"Kongtong Que" is approaching the grand finale, just in time for the last two issues of the reality show.

Bai tingxue's fans watched the new drama of Goddess and the goddess sprinkle sugar. It never occurred to them that on the second day after the reality show, Bai tingxue suddenly held a press conference to announce her secret marriage and officially announced her withdrawal from the entertainment industry.

This heavy bomb hit the whole entertainment industry.

At this press conference, Bai tingxue took Owen with her. This time, her introduction to Owen was no longer "this is my boyfriend", but "this is my husband".

"I believe many people know the person around me. Yes, he is my imaginary boyfriend Owen in reality show. But today I want to correct one thing with you, he is not my imaginary boyfriend, he is my boyfriend. No, to be more precise, he is my husband, because not long ago, we were married

Bai tingxue said that together with Owen, they held their hands in front of the cameras of all the media on the scene. On the two hands clasped with ten fingers and on the ring finger, they were wearing a valuable diamond ring, which declared that they had already concluded a marriage and belonged to each other.

"This news may be a bit sudden for you, but it's all true. Owen and I met five years ago, and we had a formal relationship two years ago. Now we are married and legally recognized as husband and wife." Bai tingxue said, turning to look at Owen, smiling, and facing all the media again.

"Besides, there is another thing to be announced today. That is, I, Bai tingxue, will officially withdraw from the entertainment industry from now on, "nice to meet you" will become my last reality show, and "Kongtong Que" will become my last TV play. "

When Bai tingxue said this, the scene was in an uproar.

After the invited media looked at each other for a while, they decisively took the camera in their hands to shoot Bai tingxue and Bai tingxue. While shooting, they began to make headlines in their hearts.

Bai tingxue had expected this, and without waiting for the audience to be quiet again, she continued to the camera: "finally, thank the fans who have loved me all these years. Making this decision may hurt many of you, but please allow me to be willful for the last time. This is the happiness of my life, and I don't want to miss it. As for those who like to blackmail me, I don't ask you to bless me, but please be careful when you blackmail me in the future. Although I will lose Yaosheng's umbrella when I quit the entertainment industry, I will no longer be a public figure. I will not be as gentle as before when I treat those who blackmail me. "

Bai tingxue took a deep breath and said with a smile in front of the audience: "the above is all the contents of my press conference today. Thank you for your coming. Today's press conference is over. Goodbye."

Bai tingxue said and went out, how could the media let her go, one by one holding long guns and short cannons, just want to let Bai tingxue stay and say more.

Fortunately, Bai tingxue and her husband had expected this for a long time. As soon as the servant stepped down, a group of security guards quickly came forward to stop the reporters.

Owen, on the other hand, acts as an emissary to protect Bai tingxue and disappears in front of the camera.