(recommended friend's new book "new biography of Zhao Yun", a "revised" biographical novel about Zhao Yun's life. Friends who like Zhao Yun and the Three Kingdoms can go and have a look!)

In September, although the midsummer is coming to an end, it is not until 8 p.m. that the sun slowly regains its last glow and heat. The bright moon light up the earth gently, and another night comes.

Lin Feng and Wang Meng, as usual, patrol the cyber city and the "homicide club" and greet acquaintances. Finally, they come to the barbecue shop, where they order a lot of barbecue, drinking beer and grinding time.

"What time are you going to start?" Lin Feng asked in a low voice as he drank his beer.

"Three in the morning." A cold light flashed in Wang Meng's eyes.

"Do you want to prepare the car?" Asked Lin Feng.

"No, it's easy to be exposed if you have a car. This distance is not as long as the previous special training load cross-country running Wang Meng said with ease.

They look at each other and smile.

Just then, there was a lot of noise outside the barbecue.

Lin Feng frowns and calls the waiter to ask. It's a couple of little hoodlums in this area who don't pay for their food. They play a rascal and say that the barbecue is not clean.

"Damn, these little gangsters are so annoying." Lin Feng scolded bitterly and said, "you tell the cashier that it's free today."

Lin Feng doesn't want to be involved at this point tonight.

"Wait!" Wang Meng stood up in Lin Feng's surprised eyes and said to the waiter, "take me to have a look. As the head of the security department, I must not let the company's property be damaged." With that, Wang Meng wrote three numbers of "120" on the table with drinks.

Lin Feng frowned. How could Wang Meng get hurt, but his character was not good enough to call an ambulance for these bullies. After frowning and thinking, Lin Feng suddenly realized. This is the best alibi Wang Meng made.

Lin Feng went out to see how Wang Meng was going to play the play with a smile.

Four young people with red and yellow hair were sitting there with a toothpick in their mouth. They pointed to the waiter and scolded him. They complained that the food in the barbecue shop was unsanitary and they had to lose money for eating bad food.

"Who's going to lose money?" Wang Meng strides forward and stands in front of several people like a mountain.

The four little gangsters' faces were stiff - Wang Meng, a big man with a fierce face, looked like a future soldier in their eyes - he had a big mouth. Nana couldn't speak and instinctively wanted to leave.

Wang chuckled.

The scornful laughter was so harsh that the four gangsters who wanted to run away froze and turned blue. The sense of shame and long-term cruel mentality suddenly appeared in their hearts.

"Who the hell are you laughing at?" A tall yellow haired man pointed at Wang Meng and scolded him. However, although he looks full of momentum, the unnatural shaking between his fingers betrays his real state of mind at the moment!

"Wang Meng, the head of the Security Department of the barbecue shop, I invited you today. If you make trouble again, I'll interrupt your dogleg." Wang Meng's words pierced into the hearts of the four people like an awl.

Although they were afraid of Wang Meng, they were big and powerful, but they were scolded by others. If they didn't fight back, they wouldn't have to come out again.

"I go to your mother's ~ ~" the tall Huang Mao twisted his face to the extreme and beat Wang Meng with a ferocious fist.

"Bang!" As soon as the muffled sound of his voice rang, he fell to the ground without saying a word.

The other three gangsters were even more flustered. The tall yellow hair was the best one among them. They couldn't stop the man, so they were no match.

"Go, go with the fuckers!" The other three looked at each other in fear and took out the guys one after another. Two people take out a flick knife from the bosom, another person holds a chair, three people ghost shout to rush toward Wang Meng.

Wang Meng sneers at the cold hum, a move "double dragon grab pearl", directly double palms on the two gangsters with a flick knife, two people scream and fly back four or five meters, at this time another gangster arrived, surprised to find that Wang Meng did not turn back, in the hands of the plastic seat fiercely hit to Wang Meng.

With a clang sound, the plastic seat fell apart, but Wang Meng had nothing to do with it. His eyes just glared and swept the last gangster away.

At this point, 120 arrived. Down a few ambulance personnel, looked at the four thugs who fell to the ground, frowned and asked, "who hit 120 just now?"

"Me Lin Feng came forward, pointed to Wang Meng and said, "he was hit on the head with a chair. He needs to be hospitalized and have an X-ray taken."

"Lie on the stretcher, don't move!" With a long sigh of relief, the ambulance staff nodded and lifted Wang Meng onto the stretcher. The ambulance roared away. As for the four thugs lying on the ground, they ignored him.

Ambulances are sent out to collect money, and hospitalization is even more important. These red and yellow haired gangsters are the owners who have no money. They will "run the bill" sooner or later when they take them back. Hospitals will not do things that have no money to make. Besides, these gangsters fight and make trouble, and no one will complain if they are not saved.

Lin Feng watched the ambulance leave with a smile. After calling the police at the Lante district police station, officer Zhang personally went out with several policemen to handcuff the four gangsters who were still screaming back to the police station.

At this moment, Lin Feng realized that the boss of Daya chemical industry, Hu Xiaobing, instigated deputy director Li. It's really cool that officials and businessmen collude! These headaches can be easily solved by the police station. These gangsters go in, not only no one to treat them, but also by police officer Zhang they beat a pen to release. No money? Yes, squat. When you are hungry, you will be rich.

However, it's not free for Lin Feng to ask officer Zhang to go out. In addition to the "monthly payment", every time he goes out, he has to make some sense. Of course, like today's situation, the police station can also have harvest events, so Lin Feng doesn't have to say that the wool comes from the sheep. Naturally, he will go to some gangsters to ask for it. It also increases the performance of the police station, but also dividends. Why not!

After the matter was handled, Lin Feng rushed to the Fourth People's Hospital in Lante district. After helping Wang Meng handle the special ward, Lin Feng takes a look at Wang Meng. Lin Feng rushes back to the blue special zone, finds police officer Zhang and others who are extorting confessions by torture, and invites police officer Zhang and several policemen to spend the night.

Lin Feng also has to make an alibi for himself. Sleeping with police officer Zhang and others is the best alibi. As for Wang Meng, Lin Feng believes that Wang Meng's experience and means can't be simpler. Although Wang Meng's ward is on the seventh floor and there are full-time nurses, Lin Feng believes that this is more conducive to Wang Meng's work.

It's all for tomorrow's Day—— Lin Feng holds up his glass again and respects officer Zhang and others with a smile.