mr. Lin, my advice to you is that no matter what happens, second world should not seek to go public until you are absolutely sure." Li made his suggestion.

Lin Feng's face moved. Recently, rumors have spread that the company has a faint hope of listing, and some middle and high-level companies have also been advocating the trend of listing. Affected by it, Lin Feng is also quite moved. After all, once listed, it can raise a lot of funds from the stock market, overcome the huge capital gap required by the company's development, and also enable the company to develop faster.

For most of the ordinary employees of the company, they can also buy some internal stocks when the company goes public, and make a little profit from them. Naturally, they also hope that the company will go public as soon as possible.

However, Li Zekai advised Lin Feng to give up the listing plan for the time being, which really surprised Lin Feng. After all, for all technology stocks, going public is the right way.

"Mr. Lin, I'll be frank. Your foundation is too weak, and your "second world" income ratio is too good. For the major consortia and funds in the world, your company is a piece of cake. If you go public rashly, I can't guess that your company may be swallowed in March. " Li Zekai's words naturally made Lin Feng unconvinced.

"Don't worry, just listen to me." Li Zekai said slowly, "suppose you still own 77% of the shares and go public in the U.S. or Hong Kong. According to the current" second world "industry evaluation, the market value is 8 billion Hong Kong dollars and the monthly profit is about 100 million yuan. I estimate that you can issue 200 million shares at about 8 yuan per share. After going public, you can raise about 1.6 billion yuan for the development of the company and hold 61.6% of the shares on hand, We still have absolute control of the company. "

Lin Feng nods. He really doesn't know much about stocks. It's good to get Li Zekai's instruction.

"But if your company is attacked at the initial stage of listing, can you still get enough company development funds?" Li Zekai smiles.

"If I want to snipe your opponent, if your company is listed now, with your current assets, I am sure to let your company change its ownership within one month." Li said with great confidence.

I'm sorry, there's only one chapter today. There's something wrong at home. I have to look up a lot of information. I'll resume two chapters tomorrow. Happy sunday