Lin Yi pushed forward from the crowd when he heard a "come out, come out". Everyone rushed to the procuratorate like a wave, and reporters and photographers rushed in at all costs.

At the gate of the procuratorate, Mu Huahong and mu Xianxu came out one after another, surrounded by a large number of bodyguards.

Lin Yi looks up, and mu Xianxu stands there. His handsome face is a little tired, and his suit is not as decent as it was when he was brand new. Mu Huahong is nothing.

All of a sudden, mu Xianxu's vision to the distance was fixed in one place. People seemed to be a little stiff. Lin Yi quickly followed and saw Jiang Rao standing in the distance. She was standing in the crowd, wearing a gray sweater over her training suit, a hat and a mask on her head, with only one pair of eyes looking at mu Xianxu's direction.

Jiang Rao.

Lin Yi wants to go to find her. At the moment, the special police pull up a wall to separate the road in the middle and divide everyone on both sides of the road.

Lin Yi is here and Jiang Rao is there. She is very anxious, but she has nothing to do.

Mu Xianxu stood in front of the gate of the procuratorate. He stayed in it for a day. The interrogation he never had made him tired. He looked at Jiang Rao and the indifference in her eyes. His heart was like a knife.

As soon as there was an accident, he guessed it was her action. No one else in his office had been alone.

Just hate him?

Is she satisfied with his embarrassed appearance?

in front of the media, Hongmu and I can't tell you what to do

The microphone was handed forward.

"First, I believe in the state and the law; second, I believe in my son!"

Mu Huahong put his hand around his son, and his words were sonorous and powerful. With that, he glanced at the bodyguard.

After receiving instructions, the bodyguards immediately moved forward with no expression, blocking the media with their strong bodies, "please let me go! Excuse me, please

With the help of bodyguards and special police, Mu Huahong and mu Xianxu walk to their car, surrounded by people.

The sun was blazing.

Mu Xianxu sat down in the back seat, and the nearest one standing outside the window was Jiang Rao.

She stood there, like a cold spectator. No matter how people moved or pushed, she didn't care. She looked at him coldly, as if to say, mu Xianxu, do you have today?


Mu Xianxu across the glass on her line of sight, stabbed throat a burst of pain.

The windows were tightly closed, and the special police and bodyguards were still trying to evacuate the crowd.

In less than 12 hours, mu Xianxu's entry into the procuratorate caused a huge sensation, and there were countless onlookers.

Mu Huahong looked coldly at the crowd in front of him. His face was not smooth enough. He asked harshly, "who is the person who divulged the secret?"

There is also the appearance of being a loving father in front of the media.

Mu Huahong didn't trust his son, but he knew that mu Xianxu grew up under the strong discipline of him and Gu Ruo. He never dared to disobey him. He didn't dare to do anything about divulging secrets.

Mu Xianxu drew back his eyes and moved his lips rigidly. "I don't know."

"I really don't know?" Mu Huahong looked at him and examined his expression.

"I really don't know."

Mu Xianxu spoke word by word, his eyes were dull and empty, his hands on his knees were clenched little by little, and Yu Guangzhong's slender figure was still standing.

"You think I'm really asking you? If you don't think about it, it's been a day, and your mother's way has already found out who entered your office. " Mu Huahong didn't expect that his son even wanted to defend the man at this time.


Smell speech, mu Xianxu stay stay, shocked to see Mu Huahong.

Jiang Rao.

Jiang Rao

Mu Xianxu was in a panic. He pushed to the door and was about to get off, but the car suddenly started. He wanted to jump down and was pressed down by Mu Huahong. The next second, he slapped him in the face. "So many media are here, you have a try!"

Mu Xianxu looked at him in horror, "father, don't touch her."

Mu Hua Hong glared at him fiercely, "the worthless things are going to be killed by people and pay for the number of people!"


"Drive faster!"

Mu Hua Hong cold tunnel.

The herdsman's car gradually left everyone's sight. Jiang Rao stood in the same place, her eyes were still cold, but she didn't know when there was a tear mark on her face.

When the protagonist left, the crowd dispersed.

The special police finally let go of the wall. Lin Yi Ran to the opposite side of the road and tried to squeeze the crowd away. When it arrived, Jiang Rao was no longer in the same place. She looked out and saw that Jiang Rao's back was far away."Jiang Rao!"

Lin Yi quickly catch up, Jiang Rao through the procuratorate building, back on the path.

Lin Yifei ran fast, but when she ran after her, she saw only a few horizontal and vertical paths. The buildings were built high, and no human figure could be seen.

What about people?

Lin Yi frowned, "Jiang Rao! Jiang Rao

She cried out and there was no response.

Lin Yi is so anxious that he is about to call Jiang Rao with his mobile phone. As soon as he lowers his head, he sees a mobile phone lying quietly on the ground at the corner of the corner.

She bent down to pick up, is Jiang Rao's mobile phone.

At that moment, her legs were soft.


In the American country style villa, Lin Yi sits on the last two steps of the stairs, with his head down and one hand holding the mobile phone tightly until it is stiff.

Jiang Qixing stood aside, feeling guilty.

He was also blocked by the crowd when he rushed. By the time he arrived, Jiang Rao had disappeared.

"Tuan Tuan, I'll save you."

Ying Hannian squats beside her, hands on her knees.

Lin Yi didn't turn his head to ignore him. His eyes were already red.

Since she was received here, she has maintained this state and ignored others.

"Shall I make you a cup of coffee?" Ying Hannian coaxed her with a low voice.


Lin Yi still ignored him. Jiang Qixing couldn't stand by and couldn't help saying, "Miss Lin, this has nothing to do with brother Han. Brother Han has planned to send her abroad and change her identity as soon as things come out. Who knows that Jiang Rao has made her own decision to stay. Now she is in the hands of Sanfang. If she leaks secrets, brother Han will also..."

Ying Hannian raised his eyes and gave him a cold look. Jiang Qixing had to close his mouth and turn around to leave in silence.

"Don't feel bad, Tuan Tuan. It'll be OK."

Ying Hannian continued to coax his wife. Lin Yi suddenly turned his head and looked at him. His eyes were red and he asked, "is it interesting that you are hiding from me?"