Chen Yuxing respectfully led Tang Jingyun to a conference room. There was an oval conference table with many people sitting. At this time, Chen Yuxing personally came in with a young woman. Many people focused on Tang Jingyun around him.

Tang Jingyun's mouth is wearing an indifferent smile. It seems that she doesn't feel any discomfort to the attention of the public. In this way, she has a calmness that doesn't belong to her age.

Some people also noticed he Yanling behind her. Although he Yanling was relatively low-key and didn't come to Shanghai for a long time, many of them were old foxes. They had noticed this new star company when they were looking for someone to invest in iFLYTEK consulting company, and he Yanling, who appeared in front of the stage, naturally attracted the eyes of many people.

At this time, seeing such a situation, I couldn't help eyebrowing. What was the identity of the girl? Unexpectedly, he Yanling was asked to stand behind him in a way of vassal.

Tang Jingyun ignored everyone's eyes, smiled at Chen Yuxing, took he Yanling to a lower seat and sat down. This attitude made many people puzzled.

But when Chen Yuxing saw Tang Jingyun, he couldn't help laughing. He was really an old-fashioned woman. If he hadn't heard Tang Jingyun's deep insight and confidence in the IT industry, as well as her magnificent momentum and mind downstairs, he would have miscalculated her attitude at this time.

"Cough." Chen Yuxing put his hand on his mouth, coughed, and received everyone's eyes on him. Then he said, "you must know Chen's attitude when you come here today. IFLYTEK information company under me needs financing. I am willing to take out 10% of the shares this time in exchange for your investment."

Chen Yuxing asked his assistant to send the prepared materials to the people. Tang Jingyun naturally received one. She looked at the materials with a look of curiosity.

There was silence in the conference room. Some people looked quickly. Soon a middle-aged man raised his hand to express his views, "Mr. Chen, what makes you so confident? You only use 10% of your original shares to exchange tens of millions of funds for us. Isn't this an indirect recognition that your iFLYTEK is a company of hundreds of millions of dollars? I don't know if you have considered the real market?"

The question was somewhat sharp at the beginning. It was more difficult than asking questions.

Chen Yuxing looked up at the man. Although his face was smiling, it was obviously a little unhappy, "President Jiang, I can only say that this is the arrival of a new era. In this changing era, everything is developing rapidly. Please don't look at the world with inherent old eyes. I can only say that the world always needs some pioneers and pioneers, and the world is in the hands of these people!"

His words made Tang Jingyun secretly applaud. Isn't it her opinion?

The world is always in the hands of a few people, who are either crazy or brave. The former has the craziest ideas, while the latter puts them into practice.

Chen Yuxing's unkind words made President Jiang look embarrassed and unhappy. He was just taking part in the fun and didn't have any investment heart.

Some people shake their heads again and again. Obviously, they are not optimistic about this investment project. At present, there are not many venture capitalists in China, but they are not without them. It is just that many of these people are Chinese native investors who unconsciously take a conservative attitude in their actions.

"Mr. Chen, I think your plan is too optimistic. You need to consider the market in China. Do you know how many people in this country have access to computers? The Internet is still a very vague concept in the hearts of ordinary people. How can you make profits?" a middle-aged man with glasses frowned slightly.

"Ten years ago, mobile phones disappeared in China, but who can predict the scene ten years later? As I have stated, this is a changing and developing world. China is ultimately a part of the world and will catch up with this trend. China's mobile phone is expensive and frightening, and even becomes a symbol of identity, but who knows? In foreign countries, people really make profits It's not the profits from selling mobile phones, but the profits from other derived industries. "

Chen Yuxing's voice was very steady. It sounded in the conference room. He took a sip of water and continued, "The IT industry is an inevitable development industry. China is catching up with the world. Others spend decades or even hundreds of years to develop an industry, but we only use a short decade or less, which will inevitably lead to a blowout, and the IT industry bears the brunt. There are few people studying at home, but it does not mean that there are no people abroad."

Hearing Chen Yuxing's words, he Yanling couldn't help looking at Tang Jingyun sitting quietly beside him. He saw that the girl's face was very focused and appreciated.

He didn't expect that Tang Jingyun said something similar to Chen Yuxing not long ago.

At that time, he had some doubts about Tang Jingyun's inexplicable preference for a company. He didn't understand why Tang Jingyun personally flew from Kyoto to Shanghai for an emerging industry.

