Ji Chengze clenches an Ruixin's hand, as if telling an Ruixin with action that since he has grasped this hand, he will never let it go again in his life.

Ji Chengze takes an Ruixin by the hand and goes to the front of the oath stand. Facing each other, he makes the most important oath of his life.

"In the past four years, you have taken care of me, cherished me, protected me, stood behind me silently and supported me, so that I can stand beside you bravely today and accompany you through the next countless four years. People say that every successful man has an excellent woman behind him, and for me, this sentence is also suitable for you and me. You are the driving force for my success, because you are who I am today. "

"You have given me a warm home, where there are kind elders, warm and lively brothers and sisters, and our two lovely babies. This is a precious treasure that can't be exchanged for anything. In the days to come, I hope we can go along with each other, guard our warm home, watch the children grow up little by little, even if their hair is white and their teeth are all gone, we can still watch the sun and the sunset hand in hand. "

When an Ruixin said these words, her eyes were fixed on the person in front of her. There was a deep feeling in her eyes.

Ji Chengze also looked at her, her eyes full of reflection out of her shadow, as if the world is only the two of them, no one can disturb, no one can get in.

"In the past four years, we have been walking hand in hand. I'm very glad that I can watch you become better and more attractive. In fact, I am not as good as you think. On the contrary, in the past four years, I have always felt that you are holding me. Tolerate my occasional willfulness, tolerate my often overbearing, even if I have thousands of shortcomings, you still love me, just as I love you

"Before I met you, I never thought that another person would suddenly appear in my life force. I would enter the palace of marriage with her and walk through life hand in hand with her forever. But after meeting you, I suddenly have this impulse, I want to get you, want to be with you, love you, take care of you, let you not get a little hurt

"In the future, I will still love you, protect you, never betray you, hurt you, let you have a little unhappy. Someone once said that a lifetime, less than a minute and a second is not a lifetime. So, our life, will certainly be to the last minute, the last second. When that happens, I'll still be by your side, always guarding you. "

This is probably the longest and most affectionate speech Ji Chengze has ever said since he was born.

As soon as the words fell, the guests at the bottom cheered loudly, shouting their blessings for their affectionate confession.

At this time, the priest standing not far in front of them also remembered his duty. After listening to their mutual oath, he cleared his throat and said a more official summary. Then he finally came to the most critical moment.

"Mr. Ji, you are willing to marry this gentle, intelligent and considerate woman around you as your wife, love her, care for her, respect her and protect her, just as you love yourself. In the days to come, no matter she is poor or rich, sick or healthy, will she always be loyal to her and love each other until she leaves the world? "