Zhongda's words are very provocative. The people hate these corrupt officials and soldiers who work for the tiger. After the flood and the epidemic, they can only blame their own lives. Now they hear that the food, grass and silver allocated by the imperial court have been embezzled by these turtle grandsons. When they think of those dead relatives, their anger erupts like a volcano.

"There's no way to survive being forced. We fought with them..." I don't know who shouted.

Everyone took the pole, hoe and broom and rushed forward in a swarm.

General manager Yu Qian panicked when he saw that the situation had become out of control. There were too many people, and people kept coming. More than 200 officers and soldiers were crowded into a pile.

"Stop it, if you don't stop it, there will be no amnesty." president Yu Qian also tried to make the people commit crimes with threatening words. However, the angry people would only be more angry when they heard this, waving their weapons to greet them.

"What shall we do, my lord? They are crazy."

President Yu Qian couldn't help scolding his mother and said loudly, "don't listen to the instigation of the people inside. They are really important criminals of the imperial court. They come here to cheat by pretending to be Imperial Envoys..."

However, his words were swallowed up by the curse like the tide and the angry waves, and no one paid any attention to what he said.

Listening to the news outside, Chen min'er turned his head and smiled and said to Lord Lin, "Lord Lin is really loved by the people."

Lord Lin was worried: "I'm afraid those people will fight against the people."

Chen min'er was confident at this time and said slightly, "let's go out."

With so many people here, she has enough assurance to control the situation.

Lord Lin was stunned: "go out?"

"Yes! We can't let such simple and lovely people be hurt." Chen min'er took a deep breath and strode towards the gate with his head held high.

Seeing this, Zhongda hurriedly caught up with him: "Miss Chen, I can't make it."

Chen min'er said, "it's all right. We'll act according to our circumstances later."

She had secretly held a silver needle in her hand and told Constable Wu: "Constable Wu, please open the door!"

Constable Wu looked at Lord Lin in embarrassment. Lord Lin nodded helplessly.

General manager Yu Qian saw that several soldiers were decorated. He immediately became angry from the bottom of his heart. He was evil to the side of his courage and said angrily, "kill me..."

The soldiers raised their knives and were about to chop at the people.

At this time, the gate of the county government opened with a roar and shouted, "stop."

Miraculously, the angry people and the officers and soldiers who were preparing to kill stopped and turned to look at the awe inspiring woman standing in front of the county yamen gate and Lord Lin who followed.

Yu Qianzong didn't expect Chen miner to come out by himself, and the tight string loosened.

Chen min'er looked contemptuously at president Yu Qian, who was a little embarrassed on his horse. When he saw him for the first time, he ordered to wave a whip to drive away the people. When he saw him for the second time, he ordered to wave a knife to the people.

"Mr. Yu Qianzong, you eat the salary of the imperial court and have the responsibility to protect the safety of the people, but you don't treat the people as people. You're still not a soldier of the great Zhou Dynasty." Chen miner scolded.

President Yu Qian disagreed and said, "they will have to do it if they hinder official business. If Lord Chen doesn't want everyone to be implicated by you, let's go with Ben!"

Chen min'er said, "if you want me to go with you, you must explain why, otherwise, the people won't agree."

Lin Dahan: "Lord Chen is a medical officer sent by the imperial court to treat the people. What is the crime?"

Mr. Yu qianzongzhi said angrily, "when you come to Taiyuan house, Lord yuan will decide."

Chen min'er sighed, motioned to Lord Lin not to say any more, and said, "please come up to me. I'll show you something. You'll know my identity when you see it."

Yu Qian hesitated. He guessed that Chen miner wanted to show him the imperial gold medal, but so what? At that time, he won the gold medal and insisted that it was false, so he could rightly catch Chen miner.

On this thought, president Yu Qian got off his horse, and the officers and soldiers consciously divided one way.

President Yu Qian went to Chen miner and said, "what do you want to show Ben?"

Chen min'er took out the imperial gold medal from her arms and handed it to president Yu Qian. At the moment when president Yu Qian took the gold medal, the silver needle in her hand stabbed her in the past with lightning speed.