Zhu Lutian looked at the person in front of him in a very different way from when he was in the box. He frowned tightly and doubted whether he had just seen the wrong person in the box.

But soon he thought of another possibility, that is, Suxi is likely to be clever only in front of Tao Shunming, like a cat with bright claws in front of others.

Aware of this, Zhu Lutian is more and more excited. Although he likes delicate and coquettish women, as long as he is a man, he will not like his own women to coquettish with people other than himself. Thinking about it, he feels that green clouds cover the top.

If you think about it in this way, Suxi is perfect for him, just like it is tailor-made for him.

In the eyes of Zhu Lutian, there was a little bit more momentum in his eyes, and he grasped Su Xi's hand more tightly.

"Miss Su, I have something to tell you. I don't know if Fang is convenient..."

"Sorry, it's inconvenient." Before Zhu Lutian finished speaking, Su Xi had interrupted him and said in a cold voice, "Mr. Zhu, I'm a married woman. Please pay attention to your behavior so as not to cause unnecessary misunderstanding. Now please let go of my hand. I'm going back. "

Zhu Lutian's face became a little ugly when he ran into a wall in Suxi twice. The first time he ran into a wall, he could comfort himself that he was playing hard to get. The second time he ran into a wall, he was a little tired.

You know, when he was pursuing Qi Yuexian in the game, although Qi Yuexian had been hanging him for a long time, they were all aloof, with coquettish evasive questions. Where was Su Xi so fierce?

"It's just a few words. It won't take Miss Su much time." The more Su Wei resisted, the more lustful Zhu Lutian was. He wanted to take people home and teach them well, so that she would not dare to talk to herself like this again.

Su Xi has the final say, and he sneered in a cold smile. "I do not waste time, I have the final say. If I can say it frankly, I don't think what I have to discuss with Mr. Zhu. Please let go of my hand immediately, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude to you. "

Zhu Lutian's eyes suddenly widened. Obviously, he didn't expect that Su Xi would speak harshly to himself. His face suddenly became gloomy. Instead of letting Su Xi's hand go, he moved forward a little more and said with an ambiguous and humiliating tone: "you're not polite to me, how can you be rude to me? A whore wants to build a memorial archway? Isn't it brother Yi's cry just now? The woman the Taoists married is actually the lover of their brother-in-law. Two men share the same woman. Your relationship is chaotic enough! "

When Su Xi heard Zhu Lutian's words, her face suddenly darkened, and she said in a cold voice, "what are you talking about? You say it again

But Zhu Lutian regarded her reaction as a guilty conscience and sneered: "say it again, say it again! You know what you are. But don't be afraid. I won't tell Tao Shunming about it. As long as you are my little lover, I don't dislike you. There were several men before you. I can give you whatever Tao Shunming can give you. "

Zhu Lutian approached Su Xi and wanted to have a kiss: "as long as you listen to me, don't refuse me like you just did, and treat me well. If you and Tao Shunming divorce in the future, I can still support you, make you my plaything, and even give you a place... Ouch...."