An Ruixin hears the greed and excitement in an Taiping's words. Her eyes turn slightly, and she has already written a set of words in her heart.

"Antaiping, don't go too far. When my parents died, your mother and your uncle tried to steal my things. Thanks to their face, they said in front of the media that they had raised me and provided for me to go to school. When they saw that they couldn't squeeze money from me, they kicked me away. If it wasn't for my grandmother's help, I would have starved to death, let alone go to school. Now that I'm well-known and making money, you'll come to me to make friends with me and ask me 50 million yuan. You are so greedy and set up good people. Aren't you afraid that my parents and grandma are in heaven to ask for your life? Are you not afraid of retribution? "

It seems that an Taiping's call is hands-free. As soon as an Ruixin's words come out, an Xiaogu, who is staying by, jumps out.

"Bah, I have no conscience, how can I speak so badly? We haven't raised you, but what you eat is not left by the second brother and second sister-in-law? My second brother and sister-in-law are my family members. They raise you just like we raise you. Aren't they the same? What's wrong with asking you to pay us some money after you've been living in our old home for so many years? Your parents and grandma, even if they are watching in the sky, must have nothing to say. Besides, they are all dead. Even if they know, what can they do with us? "

An Ruixin could not help but sink her face because of an Xiaogu's words and said in a cold voice, "do you know that you have constituted blackmail?"

"Blackmail? It's natural for the younger generation to show filial respect to the elder. Even in front of the police, he can't do anything about us. "

An Ruixin did not entangle in this topic, whispered: "50 million is impossible, I can't take it out."

As soon as an Ruixin said this, an Xiaogu immediately raised her voice: "can't you take it out? You can't even give out that little money? Why don't we? Don't blame me for not reminding you. If you don't pay, we will not help you clarify, but will continue to discredit you in front of those media. We are your elders. No matter what you say, some people will believe it. At that time, even if you have a mouth, you can't say it clearly. It's too late to regret it. "

An Ruixin wants the thing basic already arrived, the nature is lazy to go on with a few people again, drop a: "whatever you want." Just hung up.

Now, all the people in Antai are confused.

"What's going on? She hung up? She just hung up? Do you really think we dare not? " Aunt an's face is unbelievable.

An Taiping was also confused. He didn't expect that an Ruixin would have such backbone and hung up their phone directly.

In principle, shouldn't they have the advantage now?

An Taiping silly Leng Leng whispered: "is really we want too much, she can't afford?"

A few people's faces also changed when they heard that. That is to say, 50 million is really an astronomical number for them. I'm afraid most people can't earn a fraction in their lifetime.

"What shall we do now?"

Antaiping gritted his teeth: "what else can I do? There's only one way to get to the black. Mom and uncle, you don't have to hide tomorrow. If the media come to visit us again, you will be generous to accept their interviews and try your best to discredit an Ruixin. Take.... "

An Taiping's eyes flashed a trace of light: "take her dead parents to say things!"