Tang Jingyun did not expect that his first meeting with the legendary Sir Shao was such a scene.

An old man was sitting in the garden, a pointed Pavilion made of white marble, surrounded by white fences, full of strong European style. Tall trees hide the sun, and occasionally sporadic spots fall on the ground. Roses are planted around, blooming beautifully.

But no matter how beautiful the flowers are, they are not as attractive as the old man sitting in the pavilion.

The old man has obvious age spots on his face. The corners of his eyes and eyebrows are all traces of years. He is wearing a loose Tang suit. He half lay on the couch, narrowed his eyes, and would not sleep.

Seeing someone coming, the attendant behind Sir Shao whispered. The old man opened his eyes and looked at him.

Tang Jingyun saluted Sir Shao respectfully, bent down, restrained her usual pride and coldness, and looked very introverted and calm.

"Little girl, you want to see me?" Sir Shao asked in Cantonese, looking at the young girl in front of him. The attendant behind him translated a sentence for him.

Tang Jingyun stood there, relaxed, smiling and answering, "yes, sir Shao, my name is Tang Jingyun. I'm from the mainland. I'm a newcomer."

"I don't think the little girl is a newcomer, otherwise how can she find my old man?" Sir Shao smiled. Although his words were plain, they seemed full of weight because of the speaker.

Tang Jingyun narrowed her eyes and raised her eyes. She looked very beautiful. "Maybe it's because I'm young and you're old. After all, you know, young people are always full of energy."

"Hehe, newborn calves are not afraid of tigers." Sir Shao half closed his eyes and said faintly. He couldn't hear any emotion in his tone, but he made the people behind him feel a kind of pressure. "You little girl is very arrogant and can't see it."

Tang Jingyun was not affected by the pressure. She still smiled faintly, leaned slightly, and received the "praise".

Sir Shao smiled and said with a smile, "he is indeed a bold young man. It's a pity that he is not a man. Otherwise, it's great to be bored and drink a glass of wine in his spare time."

Sir Shao had a poor relationship with his children all his life. His son and daughter avoided living in Singapore for a long time. He and his second wife lived in the Hong Kong capital for a long time. Watching his peers grow old and bury the loess, he inevitably felt lonely.

As a saying goes, through prosperity, glory, fame and wealth as the crown and power as the staff, who knows the loneliness behind me? Behind every celebrity, there is always some pain that can not be mentioned. It is a deep-seated pain when touched.

Tang Jingyun couldn't say much to the legendary old man, but smiled, "I knew that Sir Shao had blown the breeze, drank liquor and loved beauty. It turned out that he still doesn't reduce his temperament."

"Ha ha..." this is the first time sir Shao laughed since they talked. He seems to be in a good mood. He waved to Tang Jingyun. "Little girl, it suits my appetite. Come and sit down. Today there is a breeze, tea instead of wine, and beauty. It's really a good day."

Tang Jingyun pursed her lips and smiled, "beauty can't be taken for granted. Those held by the Shao brothers are the real beauties."

Tang Jingyun is not joking. Of course, the Shao brothers' films were very popular. They made more than a thousand films and almost monopolized the film industry in most of the Hong Kong capital in a long time. Sir Shao has seen a lot of beauties with their own merits.

Sir Shao smiled, "old, not younger."

They talked happily, from the original old movies to the later VCD, and then to the new round of storm reform brought by TV, as well as the emerging IT industry in Silicon Valley in the United States.

"... this is not the time. There is a forward-looking person in the mainland. A young man specially invited a lot of reporters and spent more than an hour trying to cover up how to connect to the Internet. At that time, there were few people in the mainland. But just one year later, computers have been understood by many people and chat rooms have become popular."

At this point, Tang Jingyun paused. Seeing that Sir Shao listened carefully, her eyes flashed and continued to preach.

"The evolution of the times has its laws, from slow and slow to rapid, from single to complex. I can boldly assert that the high-tech industry will lead the trend in the future, and the IT industry is actually the leader."

"So little girl, what do you want to say?" Sir Shao asked with a smile.

"I just want to ask Sir Shao that there are many classic Shao films, including Liang Zhu and 36 Shaolin rooms. I don't know why you refused to burn them into VCD, but are you really willing to seal Shao's films in the warehouse?"

There are numerous classic films in Shao's films, including the time when the four famous directors were stationed in the film city, creating film schools such as Huangmei Opera and martial arts school, with brilliant brilliance for a time.

