That year, Yingshi group's tripartite business model began to take shape.

As the car slowly drove into Ying's home, Lin Yi sat in the back seat, wearing a solid color skirt. Her long hair rolled over one shoulder, her hand pressed the wireless headset on her ear, and the silver ring on her ring finger was flowing with a mild luster.

"You can send me the latest quotation of Yiwei restaurant right away. I'll see it later."

Lin Yi says to the person on the other side of the phone.

The car stopped.

The housekeeper waited at the door and went up to open the door for her.

Lin Yi hung up the phone and got off with her handbag. Her skirt was playing with the wind and she wanted to be immortal. She said to the housekeeper with a smile, "I don't have to come to the door every time. I will get off by myself."

"I have nothing to do."

The housekeeper bowed his head to her, with desire in his eyes.

Lin Yi looked at him, "you have something to say."

The housekeeper approached her and whispered, "Mrs. Mu is in a bad mood. She has shed tears twice today."

"Shuya? What happened to her? Do you envy her

Lin Yi frowned.

"I don't know." The housekeeper shook his head. "I quietly informed Mrs. Jiang that this meeting was going with me. Would you like to have a look?"

"Well, where are they?" Lin Yi asked and walked in.

"It's in the little living room on the other side of the second room."

Answered the housekeeper.

Hearing the news, Lin Yi didn't even change her shoes. She put down her handbag and went upstairs in a hurry. Her high-heeled shoes stepped on the polished and gorgeous floor tiles and went straight to the small living room of the second room.

I saw Bai Shuya sitting on the sofa, wiping her tears with a paper towel. Xia Xi frowned and accompanied her, sighing from time to time.

"What's the matter?"

Lin Yi goes in.

At the sight of her, Bai Shuya was a little embarrassed and said with red eyes, "how did you get shocked?"

"Here you are." Xia Xi seems to see the Savior in general, "all blame my brother."

Lin Yi sat down beside Bai Shuya and said with a smile, "the group is too busy recently. In the cold years, we need the absolute assistance of Mu Xianguang and Jiang Qixing. Mu Xianguang really doesn't have much time to accompany you. Why don't I accompany you to the group to find him?"

On hearing this, Bai Shuya's face became angry, "I don't want to see him."

Bai Shuya has always been gentle, and she speaks softly. Lin Yi is shocked by this anger.

Lin Yi looks at Xia Xi suspiciously. Xia Xi silently picks up the flat on the coffee table in front of him, draws a picture of a woman in ol clothes from inside, points to the picture and says, "my brother It's like cheating. "


Lin Yi was surprised.

Is mu Xianguang cheating?

"It doesn't have to be your brother's cheating. Maybe it's just the woman who directed and acted." Bai Shuya is sensitive to the word "derailment" and can't help protesting.

Xia Xi laughs, "that sister-in-law you still shed tears?"

"Then your brother always makes the mistake of not knowing people clearly."

Bai Shuya used to pronounce hard.

Lin Yi took the tablet and looked at it, "this man Like Cao Xueer, mu Xianguang's secretary? "

She met with the group once.

"That's right."

Xia Xi stretches his hand, slides off the photo of the tablet and points out the microblog page.

Cao Xueer's head image on Weibo should be her personal Weibo. All the content published in it is in graphic mode. A picture with texture, plus a few poems or chicken soup, looks normal.

Lin Yi doesn't understand and looks at Xia Xi. How can he see the trace of derailment. "Look at this microblog, the message is to cherish every moment, but the photo is a Swiss watch, which can't be bought by money. My sister-in-law entrusted a lot of relationships to get it, but this is the only one in China." Xia


Lin Yi looked at the photo and said, "the watch was taken on the desk. Maybe Secretary Cao just wanted to show off his wealth by taking advantage of Mu Xianguang's time to pick up the watch."

Xia Xi from Bai Shuya over there to slide, and delimit to a micro blog, "then you see this."

There's only one number in the picture - 15.

The words are -

[it's nice to have you with me on my birthday. 】

Lin Yi didn't know what he meant. Xia Xi said over there, "that day was an open competition of the group. My brother went to participate in it. The number 15 is his number plate."


Lin Yi is a little speechless, which is not enough to show off his wealth.

But that was the only point. People could say yes or no, so she asked, "is there anything else?"

"Yes, you can take any one." Bai Shuya sat there and said, his eyes sad.

Lin Yi scratched up and down the screen and found the most normal one. "This one looks ok."

It's a picture of a boiling hot pot. There's a white lotus on the table. It's very textural.

The text is——[hotpot and white lotus are a good match. 】

Bai Shuya looked down and breathed heavily. "That day I asked mu Xianguang to eat hot pot. She was satirizing me as Bai Lianhua. Look at the wall."

On the wall?

Lin Yi saw the wall in the photo, because the lens was virtual. If he did not look carefully, he would not notice the word "Ya" in cursive script on the wall.

It's nothing at all. It's just that other people's calligraphy is all ink, but this "elegant" character is red, with a few drops hanging at the end. It looks bloody and frightening.

The details

Lin Yi looked at Bai Shuya with admiration, "it's a pity that you don't work as a detective."

"Every microblog here either implies that she is with mu Xianguang or turns around to satirize me." Bai Shuya said in a stuffy voice, "it's been three months. It's three months since I found out."

"What does Cao xue'er do with this?"

Lin Yi is inexplicable. "Do you think my brother is really cheating? He wants to be both at home and abroad. Cao Xueer is not willing to be a junior, and he is afraid of angering my brother. So he suggests to his sister-in-law in this way to let her quarrel with my brother and get a divorce?" Xia Xi is in a weak tunnel.

This is indeed the most reasonable guess at present.

Otherwise, this Cao Xueer has nothing to do when she's full. What's the purpose of posting this kind of microblog?

Wen Yan said, white Shu Ya's eye circles were more red. "But I always felt that the envy would not be so sorry to me. He didn't purposely spray perfume outside, and didn't immediately take a bath when he came back, and he didn't talk with me."

"Then my brother didn't cheat."

Xia Xi immediately changed his position.


Lin Yi looked at her silently. Xia Xi laughed awkwardly when he was seen, and said softly, "I'm serious. Now the group is so busy, my brother has to do things, and he has to find a way between his wife and lover, and he has to do it perfectly. Even a careful person like his sister-in-law doesn't realize it. With my understanding of him, he can't make it."

This is my sister.

Lin Yi looked at the tablet in his hand and made the final analysis and summary. "In fact, from this micro blog, this person just wants to arouse your suspicion and make you quarrel with mu Xianguang. Xia Xi's guess is reasonable, but there is still a possibility."

"What's possible?" Bai Shuya looked at her nervously.