The early morning sunshine is a little scattered, like fine gold, which is plated layer by layer in the courtyard in front of the door. The asking price of the villa in Sega Huaiyuan is so high, and the attached software and hardware facilities are naturally excellent. For example, in the open space in front of the villa, there are two tall evergreen trees and a small rockery, It looks a little atmospheric in it.

This is extremely rare in Kyoto, so Tang Jingyun still enjoys such an environment. Since Tang Zhiqian is willing to take out such a valuable villa for her, she doesn't mind accepting it. After all, he owes her so much. Since he doesn't plan to control the Tang family in this world, she should take these compensations.

At this time, she is standing in the early morning sun, slowly playing a set of Tai Chi, moving like clouds and flowing water. It seems that she has many years of skills in it. Speaking of it, this set of Tai Chi is still handed down by her grandfather's family. It is said that it was learned by a generation of ancestors under Chen's Tai Chi and has been handed down all the time.

When it was passed to her grandfather, there was only a little airs left. She was brave and fierce in the street, which had nothing to do with Chen's Taiji. However, she found out from the grapevine news in her previous life that Tang Zhiqian and old man Tang liked Tai Chi. In order to please them, she found an expert who was really proficient in Tai Chi to study and practice hard. Later, I formed a habit and practiced it all the time.

When she came back from rebirth, she never left this habit. When Jiang Ye was there, she practiced it every day. Now she still doesn't forget when she came to Kyoto. Although the purpose of practice is different from before, it is more for self-defense.

Her moves are very flexible. In addition to the standard moves of one board, she is also a little more flexible. The professor who taught her Taiji Kung Fu also said that she is a very talented person in martial arts. It is difficult for others to have their own characteristics on the original basis, but she did it easily.

Rising momentum, white crane shining wings, wild horse dividing mane... A move flows out of her hand, light and flexible, making people enjoy beauty.

A low-key black Mercedes Benz slowly drove into the community facing the rising sun. Tang Zhiqian leaned back on the armchair behind him and half squinted out of the window. He remembered the news reported to him by housekeeper Qin yesterday. The girl was rebellious, sharp and indifferent... It seemed that she could not see any character of her mother at all.

His eyes suddenly saw a scene and shouted, "stop!"

When the Audi car slammed on the brake, the young man in the co driver's seat next to the driver said in surprise, "home owner?"

"Don't talk." Tang Zhiqian waved, interrupted the young man's question, and looked straight at the girl who was boxing there.

It's a little far away. I can't see her face clearly. I can only know that she has this neat short hair, a casual and loose clothes, and is playing Tai Chi. His movements are very smooth and beautiful. His eyes are suddenly blurred, and his face flashed nostalgia. It's really beautiful... It's like more than 20 years ago, that day

Some things, amazing time, even after fleeting years, think deeply buried in the bottom of my heart and will never think of it again, but when it comes through the long years, I still can't help being amazed at it again, such as the boxing in front of me.

His eyes lingered in that place, concentrating on the girl who played Tai Chi in the sun. When her movements came to an end, he motioned the driver to drive over. When he arrived, Tang Jingyun just finished boxing and was holding yuan Shouyi with a beautiful ending.

He got out of the car and looked at the girl opposite. He saw a faint smile on her mouth. It was quiet and beautiful. Where was the defiance in the mouth of half people? Just at a glance, he was surprised and could confirm her identity, because they were too similar, with the same Phoenix eyes and the same excellent face, but he looked a little more masculine, and the lines on her face were more gentle, but no matter who saw them outside, he would not doubt their father daughter relationship.

Tang Jingyun naturally caught the surprise in his eyes and laughed at herself. She was shocked at the first sight in her previous life. She never thought she looked like her father who had never met.

Think about it. There is a picture of her mother in her home. The woman in the picture has a pair of apricot eyes and looks like a clever deer. She is sweet and pleasant. She is not much similar to her. Her grandmother will shade her face every time she sees her face. If she is in a bad mood, she will scold a few words of "little bastard and cheap girl". It is estimated that this face is too unlike her daughter?

Her face was no longer quiet, and her eyes were picked up, revealing indifference. "Oh, who is this big driver? Forgive me for coming out of a small family. No relatives have come for more than ten years, and I don't know how to treat such a big man."

Tang Zhiqian was stunned. The girl's contrast was so big that he couldn't react for a moment. He moved his lips, "are you Jingyun? I'm Tang Zhiqian, it's you..."

