The Ning family has had some bad luck recently. It should be said that it has been very bad since the fake medicine case. After reading the official documents sent by various places, Ning Shangshu and Ning Shihan, the owner of the Ning family, slumped in his chair and sighed.

First, a house in Xishan summer resort was struck by thunder. As a result, the house collapsed. Unfortunately, the emperor was taking several concubines to spend the summer rest in the villa, and the collapsed house was next to the emperor's bedroom. It is said that the emperor was so frightened that he only wore a pair of underwear and escaped from the bedroom.

The emperor was struck by thunder. Who dares to say so? Who dares to say that the son of heaven was punished by heaven's wrath? Some people found termites in the broken pillars. The ministers were immediately elated and finally found a good name to excuse the emperor. Therefore, it is said that the collapse of the house was made of wrong materials. There are ant eggs in it. Now they are hatched and the pillars are hollowed out, which led to the collapse of the house.

Heaven and earth conscience, when he built the Xishan summer resort, he was still a waiter of the Ministry of work. In order to make a good performance, he worked hard and used enough materials. All the wood was carefully selected and treated with insect and ant prevention. There is absolutely no possibility of termites, but does he dare to complain? I dare not! He had to admit that he was unlucky and was scolded by the emperor in the court hall in front of the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty. In addition, he severely punished another Ning family in charge of the villa construction project and sent it to Guizhou with a holy decree.

This sudden disaster just passed. The state of Zhou ushered in a flood that was not seen in 30 years. It broke down many dams and destroyed countless good fields. Later, someone found that the construction of dams was shoddy and had been reported to the imperial court.

Ning Shihan doesn't have to think about it. Those guys in the imperial history platform will not miss a good opportunity to show their writing and eloquence and show their patriotism. Tomorrow, the imperial court will certainly attack him again.

Ning Shihan sighed that he had never been so unlucky as this year in charge of the power of the work department for so many years. Is it really a bad time?

At the same time, in his study, an Erye convened several confidants to discuss.

"This matter will build momentum among the people as soon as possible. The bigger the trouble, the better. People's resentment will soar to the sky, and the emperor will pay attention to it."

A steward said: "second master, please rest assured that our people have arranged. The people have lost good fields, destroyed houses, and even lost their relatives. They are already sad and can only complain. Now they have the object and goal of venting. If they incite a little, they will certainly attack them."

"Yes, I'll take someone to denounce in front of Ningfu tomorrow." someone seconded.

"Although let go and do it boldly, the premise is not to expose your identity." an Erye's tone is flat, just like dealing with important business affairs on weekdays. Such a light sentence has set off a storm that is no less than the flood that is not seen in three decades for Ning family.

The next day, Ning Shihan first became the target of everyone's attack in the court. He thought about the countermeasures all night, but there was no use in front of the excited royal princes with red faces and thick necks. The continuous attack seemed to make him have no chance to speak, and what made him scared was the emperor's angry eyes.

It was not easy to get to the next court. Half dead and alive, they were carried back to the house, but they couldn't even get in at the door of the house. The front and back doors were blocked by the people who came to denounce.

Someone recognized his sedan chair and shouted, "that's Ning Shangshu's sedan chair. Let's ask Ning Shangshu for an explanation..."

Suddenly, the people rushed in like a flood, and the attendants carried the sedan chair and ran away. However, the red eyed people who ran too fast were surrounded by waves of abuse and accusations. Some even began to throw rotten vegetable leaves and rotten eggs into the sedan chair. Poor Ning Shihan hid in the sedan chair and just peed.