As soon as Gao Yong heard Owen's words, his face became more and more stiff. He bowed his head slightly and was at a loss.

He knew that what he had just done fell into Owen's eyes. If Owen really wanted to study deeply, he was afraid that he would leave the company immediately after him, as the manager had just cursed him.

Owen took a deep look at him. He didn't say anything more. He only said in a deep voice, "manager Xu is gone. If you take his place, you should work hard and put the company's performance first. Don't daydream, in the company all those have no small action, put personal feelings into the work, follow his footsteps. Otherwise, his today will be your tomorrow. "

Gao Yong was stunned and suddenly looked up at Owen. He was not sure whether he meant what he thought.

"Got it? Get it and get back to work? Have you edited the video clips taken by Miss Bai before? Should be able to piece together a complete advertising content? "

Realizing that his boss really didn't intend to pursue himself for using his connivance to drive manager Xu out of the company, Gao Yong nodded his head and said: "Miss Bai had already taken most of the photos when she fell down from the upstairs, but it was just a little bit short of the content. The clips of Miss Bai's audition could just be edited. I have asked that the later stage is almost finished. It's not a problem to catch up with the new product launch time set before. "

"In that case, there's nothing to worry about. The next new product launch, you pay more attention, don't make any trouble

"Yes, I understand. I'm not manager Xu. I won't let you down."

I don't know if Owen understands Gao Yong's pun of pledge of loyalty. After getting Gao Yong's reply, Owen quickly left the company and didn't know where he was going.

Gao Yong looked at his far away back, and could not help wiping the cold sweat on his head and sighing.

Owen's front foot had just left, and the employees of several companies who had a good time with Gao Yong saw that Owen left immediately came over nervously and said curiously, "what did the boss just say to you, brother Gao? Why do you look so bad? "

Gao Yong raised his hand and rewarded him with a violent shudder: "why do children manage so many families? Is it too idle? Do you want me to give you more work? "

"Don't, I don't ask. Don't bully me like that, boss. I'm tired to death these days!"

Gao Yong looked at him hiding with his head covered and muttering. He hooked his neck and said, "OK, go and tell our department that we won't work overtime tonight. I've been promoted. I'll invite you to dinner tonight. If you don't go, I won't face you! "

The man's eyes brightened as soon as he heard Gao Yong's words and said happily, "boss, you're so kind. I'll tell them now. But can we decide what we want to eat? I'd like lobster and Japanese food

High courage to kick on his ass: "OK, it's my treat, you can eat anything you want, you can discuss and tell me what to eat."

"Ouye, long live the boss!" The man cheered and ran to share the big happy event with his colleagues.

Gao Yong looked at his back, angry and funny. After a long time, he took a deep breath, turned his head to the direction where Owen had just left, and said with a smile, "Oh, Jiang is really old and hot, my boss is still my boss!"