"Where did you come from, old rascal? Should you call me such a friendly name? Don't look at your face. I'm not a young girl you keep!" Tang Jingyun interrupted him. For a second life, she didn't want another dog blood marriage. In her eyes, he was nothing!

Tang Zhiqian obviously felt the strong rejection and unhappiness in her eyes. He seemed to see an indifferent and sharp light. He was a little embarrassed. He didn't expect that his first meeting with his daughter would be such a scene. For a time, he was speechless.

He wanted to do something to restore the current situation. After all, his blood flowed through the child, but he didn't know where to open his mouth. The child was not raised by his side. He didn't perform his duties as a father in the process of her growth. Even in the face of her naked indifference and provocation, he was blocked speechless.

"Jingyun, don't do this. I'm your father..."

"My family is dead. There is only one old beast who abandoned my mother. Are you the old beast?"

"Tang Jingyun!" Tang Zhiqian was annoyed by her old beast who opened his mouth and closed his mouth. He thought that Tang Zhiqian was born with a golden spoon when he was young. He wanted wind and rain. He walked all the way. Where did he meet such a time when he was scolded by people pointing at his nose?

Before he came, he thought that the child would react to him, perhaps angry, angry, out of control and sad, but he didn't expect to meet such a girl who calmly mocked him. Her eyes were cold and seemed to have never paid attention to him. A little sour suddenly surged in his heart, which was most like his daughter, But the one who hates him most.

"Jingyun, let's talk calmly. Don't you invite me to sit in for a while?" Tang Zhiqian repressed his feelings, mixed with complex feelings, and said with some unspeakable acidity and melancholy.

"No, I have to clean up the place you've passed. I don't think the place you stay is too dirty." Tang Jingyun ignored his weakness. She just stood there and opened her mouth coldly. In the sun, her upturned Phoenix eyes looked like the deepest and sharpest knife in the sun, cold and inserted into Tang Zhiqian's heart, He only felt a decadent and helpless feeling.

He was silent for a few seconds, took out a card from his pocket and handed it to Tang Jingyun. "Here is the living expenses for you. In the future, he will have money to enter your account every month. The password is your birthday."

Tang Jingyun picked it up. She also got this card in her previous life. It was given by the old man of the Tang family after entering the Tang family. It was all about the cost of living.

After a pause, Tang Zhiqian took out a card from his coat pocket. Guilt twinkled in his eyes. "Jingyun, there are two million in it. Dad didn't take good care of you before. It's pocket money to compensate. Buy whatever you like. Don't be reluctant to spend money."

Tang Jingyun was silent for a few seconds, but still took the card. This is the treatment she didn't have in her previous life. Two million is really a big hand. Do you want to use this money to buy out her memory of the previous 20 years? She laughed at herself. Since she didn't intend to admit the Tang family, there was no need to bear his guilt. However, she really needed money now. She nodded faintly, "you lent me the money, and I'll give it back to you in the future."

Tang Zhiqian waved his hand, "you don't have to pay it back. Just spend the money yourself. When you run out, ask your father for it."

Tang Jingyun was silent. She was still an adult in her thirties. Naturally, she wouldn't really do anything and kept silent. In such an atmosphere, Tang Zhiqian felt a little embarrassed. In the face of tenacious opponents, he could find each other's weaknesses and conquer him. He never knew what to do like now.

After a pause for a few minutes, the silent atmosphere was diffuse, and the air was full of cold. Even the warm sunshine could not stop the cold in his heart. He knew that he was not popular at this time, and she had no intention of letting him enter the house at all. She said a few words of concern awkwardly, and then turned and left.

Tang Jingyun watched the man get on the bus, stuffed the card in her hand into her pocket, and then put on a posture. The movement in her hand kept on. A set of flowing Taijiquan flowed out of her hand, but she didn't know why. The more she played, the more she became irritable. Finally, she hit the prominent corner of the small rockery placed aside with a single whip.

The sound of "bang" reminded Tang Zhiqian that the car had just fallen down. When he looked back, he saw a corner of the fake rock that had been kicked off and... Tang Jingyun's handsome foot closing action!

His lips jerked involuntarily, and the young man with Phnom Penh glasses on the co pilot couldn't help but make a "hissing" sound. If this foot kicked someone, I'm afraid it would break several ribs? I can't help but look at the boss around me with a little sympathy. In fact, the woman has been polite to the boss, right? At least I didn't use force!