In her heart, she's had a very hard time these days. Although Lao Hei doesn't change to her and her daughter on the surface, she will still bring her vegetables and help her to make soup when she's eating, and even looks better in some aspects, such as being gentle and polite to her just now, but she knows that the intimacy shown at the table or other times is for her daughter, And the changes that seem better are actually a denial of her.

This state makes her more uncomfortable, she even cried twice to let old black beat her.

"Husband, don't be like this. If you don't feel happy, you can beat me and scold me, but can you stop treating me like a guest! Woo Hoo. "

The response to him is still the attitude of old Harvey.

"I know I'm not a good man, but my father never beats my mother!"

Hearing this, his wife's weeping is not stop system, all kinds of remorse poured into my heart.

She is exactly what she has done. A good family will be destroyed by herself.

She was already a little confused about the reason why she took that step at first, and then fell into it step by step.

Because of the negative? Because of Guo San's sweet words? Or because of my impulsive heart?

Anyway, at that time, she didn't see Lao Hei anywhere.

For example, she often can't stay at home with her. When the old people in the community are holding hands, they can only take care of their children's food and drink like a nanny. When the young people celebrate the 7778 Festival, Lao Hei never surprises her once. Even for her birthday, Lao Hei will only be the same old three forever, cooking, cake and gifts.

And his work. I have told him many times that she didn't like him to be a thug. Every time she went out, she was worried that she couldn't sleep. She was afraid that she would see him again in prison or say goodbye, but he would only say: I have no education and no skills, but I can't support her and her children without money. In a word, she could cry and complain to death.

Maybe there are others, but it doesn't matter.

What's important now is that she finds that she is so in love with Lao Hei that it's even more hopeless than when she was in love. She just wants to recover as before, but he seems to be determined to refuse himself thousands of miles away.

However, this did not make her discouraged. She thought about the reason why she chose Lao Hei regardless of everything, and the fact that Lao Hei was always good to her in recent years. She did not want to give such a man to another woman.

Her wife, originally named Gao Lan, was born in a middle-class family. Her father is a lawyer. Her mother runs a three-star hotel. She also has a brother who is three years older than her. As a child, she has no lack of love and money.

Gao Lan knew Lao Hei because of a reason she never wanted to mention to outsiders, including her parents.

At that time, Gao Lan was still in the third year of senior high school. She was close to the college entrance examination and was under great pressure to study. Although her parents had planned a higher starting point for her brother and sister, she still decided to use her own efforts to find her own way.

At that time, her family lived in a three story villa in the suburb. Because the villa community was in the suburb, many people didn't often live here at work, and they didn't have any friends. In this way, whenever she felt great pressure to study, she would go to a natural stream not far from the villa area to sing loudly or walk aimlessly, Or plug in the latest Bluetooth headset, quietly lying on the bluestone board in a daze, this decompression way.

On that day, Gao Lan habitually came to the stream and was lying on the bluestone board, listening to the song with her eyes closed. Suddenly, he felt that someone was touching him. When he wanted to open his eyes and have a look, he was forced to cover his eyes with a cloth. She wanted to shout, just opened her mouth, and her mouth was blocked.

At that time, Gao Lan was confused. In addition to struggling, his brain was in chaos.

However, what made her even more scared happened. The other party was definitely more than one person. According to the difference she felt, it was at least three people.

Until she was dragged to a dripping basement by several people, her fear reached the peak, and she did not know whether it was because of excessive fear or because of the long tossing time, her whole body became weak.

She didn't even know whether they were male or female.

She tried to give herself a hint to calm down and think about their purpose.

For money?

According to the situation of their family, they won't extort a lot of money. People living around know that although they live in a villa community, the rooms in the suburbs can't be compared with those in the urban area. Even if the villa area is dominant, the value of their whole house can only buy two Suites in the urban area at most.

Moreover, the gap between the rich and the poor in Taicheng's living standards is not very big, and social welfare and laws are relatively sound. For many years, kidnapping for money has not happened in Taicheng.

What color is it?

It's quite possible that she is still under 18 years old and has never talked about her boyfriend. What's more, since she was a child, some people have been boasting about her good looks. When she was young, she said that she was cute, and when she was old, she said that she was beautiful. Even when she was two years old, some people wanted to make a baby kiss with her family, but they were spoiled by her parents.

Especially in the past two years, it has been said that they have grown up. They have willow eyebrows and starry eyes. Women should have exquisite curves. She has to be good at it. Although there is still baby fat that hasn't faded, there's no guarantee that these people just like it.

If you force yourself to pollute like this, you can't survive anyway.

But if so, how sad parents and brothers should be!

The more he thought about it, the more scared he was. His tears had completely wet the cloth in front of him.

How she hopes that those superheroes in the movie can suddenly appear and save herself, so that when she graduates, whether he is good-looking or ugly, she will marry him to repay her kindness.

Maybe Gao Lan's wish was heard by God, just when she felt a few pairs of evil hands swimming on her body wantonly, and she wanted to despair completely, she heard a sound of steel pipe being knocked not far away.

Jingle, jingle!

Just in the mood, several people "rub" to stand up. At the moment when they stand up, Gao Lan obviously feels that just now a hand stretched from the collar into her clothes, when she hurriedly retracts it, she removes the button of her shirt. She keenly feels a cool wind blowing through her chest.

"Damn, who dares to be in charge of the big..."

After seeing the person clearly, the arrogant voice stops instantly.

No one else came. It was Lao Hei, who was already famous at that time.