Because I didn't pay attention to it at the beginning and didn't hold much hope, Ann Ruixin was not the first one to know about the award.

That night, an Ruixin was filming a night play. Bai tingxue called suddenly and said excitedly, "Xinxin, Congratulations! Your acting skills are recognized together. "

An Ruixin was at a loss. After careful inquiry, she learned that she really won the best newcomer, the first newcomer who was not a native of M country in history!

An Ruixin got the news and found the award video at that time for the first time.

At that time, the video had been widely circulated on the Internet. At the beginning, the announcement of the results might be very exciting. However, the words of Judy, who is the honorary deputy leader of ANN Ruixin, standing on the stage later attracted more attention.

She said: "it's a great honor to be able to take the place of ANN today, which represents her honor. In my opinion, the result is unexpected but reasonable. Unexpected because Ann created a certain kind of precedent, let the film festival from this session to the beginning of diversified development. The reason is that I have a lot of scenes with Ann. I can say that I am the one who accompanied her to complete the film. As long as I have seen her acting skills, no one will not be impressed by her. She deserves this award. I hope she can bring us more surprises in the future

With Judy's impassioned acceptance of the award, the special feature of the characters in the film is released again on the stage.

She can be a noble and elegant fairy Saint standing in the bright sunshine, or a surly and bloodthirsty vampire Lord hiding in the dark castle.

Different characters, different gender, different impact!

Seeing this clip of characters, Ann Ruixin's fans and some passers-by were excited.

"Ah, please, when will this film be released? Xinxin, is this a person with two roles or a role with two identities? Ask for popular science

"The feeling should be that one person plays two roles separately, twins and so on. It's good to take the feeling!"

"Yangou goes into the pit. As a Yangou who only looks at his face without integrity, he can't resist the visual impact at all! Who can tell me whether this video is a little sister or a little brother? They're not alone, they're real twins, right? "

"That's what Xinxin said! Ah, after watching the video, I just want to say I don't want to marry him! Xinxin, why aren't you a man? Why not a man? I feel like I'm going to bend! "

"Xinxin did it. She actually did it. Aidou, the first winner of the golden crane award in the history of M country, is so outstanding. I think I can boast for three years!"

"Upstairs calm, just like this one thing, which need to blow for three years, believe me, in three years, Xinxin will be able to get more people can let us show off the honor."

This is not modest at all, so that it became a popular comment on the joint attack of black powder and keyboard man.

However, in the near future, an Ruixin will use her own strength to fight these black pink keyboard men. The blogger who wrote this comment and you Rongyan are very proud to put the comment on the top of her micro blog, showing off her idol's excellence and her foresight.

Of course, these are afterwords.