Along the way, I saw a lot of traffic police department's cars coming and going in a hurry. In such weather, there are many traffic accidents. So Qiao Wanxi's car is very slow. But she's not in a hurry. Anyway, she's not in a hurry. Just stroll back to her apartment. In such weather, even if Jing Hanfeng is not at home with his parents, Qiao Wanxi will not let him come out to accompany him. After all, it is too dangerous. Even if you drive carefully, you can't be sure that other daredevil will hit you. Just when I was about to get to the apartment, I found a traffic accident at the intersection. Several cars collided with each other, and there was even a four wheeled car facing the sky. If the road is blocked to death, other cars can't get by. And this intersection, is Qiao Wan Xi back to the apartment must pass, if from other places to go around, it will take a lot of time. So she sat in the car for a moment and looked at the time. It was already more than 12 o'clock in the night, so she couldn't go to Lu's house to disturb her aunt and uncle. Otherwise, it was so late that he thought something had happened to her at home. And the fence garden, tonight may be no one, because Jing Hanfeng back to Qiao's house for the new year, so aunt Yun himself is going to go back to help. Jing family... Qiao Wanxi thinks about it. Although he has met the elders and other members of the Jing family, after all, he and Jing Hanfeng are not even engaged. It's not self respecting to run over at this time. So thinking about it, Qiao Wanxi decided to go to the villa in the suburbs. It's a castle left by my mother. It really belongs to me. So Qiao Wanxi slowly turned the front of the car and drove to the countryside with the slowest speed. The farther to the outskirts, the less snow clearing staff there will be, the thicker the snow will be, so the slower it will be. But Qiao Wan Xi didn't worry at all. He didn't know why. His heart was a rare peace. On such a night, the whole emperor was decorated with lanterns, but there were not many people on the road. With the flashing lights and festive lanterns, it seemed a little lonely. However, Qiao Wanxi didn't feel afraid and lonely at all. When she got out of the city, it suddenly seemed that she was the only one left. This kind of emptiness and tranquility can never be felt on weekdays. She even began to be glad that she didn't choose to take a detour to the apartment, otherwise she would not have realized this feeling. Today, the lights of most villas here are black, but there are also a few on. Most of them come here as a family to celebrate the new year. Qiao Wanxi found her home, put the car in the garage, and then slowly went in and turned on the light. She squinted a little unaccustomed to the bright light in the room, and then felt a cold. Such villas do not have central heating, they all install their own heating equipment. So Qiao Wan Xi quickly ran to the operation room and turned on the electric heating switch of the whole villa. Because only in this way can the whole room warm up. However, it will take some time after all. So he tightened his down jacket and stamped his feet. Suddenly I felt that it was colder inside than outside. So she turned on the light outside the villa and made it bright all around. Then he went out and enjoyed the snow on the steps. On the way here before, because the road condition was so bad, she had to concentrate on driving, so she didn't notice such a beautiful snow scene.