After sending her microblog, an Ruixin specially pulled out the comments below for big baby to see.

In view of the fact that the big baby can't read, Ann Ruixin read it to her one by one. After each reading, the big baby's eyes will light up one point.

After more than a dozen big concepts, Annie stopped, looked at the two children lying quietly on the bed, and said with a smile, "you see, is what mom said right? People who like you no matter how you are, they will like you. People who don't like you don't need to care. Just be yourself. "

"Mm-hmm!" The two children nodded their heads cleverly, but the big baby seemed to find something and muttered in a low voice: "but they like me, why don't they send me big red flowers?"

An Rui Xin Leng for a while, can't laugh or cry. How much does her baby daughter like roses? Don't be cheated home by a bunch of roses when you grow up.

Being worried, a row of rose expressions suddenly appeared under the microblog.

An Rui Xin Zheng Zheng, the first time to see the row of roses expression in front of that with red V ID.

As soon as this message was sent out, it immediately received numerous likes from fans.

"Let's get a big boss who only appears on my wife's microblog!"

"Catch big boss with you upstairs!"

"Mom, boss is showing his love again. Is this row of roses for Xinxin? Or for the little princess? "

"Is that true? Of course, it's for Xinxin. Comrades work harder to push the boss to the front and let Xinxin see the boss's confession. "


In this way, Ji Chengze's message soon gathered a lot of CP powder, painted with roses and their CP names.

Soon the bottom will merge into a large sea of roses expression, very challenging the acceptance of patients with intensive phobia.

An Ruixin smiles and shakes her head. However, she hears the two children shouting happily: "little red flower!"

With a flash of inspiration, an Ruixin said with a low smile: "yes, it's little safflower. Those little safflower that your brother and sister like to send you."

As expected, the two children were very happy. They hugged each other in the quilt and giggled.

"Happy now?" Seeing this, Annie couldn't help poking their little faces. "Go to bed. It's very late now. If you don't sleep, you won't be able to get up tomorrow. At that time, dad will say you're lazy pigs again."

They closed their eyes obediently, but in less than half a minute, they opened their eyes again, some wronged: "Mom, I can't sleep."

"You have to go to bed. If children don't go to bed early, they will not grow tall. Do you want to be so big forever?"

The two children shook their heads in a hurry.

"Then sleep."

"But we really can't sleep." The big baby became more and more aggrieved, and immediately seemed to think of something. He looked Anxin eagerly, "Mom, would you like to tell us a story? We want to hear stories, and then we go to sleep. "

Hearing her sister's words, er Baobao's eyes are also bright. She reaches for an Ruixin's sleeve and pleads in a low voice: "Twilight also wants to listen to stories and listen to her mother's stories."

Seeing this, an Ruixin softened her heart and said with a smile, "OK, I'll tell you a story, but you have to promise mom that you'll go to sleep after listening to the story."


"What story do you want to hear《 Snow white, sleeping beauty or mermaid

"No, no, no, we want to hear the story of mom and dad."

An Ruixin