With Sihuang's popularity to the outside world, it is impossible for Zhou Xuemin not to know her, not to know that in addition to her status as a celebrity, she also has a special bloodline and the medal of a major in the Z country.

Knowing this, but still dare to provoke her, Si Huang understood the character of the permanent residents in the iron-gray triangle.

Si Huang watched Zhou Xuemin being thrown under the boat by Qin Fan, and he threw him into the sea just like that.

When someone sat down next to him, Si Huang heard Xu Zixiu's voice, "Do you still think he is a good person?"

Si Huang separated him from the plate he was about to reach for, glanced sideways at Xu Zixiu, and responded, "I think he's so cruel and attractive."

Xu Zixiu gave a "tsk" and gnawed on her own apple.

Qin Fan came back and took a look at him, but didn't drive him away. He sat on the other side of Sihuang and said, "His name is Zhou Xuemin, and he used to have a code name called Milu."

Surprise flashed in Sihuang's eyes, and then he realized.

As a member of the Blood Banner, and after staying in the national army for a while, Si Huang used his privileges to search for information, and saw some long-term pending missions, including the one about 'Elk' .

According to the information she knows, Elk is a criminal with a high IQ, but his intelligence is not the ability to do great things. What he is good at is wandering among the major forces, getting information from them, people, or other things. Things, anyway, he thinks he can do business, he is as hardworking as a bee working among flowers, but has a poisonous sting on his buttocks.

Once something went wrong and he was registered as a fugitive, but he was never caught. It turned out that he changed his name and changed his surname and came to the gray triangle.

That face also seemed to have changed a bit.

While eating, Si Huang watched the actions of other people on board, and Zhou Xuemin, who was thrown into the sea by Qin Fan, was rescued again.

"Not subordinates," Qin Fan knew that Sihuang was interested in the gray triangle, and explained to her: "If you save someone, you have to pay a price, and you have to take the risk of offending me."

Xu Zixiu on the other side sneered: "Crazy, you can't do it anymore, no one is afraid of you anymore."

Qin Fan didn't bother to talk to him.

But Xu Zixiu exposed Si Huang's background, "Si Si, I know the identity of the madman in the gray triangle, do you want to know?"

Si Huang nodded.

Xu Zixiu smiled and said, "After arriving in the gray triangle area, listen to me. Don't delay, I will tell you."

Si Huang swallowed the food in her mouth, took the napkin handed over by Qin Fan and wiped her lips, and then said to Xu Zixiu: "I don't have time to delay."

She is absolutely racing against time right now.

I don't know if it's because of her better health, or because of the effect of Jin Glittering, and the protection of the Qilin beads given by Qin Fan. Si Huang found that her pregnancy reaction was not strong, neither vomiting nor headaches, except that her appetite increased A few exceptions, the problem is not very big.

Because of this, Qin Fan was able to allow Si Huang to go out after all inspections. But they also know that they can't ignore time just because they are in good condition. After all, it has been four months, and Sihuang's stomach has already curved, but she has hidden it very well.

Xu Zixiu was satisfied, but before he could speak, Qin Fan had already said, "My name in the gray triangle is Longlin."

"Is there any special meaning?" Si Huang asked.

Qin Fan: "No." After a pause, he went on to explain: "Because Long Feng was by my side, others called it that."

Seeing Xu Zixiu's meaningful smile, Si Huang knew that the situation was not as simple as he said.

But why didn't Qin Fan make it clear? Is it because his identity as a dragon scale is inconspicuous and a small role in the gray triangle, or is he too embarrassed to boast in front of her? Si Huang felt that the latter was more reliable.

Turning to look at Qin Fan, he saw that the man was still serious, as if he didn't care about the question just now. Realizing that Sihuang was looking at him, Qin Fan naturally cast his eyes on her and reminded her: "Don't trust anyone in the gray triangle, even a three-year-old child."

"I only trust you." Si Huang said.

Qin Fan couldn't help smiling, "That's right."

Xu Zixiu said "tsk tsk", "Si Si, if you weren't my companion, I would definitely beat you."

Si Huang didn't give face, "You can't beat me here."

Xu Zixiu shrugged indifferently, and then a strange brilliance flashed in his eyes, "Si Si, if you have any ideas, the gray triangle will change its king." He glanced at Qin Fan, "The situation where the three kings stand together will be broken."

At this moment, Si Huang was not in a hurry to delve into the meaning of Xu Zixiu's words. It was not until they reached the gray triangle area two days later that Si Huang understood the meaning of Xu Zixiu's words.

The name of the gray triangle should be a special area, no matter how bad it is, it should be an independent island on the sea, but in fact, you will not know that it is a huge sea city until you actually see her.

This city uses steel technology to take a floating island as its own, allowing her to float in the sea under control. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a floating island or the largest ship in the world.

No wonder it’s not that the gray triangle cannot be reached by taking the prescribed boat, because the gray triangle is never fixed in one place, she is moving all the time, even if the speed of the movement is slow, it will be enough for her to go to other places after a period of time. place.

