Only knowing the answer can she really put it down.

"In fact, I didn't tangle, and I don't like tangle, but I don't know why. I've been upset ever since I mentioned engagement."

White tea wry smile, "I want to separate the two lives a little bit, I came here to tell myself that has changed everything, don't ink."

This kind of self is really annoying.

However, she just can't control herself, and her tangled thoughts are flying all over the world, which makes her hate herself.


When the scene, hold the hands of the peace charm. "In fact, it doesn't matter if I change. I just have too many questions about my last life. I can't solve them. I feel bad." Bai Cha looks at him with guilt on her face. "If I stay in your world with these questions, it doesn't matter whether I am peaceful or not, but it's unfair to you."

He was so kind to her, so much better than his previous life.

If there was no reunion, if she was far away from him, it would not hurt her, but now, it is to implicate him.

Smell speech, when the scene look at her secretly, "so, I'm going to be abandoned?"

He thought that engagement was a seal for their fatalistic Union, but it turned out to be a whip, which made her run farther and farther.

Is this self inflicted?

Bai Cha couldn't control her tears after she entered the house. Because she couldn't control her tears, she clearly knew that she couldn't put it down so easily. "In fact, if you can like others in your last life, you can also..."


When she met the scene, her eyes sank and she interrupted coldly, "do you really want me to be with another woman? Go to bed, get married and have children? "


I don't want to.

Listen to this sound, white tea head muddled for a while, take a tissue to wipe his nose, self mockery tunnel, "how do I feel like doing this."

I'm sick of it.

She shouldn't be such a muddler. What's wrong with her

"You think too much. There are many things happened recently. Just go to bed and wake up."

He said.


as like as two peas, she shook her head at once, the bed almost exactly the same as she had bought before, and where she slept, not crazy, did well.

"Then rest here." When the scene, the tone is strong, "close your eyes!"


You're still sleeping with me?

Bai Cha looked at him and stared at her when she met the situation. "You should know that if you continue to talk about this topic, it will make me unhappy. You should calm down. I agree. Nothing else can be talked about."

“……” Smell speech, white tea had to lean on the sofa to close her eyes, brain chaos, I do not know if it is because last night's dream repeatedly, dream did not sleep well, today and catch a plane, she closed her eyes in a short time to fall asleep


She sat beside her and looked at her at the scene. Because she cried so hard, her whole face was red, her long eyelashes were wet, covered with a light shadow, and her eyebrows were frowning.

He raised his hand, her forehead covered hair to the side dial, revealing her smooth forehead.

Sensing his action, she whispered like a dream, "Jingshi..."

He drew back his hand, she unconsciously followed his hand askew past, when the scene raised his hand, she then nestled in his arms, wholeheartedly dependent.

He looked down at her and reached for her small chin. "How can I believe that you really want to break up with me?"

He loves her two lives, but he does not have that memory after all, does not understand her tangle.

He really wanted to force her to let go of the past and be with her.

When the scene, she put the person in her arms, changed her posture and let her lean comfortably in her arms, then slowly closed her eyes.

Last night, he stayed up all night.

In front of him, he fell into the darkness, and then he went into a white dreamland. He was wondering, the fog gradually dispersed in front of him, and what came into his sight was an old apartment. There were no headlights in the whole house, only a small wall lamp on the wall was on, and the furniture in the house was either black or gray, cold and extremely oppressive.

In such an environment, he was very uncomfortable, and it seemed that he could hardly breathe.

He wanted to leave, but he felt like he was trapped on the sofa and couldn't get up. It was too bad.


"Dong Dong."

"Dong Dong Dong."

The knock on the door sounded, he raised his eyes and looked in the direction of the door. The knock was ringing all the time, all the time.

He finally got up from the sofa and walked slowly towards the door.

He felt in his heart that these were not his legs. He never walked like this.

He watched his hand open the door and stood outside White tea?He stayed there and saw white tea standing there in a long green skirt with a bowl of steaming noodles in her hand. She looked up at him. This kind of white tea makes him feel strange. White tea loves to laugh and even has light in her eyes. But the girl in front of him is pale and has no blood color, and her eyebrows are low. Only a pair of eyes looking at him are stained with sincerity and a little bit of caution.

She took the face in her hand and handed it to him silently.

It seems to be for him.

He saw that he raised his hand and pushed away the noodles in her hand. The bowl of noodles hit the floor, and the soup noodles spilled all over the floor, and the heat rose from the floor.


He looked at his hand in disbelief. He didn't want to.

He saw the white tea, sure enough, with his action, her eyes quickly darkened down, disappointed, but not disgusted.

He slammed the door and left without mercy.

Then there was another knock at the door.

He opened the door, or white tea standing outside, her hand holding a plate of curry beef rice, this time, he took the plate.

There was a flash of light in her eyes. He buttoned the whole plate of beef rice to her chest.

She was wearing white clothes, instantly dyed a mess, curry juice from her chest, she white face, embarrassed.

He wanted to cut off his hand.

He thought that with the character of white tea, he would grab a plate and jump up and hit him on the head, but she didn't. She just looked down at her clothes, then looked up at him, her eyes were dim, but she was still not tired.

Her eyes, very lonely.

The loneliness was painful to him.

She looked at him as if she were looking for the same kind.

He wanted to touch her face, but his hand couldn't reach out.

He just heard her whisper, "I saw you feeding stray cats yesterday."

Stray cat?

"So I'll make you a fruit salad in the evening."

With that, she did not wait for him to respond, turned and left, walked into the opposite door, he stood at the door for a long time. The third time, when he went to open the door, she had a fruit salad on her hand. The top was a few cut strawberries, which were so red that they were dripping.