Some melon eaters, who were almost brainwashed by the Navy, suddenly woke up and quickly righted their nearly crooked Sanguan.

Yes, what did arexin do? She did nothing!

As an orphan, she has lived so hard that she doesn't even know who her own parents are, but she has to be put on such a big hat, or even lose her whole life. Is this really the responsibility she should pay?

At this moment, most of the people have been awakened by the previous several clear comments. They are no longer as aggressive as before. On the contrary, they have some sympathy for arexin.

Only those keyboard men who think they are doing justice are still clinging to their mothers' debt and paying off their daughters' debt. Some people even curse an Ruixin for having such a crazy mother. They think that she is not a good thing, until a comment is at the top.

"It's found that many people have been misled by some water army keymen. This woman says that her son has been replaced by Xinxin's own mother. Do you want to be so honest? From the fact that this woman cheated Xinxin to do paternity test and bribed the doctor, we can see that this woman is a liar, OK? In that case, who knows if this is another lie she made up? As soon as the paternity test comes out, the lie is detected. In order to get rid of the crime, and to make Xinxin sad and guilty, it is possible to make up such a lie on the pretext of asking for money from Xinxin, OK? The most important thing is that Xinxin seems to believe it. No, just thinking about it, I feel like I'm going to die of heartache. What did Xinxin do wrong to let you put all your malice on such a girl in her twenties? "

As soon as this comment came out, the noisy keyman had a moment of silence, and the comments all over the screen were filled with inexplicable embarrassment.

But it is Bai tingxue who has not appeared in front of the public for a long time to push this embarrassment and the whole thing to the climax.

"Bai tingxue [v]: I don't understand why some people always maximize their malice. They thought that there could be no such bad people in the world, but they were always beaten by reality. I believe many people know that Xinxin is an orphan. We have never heard her talk about her parents before, because she has no idea who her biological parents are. It is her adoptive parents, not her biological parents, who have been with her for more than ten years. If this woman's words are true, Xinxin is the one who gets the most hurt in this farce. At least someone wants your child, or someone else wants it. Xinxin is an abandoned child, and both you and her parents have abandoned her. You remind her every time you see her. What's the difference between stabbing her in the back and stabbing her in the back? "

"And if it's false, I can only say that it's probably the most vicious lie in the world, because it destroys a girl's best hope for her family. Just for your selfishness, if you tell such a lie, are you not afraid of retribution? In the final analysis, your children are children, and other people's children are not children? "

"Some people may think that I am partial to Xinxin. After all, we are friends, which I admit. But similarly, as a mother, I think I can't watch a woman do something to hurt other people's children under the banner of a mother. This is insulting the great word of mothe