Such a city that always lives on the sea is indeed a favorable place for Sihuang, no matter what he does, it is easier to escape unscathed.

It's just that knowing the characteristics of the gray triangle, why did Morris invite them to meet here? Is it to relax their vigilance, or is there really no malice towards them?

Everything will be known soon.

Si Huang and the three of them disembarked together and formally entered the land of the gray triangle.

Zhou Xuemin leaned over, "Do you want me to be your tour guide?" He said as if they really came here for tourism.

Si Huang and the others didn't answer him, but Zhou Xuemin followed their footsteps cheekily, not knowing what was going on in his heart, and introduced to Si Huang and the others: "I saw that you are the first time to come to the Gray Triangle, Young Master Si. Yuyu, this gray and white steel city has become much more glamorous because of your arrival! Where do you want to go? Do you want to find a place to live and rest first? There are many good places in my place. "

Si Huang remembered that when Zhou Xuemin was an elk, he was half an intelligence agent who went astray. She turned her head and smiled at Zhou Xuemin who was chattering: "Do you know Longfeng?"

"The dragon of the flying dragon? The peak of the mountain?" Zhou Xuemin asked first with certainty.

Si Huang nodded.

Zhou Xuemin immediately said: "Of course I know, the number one leader of the Dragon King."

"Dragon King?" Si Huang's eyebrows were full of doubts that were genuine, and he didn't even look at Qin Fan, as if his attention was attracted by Zhou Xuemin.

To be honest, every time Zhou Xuemin thinks of Si Huang's original gender and is stared at by her like this, he feels a little out of control. Thinking to himself: He really deserves to be a superstar of Famous International, his appearance, temperament and charm are really second to none. Before he said that Sihuang came to this city and made the city more glamorous, he really didn't mean much exaggeration and flattery.

Because people in the gray triangle area are too thoughtful, they are guarded against each other, and most of them are people who take the dark or gray road, which makes this city also hide the gray atmosphere.

Sihuang's identity is already glamorous, and it's as if she can shine when she doesn't hide herself. This journey has attracted many people to look at it.

Zhou Xuemin suppressed the ups and downs in his heart, and said without hesitation: "The reason why the gray triangle area is called this is because its shape is a triangle, which is divided into three areas. Currently, these three areas are occupied by three people. They are called the Three Kings by everyone. The Dragon King is the boss of Nanjiao, and his name is Longlin."

"Oh." Si Huang was thoughtful.

Zhou Xuemin said: "It seems that, Young Master Si, you know Long Feng? Are you here to look for him? Since that's the case, you don't have to worry too much about your life here. Long Feng is the number one under the Dragon King, and he is in charge of Nanjiao."

"Does the Dragon King care?" Si Huang asked curiously.

Zhou Xuemin spread his hands, "Who knows, he hasn't appeared for several years. Some people speculate that he has left the Triangle, but how could that kind of murderer leave here? Once he leaves here and goes outside, there will be no environment for him to live in."

"Murderer?" Si Huang was stunned.

Zhou Xuemin: "Yes, the Dragon King earned his reputation by punching life and death punches. That kind of person is a murderer at first sight. You don't need to see the evil spirit all over your body, you can smell it with your nose."

Although the other party said it simply, and his face didn't change much, Si Huang still keenly noticed the deep fear in Zhou Xuemin's eyes, which showed that he really had a deep fear of the Dragon King. Even if the other party didn't show up, he still couldn't forget it. The terror of the dragon king.

Si Huang narrowed her eyes slightly, and the image of seeing Qin Fan for the first time in her previous life flashed in her mind.

If Qin Fan's sequelae occurred and he deliberately did not restrain himself, but instead vented, then the evil spirit could indeed scare people to death.

"However, Master Si and the two are not weak. If you want to, you can grab the position of King of the Southern District." Zhou Xuemin said with a smile, completely fearing that the world would not be chaotic, "It happens that you know Longfeng, you can ask Where did he go, the Dragon King? Maybe he is dead? It should not be difficult for the joint Longfeng to win the position. When the three of them grab the position, it would be better if they can leave me a small position."

He is obviously afraid of the Dragon King, but he still doesn't care about what he says. I don't know if it's just pretending or just his nature.

There was a bit of commotion in front, which also interrupted the conversation between Si Huang and Zhou Xuemin, and they looked up together.

Two rows of people rode motorcycles towards this side, a few meters in front of Sihuang and the others, and the person in the lead got off the vehicle.

Everyone who passed by clearly knew him.

"Fuck! Why is this guy here?"

"Hahaha, there is a good show to watch, I guess he must be here for that... Tsk tsk, the star of Sihuang is here."

"Hey, Long Feng, what are you doing?"

The person who took the lead to walk towards them was the tornado of the blood flag, and also the dragon peak in the gray triangle.

-----Off Topic-----

I slept late yesterday, woke up in the morning and didn’t have the energy to write, so I notified the situation on Weibo. Little angels follow Ah Shui’s Weibo. You can find it by calling Shui Qianche on Sina Weibo. Generally, there are any notifications I will explain it on Weibo, so that everyone can know in time, okay!