At that time, the girl's quiet and powerful voice came from the other end of the phone. She said, "Yanling, the world is not immutable. It always needs to develop. Of course, the inherent industry will grow, but the IT industry will appear in front of people in a way that attracts the attention of the world. Don't underestimate any potential industry or the rapid development of the Chinese model."

At that time, he Yanling didn't understand and didn't understand where his boss's confidence came from. Now he still doesn't understand, but one day in the future, when iFLYTEK information became one of the most profitable investments in his hands, he suddenly found that Tang Jingyun's vision is so long-term.

People kept asking at the conference table, but most of them were not optimistic. The atmosphere at the conference was somewhat depressed. In particular, the vice president of iFLYTEK investment flashed a worried color on his face. Chen Yuxing was calm. His eyes glanced at Tang Jingyun with a smile from time to time, and his heart was a little more confident.

When the preliminary meeting ended, many people left. Most of them left with a sigh. They were obviously not optimistic, but Tang Jingyun didn't move. She just sat there, gently picked up the cup in front of the table and sipped tea with a leisurely look.

She noticed that there was another man who didn't go. The old God was sitting on the seat. He was a middle-aged man in his forties and fifties. His face was firm and seemed to have some wind and frost on his face, but his eyes were very calm and gave people a taste of elegance.

Tang Jingyun vaguely remembers that he kept silent when everyone spoke just now.

When Chen Yuxing saw off the guests and saw that there were only two left in the conference room, he was not discouraged. Instead, he showed a bit of happiness and said with a smile, "I thought none of them would have an intention. Unexpectedly, there were two."

Tang Jingyun heard the speech and smiled, "President Chen is modest. In Tang's opinion, the opportunity is not only for those who are prepared, but also for those who have vision. If you miss today, some people will regret it in the future."

The elegant man also smiled when he heard the speech. "Miss Tang has courage and courage. My surname is Xu, Shangyin and Xiadong. I don't know what to call Miss Tang?"

Tang Jingyun's heart jumped. Xu Yindong, a famous angel investor in China and the founder of Far East investment, has always been famous in the industry, but she hasn't been in touch in her previous life.

She smiled. "My younger generation's surname is Tang and Tang Jingyun. He used to be president Xu of Far East investment. As expected, it's better to meet him. He is really a model of a generation of Confucian businessmen. He is elegant and is actually a model of our generation."

"Hahaha, Miss Tang is really funny. If the younger generation in the family can be as young and promising as Miss Tang, and can make raw stone investment at a young age, I'm very relieved in Xu's heart." Xu Yindong laughed. It's obvious that Tang Jingyun's flattery made him quite interested.

She couldn't help looking at Tang Jingyun. Seeing her calm demeanor, smooth means and old-fashioned words, she was secretly surprised. I didn't know which family trained her to be so excellent.

Chen Yuxing saw that both of them were quite friendly and smiled, "well, those irrelevant people have left. Why don't you discuss your next investment together?"

Tang Jingyun shook her head slightly, "President Chen, you are not authentic."

"Why don't I tunnel?" Chen Yuxing was surprised.

"Mr. Chen, how can you fool Tang with that set? Tang flew all the way from Kyoto and carried more than half of Tang's value for the sake of iFLYTEK in your hand. There are only 10% of the shares that can fool me?"

Tang Jingyun smiled, but her words were strong and confident, which made her young face open.

Chen Yuxing was slightly stunned and then laughed, "what does Tang always think?"

Tang Jingyun stretched out her finger, pointed to herself and Xu Yindong, and said with a smile, "at least half of the shares, the two of us."

Chen Yuxing heard the speech and looked at Xu Yindong. He couldn't help but say, "president Tang, is this... Too much." he didn't plan to sell so many shares.

Tang Jingyun shook her head. "Let me tell you the truth. I like your company and value your current research direction. Of course, I value President Chen more. You are a talent. My heart is very big and I want a lot."

Chen Yuxing couldn't help being silent. To tell the truth, his company is very short of money and urgently needs a large amount of money. He turned to Xu Yindong and saw Xu Yindong smile, "Miss Tang is so optimistic about iFLYTEK and President Chen?"

Tang Jingyun smiled but said nothing.

Xu Yindong hesitated. Although he was optimistic about the industry, he didn't want to sink too deep at once. "Maybe I can give it to Miss Tang."

Chen Yuxing turned to Tang Jingyun and said, "Miss Tang, can you tell me what the approximate capital injection scale is this time?"