When Owen leaves the ward, he calls Gao Yong and asks him to follow the bill. After finishing the formalities, Muyu comes up to help take care of Bai tingxue. He goes to buy food for her.

When Owen came back from his food purchase, at the end of the corridor, he saw a middle-aged man and woman standing at the door of the ward, as if they were about to open the door.

Owen frowned and quickly came forward to ask, "Hello, who are you?"

They suddenly heard a foreign greeting, looked at the strange foreign man, looked at each other, and asked: "are you..."

"Dad, mom..." Bai tingxue in the house seemed to hear the conversation of several people outside the door and began to shout.

Owen was stunned for a moment, and his eyes toward them were more respectful and gentle: "let's go ahead and talk."

White father and white mother did not know how their daughter would know a foreign man, how this foreign man would wake up in the doubts here, then they saw that the man naturally opened the door of the ward and went in.

There was a little surprise in both of them 'eyes, but they soon pressed down and quietly followed Owen into the door.

Bai tingxue thought that there were only her parents outside the door, but she didn't expect that Owen was the one who entered the door, and followed her parents behind. She asked a little stiffly, "Mr. Owen, you're back."

After that, I found that something was not right. How could it sound like a wife's greeting to her husband who came back from abroad

Realizing this, Bai tingxue's face turned red.

Fortunately, several people did not notice her unusual, white mother came into the door to see her daughter's ankle bandage, immediately painfully came over, low asked: "does it hurt? How can a good wrestler fall? What did the doctor say just now? Is it serious? "

Bai tingxue quickly took Bai's mother's hand and comforted her: "Dad, mom, I'm ok. I accidentally slipped when I went down the stairs. The doctor said that I didn't hurt my bones. I can take a rest for a while, which worries you."

"You're too careless. You can still slip down the stairs. It's a pity that there's nothing wrong with you. Otherwise, your father and I are not worried?" White mother looked at her daughter's haggard face, looked at the clock in the ward, frowned and said, "it's all this time. Have you eaten yet? I heard that you have to observe in the hospital all night before you can go back. Is there anything you want to eat? I'll have someone do it for you? "


Baitingxue has not finished, Owen has bought porridge open handed over.

"Time is limited. I bought it nearby. Try it to see if it suits your taste."

The porridge Owen bought was packed in a special ceramic lunch box. It was clean and tidy. There was a layer of crisp scallion on the porridge. It was steaming, and it looked very appetizing.

Bai tingxue saw Owen pass the porridge and quickly reached for it. One of them accidentally touched his hand.

Bai tingxue was startled and pulled back her hand like an electric shock. If Owen hadn't taken it back, this bowl of porridge would have been scrapped.

After drawing back her hand, Bai tingxue also realized that she had overreacted and regretted it. At the same time, she didn't dare to see her parents' expression at the moment.

Did they see the action they just made? What would they think? Do you think she has a special relationship with Owen? Will

Owen looked at Bai tingxue's evasive eyes, slightly hooked his lips, took the initiative to open his mouth to help her out, and said: "the bowl is still a little hot, you don't move, I'll put it on the table for you."