Jennifer didn't disappoint Annie. She soon told the inside story she knew. She was proud and gloating and said, "isn't that fool Valerie openly slandering you in front of the media? What kind of international film festival do you like? It's like looking down on the film festival in D country. "

Speaking of this, Jennifer couldn't help humming and sneering: "she's nothing but a spokesperson for several well-known advertisements. She's chased and held by those men in China. She's so happy that she can't find the north. She thinks she's a queen?"

Enri was glad to see that Jennifer was getting more and more angry. She quickly opened her mouth and drew her attention back: "so, what happened after last night?"

After the news of Valerie's interview yesterday came out, it immediately caused a sensation in D country. The judges who participated in the judging of the film festival were all respected elders. After knowing this, they were very angry. They felt that Valerie was questioning their justice and damaging their reputation. They immediately submitted the matter to the Organizing Committee of the film festival and asked them to deal with it seriously. People in country D are also very responsive when they learn about the incident. It is said that many people have written letters to the program crew themselves, hoping that they can deal with the incident seriously. "

Ann Ruixin was surprised to hear that. She never thought that Valerie's words for a moment would lead to such a series of reactions and make it so big.

It's true that we can eat the food without saying anything!

"No matter when and where, public opinion is particularly important. After receiving numerous similar letters, the senior management of the Festival Organizing Committee has dealt with her affairs. "

"Processing? What to do with it? "

"Doesn't she miss the D Film Festival? I can't see her at the film festival! Just now, the official blog of the film festival has dealt with her and permanently banned her related films from running for the film festival again. "

"So cruel!" Annie was taken aback.

The result of permanently banning Valerie related films from the selection of the festival is not only that Valerie has lost the opportunity to participate in the selection of the festival, but also that she has lost countless opportunities to cooperate with other famous film stars and directors.

You know, many of those well-known directors are no longer limited to the so-called box office. They need a big prize to add a lot of color to their past achievements.

Now, as soon as the decision of the organizing committee is made, those directors who are ready to participate in the selection of this kind of Film Festival from the start of filming will no longer choose to cooperate with Valerie.

And the directors who are not going to participate in the selection of this kind of Film Festival in the short term will also consider whether they will not participate in the short term, but what if they participate in the future?

Since this matter has been so big, who knows if they will be blacklisted in the festival if they cooperate with Valerie for one or two films?

What's the use of not getting a nomination or a prize?

Be careful to drive for thousands of years. Anyone who can drive in the entertainment industry will not be a fool. It is impossible to risk her future for a female star who has no future.

As soon as the ban was issued, Valerie's star path was basically destroyed.