For a time, president Shi couldn't take notice. A cake also led to the five princesses. Although Princess Xiao has a lot of trouble recently, it is related to the reputation of the five princesses. Princess Xiao will certainly not give up.

Trouble, trouble.

"That's right, but at present, this cake is the most suspicious. There is an epidemic in the palace, but it's a big event. If you don't get it right, you'll have to move your head. I think the fifth princess will agree to check the cake for her own reputation. Besides, the fifth princess has no problem with the cake. Maybe there's a problem in someone else's hand. Only after a thorough investigation can she return the cake The princess is innocent, "Hua Shaotang said slowly.

"I agree with Deputy hospital envoy Hua. At present, the most important thing is to find out the source of the disease in order to control the epidemic. This is the imperial palace. Once the epidemic spreads and endangers the holy body, we are all capital crimes." Song Zhizhou of Shangxiang Bureau said seriously.

"We must find out. We can't let go of any doubts." Liu Yuyi also said.

It's about everyone's head. The first Wei Pengyi people closed their mouths wisely, and the situation turned upside down.

Chen min'er said, "this cake needs to be checked. As for some people who suspect that the source of the disease is me, I am also willing to accept the investigation."

Zhou Jing glanced at the people in the house and said coldly, "Chen min'er's disease was diagnosed and treated by me, Xu Yuyi and Deputy hospital envoy Hua. If it is found that Chen min'er has an epidemic, it means that the three of us are not proficient in medicine, and we are willing to bear all the responsibilities."

Last night, she had given Chen miner a pulse to make sure she was fully recovered, so she could say these words with dignity.

Zhou Jing doesn't speak much and is upright. Everyone in the imperial hospital knows this. If she dares to say such a thing, Li Shiqin and Yang guangnian begin to doubt their judgment, but there is indeed a virus smeared on the nail. Can we say that the problem lies with xiaokozi? The path didn't use that nail?

"Zhou Limu, we can trust your character and medical skills," said Li Du and Li Bureau envoy.

"Yes, we doubt that no one will doubt Zhou Limu." another echoed.

The head of the history Court cleared his throat and said, "Doctor Mei, I'm not going to test the cakes soon. As for Chen miner, the court believes her."

"Dean, it's better to find out. My subordinates don't want to be suspected by anyone. Besides, it's the people in the women's department who are ill. Everyone in the women's department should be examined." Chen miner said with awe.

Hua Shaotang took an exaggerated breath and raised his eyebrows: "so, I should also be examined if I have contacted Chen miner. Let's do it!"

Chen min'er turns to look at Li Shiqin with a earthy face. It happens that Li Shiqin is also looking at her. However, at this moment, the bottom of Li Shiqin's eyes is no longer the gentle color, but full of fear.

Do you know now? When you betrayed your friends, did you ever think that you would be punished? When you climbed up on others' heads, did you ever think that you would fall down hard. Li Shiqin, this is only the first step of revenge. Let you taste the taste of loss. In the future, you will lose more and more things. You can't control it. You can only watch it lose until you have nothing.

Li Shiqin has seen Chen miner's quiet eyes. The water is calm, but people are afraid. It's like the last time she forced ah Mo and Ah Wei to write a guarantee. It's like she looked at her eyes without any emotion at the last stitch in the nine needle competition. At that time, she couldn't fully understand the meaning contained in her eyes. Now, she understands, It was self-confidence and disdain. Today, she really failed her.

The general trend is gone. Everything she got with great difficulty will be lost today.

Li Shiqin was unwilling to clench her fist. She was afraid of unspeakable fear. Needless to say, all the consequences would be borne by her. Lord Yang could only sacrifice her for self-protection, and she could only knock out her teeth and swallow blood for the Li family.