After the ceremony, it's time for the bride to lose the bouquet.

Several bridesmaids and bridesmaids gathered together to wait for anishin to throw the bouquet.

An Ruixin turned her head and looked at the positions of several people behind her. She asked in a loud voice, "are you ready? I'm going to lose it. "

The people next to her counted one, two, three, and the white flowers flew into the air.

Standing in front of a few people for the first time to reach for, but found that the flowers whoosh fly to the back, firmly landed on the last side of a standing hand.

Ye Yuxi's face looked blankly at the bouquet in his hand. It took him a long time to react, and he was surprised to see: "I... I got it?"

After losing the flowers, an Ruixin turns to see the situation for the first time, and finds that ye Yuxi is stunned to get the flowers. Immediately, she makes a meaningful joke: "Yuxi, it seems that you can marry yourself out this year."

Ye Yuxi blushes and subconsciously looks at Wen Zhengrong, who is not far away from the wedding as a guest.

Wen Zhengrong didn't expect Ye Yuxi to get the flowers. He suddenly remembers that Ji Chengze proposed to an Ruixin at Bai tingxue's wedding.

Wen Zhengrong regretted that he had not prepared well, otherwise he could propose to Ye Yuxi in front of so many people.

However, if he missed this time, he should really think about how to arrange a proposal ceremony and turn people into the house.

At that time, an Ruixin didn't know what she had lost. She lost another big news about the entertainment industry in the future.

After throwing the bouquet, an Ruixin and Ji Chengze cut the cake again, poured the champagne, and called the guests first.

After that, he went back and changed into a simple evening dress to attend a later wedding dinner.

It's the most exciting part of the bridal chamber. How can those guys who are afraid that the world is not in chaos miss this good opportunity to let them spend this spring snack quietly?

Ji Chengze looked at the uninvited several people in the room. His face turned black inevitably. He asked in a cold voice, "what do you want?"

Ji Chengyi laughed a little bit: "Hey, hey, brother, you see you get married once, I'm not happy. It's rare to be so happy. You shouldn't disappoint your sister-in-law and everyone, will you

Ji Chengze's response to this is to reward him with a sharp eye knife: "is it rare to be happy? I think it's rare for you to have a chance to see my jokes with your sister-in-law? "

Ji Chengyi's smile on his face was slightly stiff, and then he continued to giggle: "brother, you can't say that. People say that if the bridal chamber makes a scene, you will have a noble son early, and there will be plenty of children and grandchildren. Look..."

"Early birth? I'll give it to you intact. Full of children and grandchildren? Do you think our two bear children are ornaments

Ji Chengyi choked, but two words of Kung Fu was his big brother to Ko, commissar aggrieved back to one side.

Tao Shunming stares at Ji Chengyi, who hates iron but not steel. The boy usually talks a lot, but he doesn't use it at the critical moment. He has to go out in person.

However, before Tao Shunming opened his mouth, Ji Chengze looked at him as if he had foresight and said with a smile: "I heard that you like babies very much. It's just that your sister-in-law is at home with children recently, and one person may not be able to be busy. Why don't you clean up and accompany them? "

Tao Shunming:! "