I have to say that the president is quite efficient.

Half an hour later, the IP, the owner's name and biography behind the IP were all flesh out.

It turns out that this reporter is the group leader of the entertainment group of a small newspaper. What this newspaper likes most is to report some news related to an Ruixin and attract the click through rate and popularity.

Before that, a lot of reports on the edge ball were sent out from their newspapers, and some of the following black reports will also be published. They have nothing to do with the facts, just for the sake of traffic.

Because the newspaper itself is relatively small, submerged in the leading big media, it is particularly anonymous. Even before Yaosheng's official time, he did not notice that such a small newspaper was secretly poking their company's artists.

This group leader has been shooting an Ruixin for a long time, but it was OK before. However, after an Ruixin participated in the D country film festival, after the crew was surrounded by so much media and almost injured, the company and Ji Chengze sent several more bodyguards to protect an Ruixin, and the travel was much more hidden than before.

The group leader couldn't shoot an Ruixin for several months and couldn't dig out any news. The effect of shooting other stars was not as good as that of shooting an Ruixin.

In just a few months, the performance of the group leader has fallen sharply. In addition, recently, the chief editor of the magazine suddenly left. The boss of the magazine is going to select one of the group leaders from their group and promote it to a new chief editor.

The group leader's performance is low in recent months, but he wants to be promoted to editor in chief. This roadshow is his last chance.

Because of this, in the question session, he would bite enrishin.

After an Ruixin refused to answer, she couldn't hold back her anger in recent months, blaming an Ruixin for all her crimes and causing the farce.

And also after being driven out of the rage, directly dressed in a trumpet to catch up with Hei an Ruixin herself and her new film.

Although an Ruixin doesn't appear often, her prestige in the fan circle is always on the rise.

In a word, it means "brother has not been in the river and lake for a long time, but the legend of brother has been circulating in the river and lake."

As a result, as soon as his skinny microblog was published, it immediately attracted countless likes from fans of true love, and was soon pushed to the top.

Immediately after that, a lot of true love fans poured into the bottom of the long bad comment microblog. They began to attack the personality of the bloggers, as well as the black fans who came to join the bloggers after hearing the news.

"I wonder why the first screening was just over. In less than two minutes, the movie critics were Kwai Fu. I didn't see a movie at all. It's black for the black

"Ha ha ha, there are always a few people who don't believe in evil and want to challenge the strength of our family. The result is often self humiliation, really thought that changed the number, changed the IP can evade our family star big sniper? It's naive. "

"Are journalists so inflated now? I want to pour dirty water on people with any mouth. Do you really think that we are all those little Mengxin who just came into contact with the Internet and didn't know anything? I'll be incited by you at any time. I'll be a wooden warehouse envoy for you. I'm shameless! "

"It's true that journalists want to fight for performance, promotion and salary increase. After all, it's not easy for anyone these days. But this can't be an excuse for you to hurt others, especially if you don't do it, you can also slander them. It's disgusting. "