Tang Jingyun studied the Shaw in later generations. She felt that the old man actually had a special emotion for films. However, after the Shaw Brothers stopped producing films, Shaw was like a stingy Ge Langtai and didn't want the world to see these films anymore.

In recent years, the domestic film industry has begun to develop, but few know Shao brothers.

"Oh? What if you are willing? What if you are not willing?" Shao Yifu raised his eyelids, and the look in his eyes was invisible.

Tang Jingyun stood up, bent over the old man and smiled. "To tell Sir Shao, I just got a website outside. Now I'm doing portal and chat software. Our platform needs a number of excellent films to attract hits. Relatively speaking, Shao's films will be recognized by more people."

Shao Yifu squinted. He took a sip of his tea. "Little girl, what's your company's name?"


"IFLYTEK? What a familiar name..." Sir Shao frowned, then suddenly asked, "did you make the flying pigeon?"

Tang Jingyun was surprised. Unexpectedly, the old man would know the flying pigeon. He smiled and nodded, "yes, but I'm a capital injector in iFLYTEK. Well, I didn't say just now. I'm still an angel investor."

Shao Yifu's eyes looked at Tang Jingyun, and he obviously appreciated it more. "Young people, they really have spirit, which is no less than those in our time. Unlike those delicate dolls now, they can't live without their parents when they grow up."

Tang Jingyun, such a successful young man, reminds run run run run of his time in a trance. There were frequent wars. In the end, it made the young children mature early.

"I have a younger generation who was studying abroad and didn't intend to come back. As a result, I suddenly received a phone call this year. The boy shouted to return home. When I asked, I knew that he had used a software called Flying Pigeon."

Shao Yifu said slowly, with some complexity in his voice, and looked at Tang Jingyun, "you are very good!"

Tang Jingyun bowed slightly, but this time she didn't accept such praise. She just smiled, "compared with you, it's nothing. I just do something on the basis of making money. After all, I'm a businessman."

"Well said! After all, he is just a businessman. Business is business." Shao Yifu smiled and obviously agreed with her.

Shao brothers followed the concept of pure "commercial production" when they operated. In Shaw's whole set of business philosophy with Chinese characteristics, "audience first" theory is its central content.

He knows the psychology, viewing habits and interests of the general public audience very well. He reviews the story script provided by the editor and director and chooses whether it has the box office. Therefore, the "Shao brothers" have accurately selected the love and interest of the public audience and chose themes with strong popularity and entertainment.

This is the first "commercial film", but Shaw's film is not just a commercial film, otherwise it will not be regarded as a classic.

Tang Jingyun's eyes flashed a bit of sadness and regret.

Sir Shao looked at the woman in front of him, Zhilan Yushu, the breeze was cool and cool, and there were thousands of styles. She made him think she was a tree, tall and handsome. It seemed that he could see the moment when she grew into a towering tree.

"Sir Shao, what do you think of my proposal?" Tang Jingyun smiled at Sir Shao with a big smile.

"Well, since business is business, let's talk about the price for the time being." Sir Shao didn't say anything more and smiled faintly at Tang Jingyun, "let me see your sincerity, little girl."

Tang Jingyun pursed her lips and smiled. She knew that she had finally moved the powerful old man. She was very happy. She sat down to sum up the cooperation with Sir Shao.

Sir Shao feels that he hasn't seen such a shameless little girl for a long time. Isn't it tens of millions of money? As for such a fuss? Whose family is this little girl?! Get Sir Ben home!

Tang Jingyun said that she also blew up. How old are you? You don't bring this money to life or death. Why do you plan with me like this? You are so thick skinned! I tell you, don't bully me because you are old!

Therefore, after a fierce debate, the attendant who acted as a translator had long been abandoned by the two people.

He is a little silly. One of them speaks Mandarin and understands Cantonese, and the other speaks Cantonese and understands Mandarin! In that case, why did he translate just now? Do you know that translation is actually very tired?

When they finally reached a common plan, they both looked at each other and laughed.

Seeing that the time was almost up, sir Shao immediately asked Tang Jingyun to stay for dinner. Tang Jingyun also stayed and had a good drink with the old man.

After dinner, Tang Jingyun left, and Sir Shao looked at Tang Jingyun's back and was distracted silently, as if he missed those days in the past.

The wind blows and the wine is cool. May the memories of the past find their destination.