Gu Ming's scornful cold laughter came.

Lin Yi didn't even have the interest to look at him.

Following the camera, the judges came to master Shen and asked perfunctorily, "what is Yiwei restaurant preparing?"

"Bamboo rice."

What master Shen said made the judges more disappointed. He was really not creative.

A photographer with a camera on his shoulder aims at the sealed bamboo tube. Master Shen slowly uncovers the bamboo cover, and a fragrance of sake immediately comes out from inside, emitting white smoke.

One of the judges was bright in front of his eyes, "where's the aroma of wine?"

"It was steamed with sake." Master Shen said that Lin Yi had come up with an ingenious method, and he didn't know if it would work.

"Steamed bamboo with sake? It's a clever idea. "

The judge said, looking down, he saw that the rice in the bamboo tube was full and not dry. It was so white that it was not mixed, but the fragrance was increasing layer by layer.

This meal is just like a bamboo tube, simple and unadorned, without soy sauce.

But the judge did not put a spoon in his mouth to taste the delicious wine

"The rice is also added with our unique formula soup of Yiwei restaurant, which is poured into the rice. Through wine steaming, the taste can be evenly penetrated into each grain of rice."

Master Shen explained to the camera.

"This is the best rice I've ever eaten. It smells like wine and rice."

The judges praised him.

One of the judges said so, and other judges came forward to try. After a taste, their eyes were totally different from just now, full of amazement.

Finally, the judges chatted around master Shen for a long time, but they didn't go to other teams to taste.

Lin Yi was a little relieved.

"At this point, the top ten of the competition has been released. I announce that the champion dish of the competition is --" the host stood there and said with a smile, "the back to nature bamboo tube rice from Yiwei restaurant!"

There was a round of applause. After the host led master Shen to introduce him emphatically, master Shen was a little embarrassed. He grabbed the chef's hat and said, "in fact, this idea is not what I think. It's what Lin Yi, the eldest lady of Yiwei restaurant, thinks. She inherits the good cooking skills of our old board. She's young but hardworking and flexible. She's more creative than the older people like us."

Being introduced by the host, Lin Yi stepped forward, calmly stood in front of the camera and took the microphone from the host.

"In the competition, everyone is thinking about how to make amazing feeling from color, fragrance and taste. How can you think of steamed white rice in a bamboo tube? To be honest, when I just saw it, I was sweating for you. " The host asked curiously. Lin Yi looked back at the flashing sign of the competition with a smile and said, "the name of this competition is Yiwei Yisheng. I think this name has a lot to do with our Yiwei restaurant, because my father didn't think about anything when he founded Yiwei restaurant, just wanted my mother to eat the food he cooked all her life, so it was called Yiwei. I think the most non greasy taste in one's life is probably rice. From birth to old age, all the ups and downs are accompanied by rice, which is the real taste of one's life.


"Pa pa pa."

There was another round of applause.

All eyes fell on her. Her voice was fresh and clean, her figure was beautiful, and her face was beautiful. Originally, it was a face that people could easily remember. Now, it became one of the most eye-catching faces in the top ten teams.

Lin Yi greets the crowd with a smile, takes the opportunity to publicize Yiwei restaurant, and then leaves.

In this case, Yiwei restaurant finally became famous.

She went to one side and saw Gu Ming's fierce face. He glared at her and sneered, "Lin Yi, you're powerful! I'll see how crazy you can be! "

With that, Gu Ming left directly with a bad face. He didn't even go to the final entrance.


Because it is an official competition, program editing is also quite fast, and the game situation is broadcast in prime time on the third night after each competition.

Once the program was broadcast, Yiwei restaurant's bamboo tube white rice immediately became popular among the whole people, making people enjoy talking about it.

Lin Yi's words were put on the Internet, which made many people pay attention to the most unimportant rice. New methods of rice on the Internet emerge one after another, and set off an upsurge of cooking.

It is conceivable that a popular program will bring traffic, and the income of Yiwei restaurant will suddenly increase.

Lin Yi sits in front of the computer, looking at the backstage income, the whole person is not beautiful.

It's so good to win the champion dish once. If you can win the champion of domestic food, the brand value of Yiwei restaurant can jump directly to the first line.

At that time, we can open Yiwei restaurants all over the country.

Just thinking about it, a sense of nausea suddenly surged up. She quickly went to touch the plum box. She couldn't help it before opening it. She had to rush into the bathroom and bend over to spit in the toilet."Ouch -"

it's too hard.

Lin Yi vomited out all the dinner he had just had. His face turned white and his waist bent so that he couldn't straighten up for a moment.

She stretched out her hand to press the flush button, only to hear a rush of footsteps outside. Ying Hannian had come in, with a dignified tone, "vomit again?"


Lin Yi answered weakly.

"Come on."

Ying Hannian threw her coat aside, carefully helped her into her arms, took her to the washing table, took a water cup to wash her mouth, and twisted her eyebrows.

Lin Yi flushed out the peculiar smell in his mouth, and he gradually slowed down. As soon as he lifted his eyes, he could see his pale face in the mirror and the worried eyes of Ying Hannian.

"I'm much better."

She laughed to make sure he didn't have to worry.

"Have you vomited a lot lately?"

Ying Hannian wipes her mouth while asking, then holds her horizontally, takes her out of the bathroom, and puts her on the bed to rest.

"Not bad."

Lin Yidao, in fact, her pregnancy vomiting is quite serious. Every time she vomits, she wants to shake her stomach.

Ying Hannian sat down beside the bed, reached for her pulse, checked her physical condition, and then said, "I'll ask someone to cut a plate of fruit. You can eat some."


Lin Yi nodded.

When Ying Hannian comes back with a fruit plate, Lin Yi is sitting on the head of the bed, watching the information of the competition, and spreading out several recipes on the bed.

Ying Hannian's brow twisted and sat down to feed her fruit. Lin Yi enjoyed his service and did not forget to put down the information.

He looked at her pale face, and several times he wanted to throw away all the books, but when he saw the smile on her lips, he swallowed her words.

She likes doing these things so much.

He likes her so much that he can't bear to force her. Ying Hannian took a deep look at her, and suddenly he didn't know whether to blame the untimely coming of the competition or his daughter, which tormented her.