The driver fell to the ground and screamed.

Zhou Chunxi sat at the back and looked at the scene in amazement, "what are you doing at the scene?"

"Get out of the car!"

When the scene, hands on the cab door, black eyes fiercely staring at her, breathing more and more heavy, "get out of the car for me!"

Zhou Chunxi looked at him anxiously, "don't do this, Jingshi, you Why don't you sit in the back and I'll let my driver take you back to the hospital? "

Back to the hospital?

He's not going back anywhere!

Yingjing glared at her and was about to pull the door beside her when he heard the light coming. He turned his face and saw that something was wrong with Yingjia people. There were cars and bodyguards coming here.

He gritted his teeth and went straight to the cab. He didn't even fasten his seat belt. He stepped on the accelerator and the steering wheel spun around and left.

"Ah -"

sitting in the back of the car, Zhou Chunxi was thrown upside down and hit on her head. The pain made her cry that it was too late to open the door.

She yelled to stop, but when she met the scene, she hit the steering wheel as hard as if she didn't hear it, and rushed directly into the crowd. The vehicles and bodyguards wanted to stop, but they were frightened by this fateful posture, and let them go one after another at the last moment.

It's a mess.

The light is dazzling.

In the dark, when the scene, driving away.

As he drives, he uses the intelligent navigation on the car to guide his parents' home.

Along the way, the speed almost reached its peak.

The siren soon sounded and followed all the way.

Hold the steering wheel tightly when the scene, black eyes staring at the front of the night, the veins of the forehead appear and disappear from time to time, the scars left by the two operations are roaring out of the night.

"Jingshi, don't do that, will you?"

Zhou Chunxi grabbed the seat belt and tied it. He said in a trembling voice, "you'll have an accident like this. You have your parents, your sister and my friend. You can't do this..."


Step on the accelerator in the dead, even turning without any deceleration, and drive forward crazily.

"How much you hurt your family by doing this." Zhou Chunxi continued to persuade him that once the speed hit anything, it would be easy for cars to crash and people to die. She was afraid to say, "people can't come back to life after death, you..."

A dead man cannot come back to life.


When the scene, staring at the front of the road, the fundus of the eye suddenly a red, with soaked in blood in general, hysterically roared out, "shut up!"

She's not going to die!

She can't die!

Zhou Chunxi wanted to persuade her to do something else. When the scene came, she clapped her hand on the horn and held it down. The harsh sound of the horn completely covered her voice.

The speed is getting faster and faster. Zhou Chunxi looked at him from behind and kept silent. She had never seen such a situation before. When he was young at school, he was angry. Later, he was self closed, but there was not a moment like now when the whole person seemed to be engulfed by a vicious beast,

there was only madness left, and his whole body was full of black flames.

She didn't dare to speak, so she could only cling to the seat belt in front of her body, hoping that nothing would happen.

Later, she realized that her feelings for white tea in the scene Deeper than she thought.

One way, in fact, soon, Zhou Chunxi seems to have been a century. When the car suddenly stops in front of a residential area, she is already covered in cold sweat, and her face is white.

Sitting in the car and looking out, you can see that there are all parked cars in front of the community. The lights shine here like day. A large number of people are standing at the gate, led by Ying Hannian and Lin Yi, as well as Jiang Qixing and mu Xianguang.

Ying Hannian and Lin Yi had planned so well that they discovered everything for the first time.

When you look to the side, the fruit on the front passenger's seat is everywhere, and the fruit knife is also shocked to the central control area.

When the scene, do not want to grab the fruit knife, push the door off the car.

He walked to Ying Hannian and Lin Yi with long legs and bowed his head, "Dad, mom."

The gate of the community is behind them.


Lin Yi didn't expect that the lie would be exposed so soon. She didn't know what to say when she looked at the scene.

Look at him like this, it's probably useless to say anything.

Mu Xianguang came up and said, "Jingshi, you just woke up a few days ago. You're not well. Let's go back to the hospital. I'll talk to you."

Standing there, he pulled out the scabbard and threw it to the ground. He put the fruit knife across his neck. His crimson eyes didn't dare to see Ying Hannian and Lin Yi. He only dared to see mu Xianguang, "uncle, let me in."

"What are you doing..."

"I'll ask for an answer!"

Then he looked at mu Xianguang and asked, "you're good for me. You should have arranged it, right? Is there a living white tea in it? "

There must be, right?"I..."

Mu Xianguang can't answer.

Lin Yi watched the fruit knife cut a shallow mark on his neck, and his long eyelashes trembled violently.

"Let him in."

In the cold years, he spoke with a deep voice, and his face was extremely cold.


The bodyguards in the back took orders to separate on both sides to make a way.

Zhou Chunxi got out of the car, her legs were still weak. She looked up in amazement. She saw that she threw a fruit knife and walked quickly towards the community.


In the dead of night, the room was full of lights. Bai Langyan and Jiang Xi sat on the sofa, listening to the doorbell and the knock at the same time, over and over again.

It's very clear in the night.

"What to do?"

Jiang Xi pursed her lips anxiously. Lin Yi called her and said that in case she knew when the scene happened, she would not stop it.

But she remembered that she was seriously injured in the traffic accident. She woke up after four months in a coma. She ran to their house four days after waking up to ask for news of her death. What if the child was seriously injured and couldn't hold up?

Bai Lang Yan stood up and paced back and forth in the living room, listening to the increasing knock on the door. He was afraid that the next moment, the door would be broken.

"You can't open the door." He said.

It's one thing to knock the door open. It's another thing for him to take the initiative.

It's hard to say if something happens in his family in case of the situation, whether the couple will bring their resentment to their home.

Thinking about this, I heard a dumb male voice outside the door, "Dad, mom, I'm Jingshi."


Bai Langyan looked in the direction of the door. In the past four years, the relationship between them and their daughter deteriorated. Bai Cha once mentioned that she was married to them. He was even more angry. He was even more angry that she was so hasty in her marriage affairs that she didn't pay attention to him as a father, so the relationship was even worse. He also

didn't see this person when the situation happened.

But at the moment, the child is outside calling for their parents.

"If I don't do anything, I'll see white tea." Standing outside the door in response to the scene, he dropped his right hand, which broke the skin at the phalanx of his right hand and oozed blood.