The host felt that he was back to the hard situation of the previous awkward chat. He gave a few stiff dry smiles and tried to reverse the awkward atmosphere: "Mr. Ji is really joking, ha ha ha..."

Ji Chengze frowned and explained patiently: "my wife is a conservative person. She is very averse to premarital sex. At that time, we dated for a period of time. We went to the seaside, the playground, the stars, the movies and hand in hand shopping. We have done almost all the things that couples should do, and we feel that we can develop further, so we get married. "

"So it is." The host was a little relieved. It's so nice of you to say that. It's frightening to death just now!

"Did you propose to her?"


"How did you propose to her then?"

"I snatched a friend's wedding bouquet and proposed to her. At that time, relatives and friends were all here, which can be regarded as a witness. "

The host's eyes are slightly bright: "it sounds very romantic! Did she agree? "


"What has changed in your life since you got married?"

"We went on our honeymoon. Now, there are children. "

Lying trough, children have, this speed is no one!

"I have children. Congratulations! Can you tell me what kind of person your wife is? "

Ji Chengze's expression on Wen Yan's face has some subtle changes, and her cold and hard lines have some relaxation: "she is a very good person, kind, generous, hardworking and progressive. She will be happy for a long time because of a little surprise. Her cooking is very good. My family and I like her cooking very much. Every day after dinner, we always like to watch TV together on the sofa, and she always likes to lie on my legs, let me help her rub her stomach. In my eyes, she's good everywhere. "

Host: "I feel like I've been forced to eat a handful of dog food!

"I can see that you love your wife very much, and you are very happy now. May I have the name of your wife, please

"Sorry, it's not convenient."

Host: "I'll go. I'll take off my pants. Let me see this!

I've been teasing us here for a long time, and we've all been intrigued. Now that I'm here, I'm choked by such a sentence. Don't you think you're going too far?

"My wife is always low-key and doesn't like to be disturbed, so I don't want to be disturbed by someone who doesn't have eyes."

Ji Chengze's words are actually a little threatening, warning those media reporters who are ready to dig up his marital status and mysterious wife.

Host: "who is the person who just showed off for a long time! Said for a long time and did not let people to check, you are trying to force the media to death!

"Well, that's all for today's interview. Thank you for Mr. Ji's coming. I also wish Mr. Ji and your new wife a happy marriage and a happy marriage. That's the end of today's interview. Goodbye. "

The host said the final conclusion powerlessly, thinking that this is probably the most frustrating interview in his hosting career!

Ji Chengze didn't care. He got up and gave a smile to the camera.

An Ruixin, sitting in front of the TV, naturally noticed his smile and knew that he was actually smiling at himself. He was in a trance and understood something. He sweetly and helplessly scolded: "this guy..."